
Russia vs U.S.A. ?

Anonyme, Tuesday, March 25, 2003 - 16:12

Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars

FPF - PERISCOPE ITEM : New York Times : "Bush Calls Putin to Protest Sales of Russian Equipment"* Bush calls 'too late' : The Russians never left that oily battlefield with it's - also for Israel - very important water wells.

WASHINGTON, Tuesday, March 24 — "The White House said today that Russian
companies were supplying Iraq with sophisticated military equipment for use
against the United States, and that President Bush had pressed President
Vladimir V. Putin during a phone call this morning to crack down on them

But, alas, that urgent call is definitely too little and too late since the
Russians do not want to lose control of the area. And they never really left
that battlefield out of sight; and they're seem to be back more than ever
apparently. It concerns oil, opium and water for billions of dollars.

According to an Afghani FPF source, a man with 23 years of war experience in
his own war torn country : "The Russians have been back for more than a
year, and give us all the help we want", he is told by his 60+ family in the
area. They confirm this information on the phone, during the many
conversations from Afghanistan.

The "Coalition-Peace-soldiers" - based in Afghanistan, can only move freely
in Kabul. The rest of the country is "of limits". But on the other hand
totally open to the same warlords the CIA hired and trained earlier. The
warlords are apparently now giving the Russian transports the same help and
service as the CIA received. They are known to bring anything across any
border, including Iraq's, as long as it is well paid. By whom doesn't

When asked, this Afghan war veteran confirmed that 'humanitarian help' of
course does include arms. Also according to him, "Russia is doing to the
U.S.A. in Afghanistan - and on a smaller scale in Iraq, what the U.S.-Govt.
and the CIA also did. The latter secretly assisted the Afghan guerilla
warfare against the mighty Sovjet-Army in Afghanistan, and helped Saddam in
his ten year war against Iran.

The warlords and millions of angry Iraqis, backed by Russia and the growing
stream of pro Iraq fighters from neighboring and other muslim countries,
will force the US Army and Govt. to give up on controlling Iraq. Within
fifty days from now, it is thought.

The guerilla war will against western aggressors will never be over again, it
is understood, "That's the price you all will pay in the future, thanks to
the American/Israeli aggression", the future bloodshed is explained.

Quote NYT : "Russia, like France and a number of other countries that
opposed Mr. Bush's decision to go to war, has a long history of business
ties to Iraq. There has been considerable speculation in the United States
and Europe about which nations will have the best shot at profiting from any
reconstruction, oil exploration and production and other business
opportunities in Iraq after the war."

"The CIA, ever mindful of the need to justify its “mission,

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