
expose of errors of fact, logic, and conclusion inherent in GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY

Anonyme, Sunday, March 23, 2003 - 03:37


This is a partial analysis by Chris Soda of a document authored by Canadian Professor A.K.Dewdney entitled: GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY: AN ALTERNATIVE 9/11 SCENARIO. I have used the copy of the document found here and have corresponded with Professor Dewdney and received assurance that this copy is in fact authored by him.
My work here follows the chronological order of Professor Dewdney's document; the earlier analysis you will read concerns comments found near the beginning of GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY and my later analysis concerns comments found near the end of GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY etc. Whenever I have interjected in parenthese my initials will accompany those parentheses. All phrases and sentences in quotation marks are exact quotes from the copy of the document found at the URL listed above:

(1) "If Al Qaida was responsible for the attacks, what possible reason would bin Laden have for not claiming responsibility? The White House claim that Al Qaida's purpose was to inflict "nameless terror" on America is deeply contradictory. The only other terrorist acts for which none of the "regular" organizations took responsibility, namely, the bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, as well as the attack on the USS Cole in 2000, were also blamed on Al Qaida. What reason would bin Laden have for imagining that the terror inflicted by Al Qaida on September 11 would be blamed on anyone but Al Qaida, let alone be "nameless?" It simply fails to make sense. Worse yet, bin Laden has repeatedly denied involvement in the attacks. On September 11 bin Laden said "This terrorist act is the action of some American group. I have nothing to do with it." Later, on September 28, "I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable [sic] act." (Ummat, 2001)"


It is not logical to infer that, because Osama bin laden, or any other individual or group, does not claim responsibility for one or more events, he or that group are not responsible for the perpetration of those events. Many perpetrators of immoral and/or criminals acts do not claim responsibility for their actions nor even acknowledge the immoral and/or criminal nature of those actions. NATO is one such group. (witness their past and ongoing immoral and criminal acts in the Balkans, including the 1999 murders of thousands of innocents) The white male caller who in July 1996 warned of a bomb that would soon detonate in Centennial Park in Atlanta is one such individual. To quote from a news item online:

"By Michael J. Sniffen, Associated Press writer A calm caller believed to be a white male telephoned 911 with a warning just 18 minutes before a pipe bomb blasted an Olympic concert in Atlanta, but an alert state officer had already spotted the knapsack holding the bomb and had begun evacuating people. The 911 call came at 1:07 a.m., too late to play a role in that evacuation, federal officials said yesterday. They credited a Georgia Bureau of Investigation agent with saving lives by acting quickly after he spotted the untended knapsack just before 1 a.m.....The caller said only that a bomb would go off in Centennial Park within 30 minutes but gave no name and did not claim responsibility on behalf of any group...." [this quote from

Professor Dewdney apparently fails to appreciate that killers of innocents often do not claim responsibility for their actions in order to seed confusion and panic amongst the family, friends, sympathizers and/or co-citizens of those innocents. Many terrorist groups and individuals seek to confuse their claimed enemies as much as they seek to kill them directly. To quote from another online article:

"When terrorists undertake objective and demand terrorism, they identify themselves and make known their objective or demand since they want their followers and the rest of the world to know that they were behind the act of terrorism. When they undertake punishment terrorism, they do not do so and leave the victim guessing as to who could have been behind the act. The pre-1994 terrorist united front led by Carlos carried out some acts of punishment terrorism directed against its identified enemies of international capitalism or Zionism for which it did not claim responsibility.

Osama bin Laden, who had spent some months in Khartoum, Sudan, at the same time as Carlos, who is now in jail in France, ordered a number of acts of punishment terrorism against the US after the formation of his International Front in 1998, for which no claim for responsibility was made.

Amongst such acts of punishment terrorism for which no responsibility was claimed, one could mention the explosions in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam in 1998, the attack on a US naval ship in Aden in 2000 and the terrorist strikes of 11 September 2001.

bin Laden wears two hats. He is the head of the Al Qaida, which is a Saudi-centric, exclusively Arab organisation, consisting largely of Saudis, Yemenis, Egyptians and some Algerians. At the same time, he is the head of the International Islamic Front, which is a conglomerate of about a dozen Islamic terrorist organisations of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, the Xinjiang province of China and the southern Philippines. " (from

Professor Dewdney quotes bin laden as saying "This terrorist act is the action of some American group. I have nothing to do with it" and "I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable [sic] act." Absent from Professor Dewdney's "alternative scenario" is the fact that Osama bin laden has publicly encouraged the killing of men, women, and children. For instance, here is one example:

"...On that basis, and in compliance with God's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies--civilians and military--is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it....We -- with God's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it....." (from

The quoted words above were signed by Osama bin laden and others about 5 years before Professor Dewdney offered his "alternative scenario".

Both sets of words are attributed to Osama bin laden. Only one set of those words appears in GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY. A careful scientist and pursuer of the truth would not use information or sources that display contradictory patterns. At the very least the concept of "responsibility" has to be more precisely defined (including the concept as to how this word is defined by Osama bin laden) by anyone offering us an "alternative scenario to 9/11".

Many criminal courts include prosecutors who try to establish, beyond a reasonable doubt, the existence of a method, motive, weapon, prior knowledge, ability to undertake, etc in the execution of murder. If someone (in this case Osama bin laden) has publicly encouraged the murder of a specific group of men, women and children (this specific group being Americans), and the murders of that specific group of men women and children do in fact occur after the public encouragement, and if this person has had associations with and/or aided those who have murdered other men women and children in the past, then this person has through their own volition made themselves suspect.

There is no viable "alternative scenario" to common sense.

Most of all, the record of Osama bin laden and others in Al Qaida, in association and common cause with their support groups, speaks for itself and needs no qualifications....

(2) "Another discrepancy in the September 11 attacks is apparent to anyone who has followed the history of "terrorism." The sheer size of the operation as outlined by the White House, the high degree of coordination involved, and the need for absolute secrecy, is not one, but two, orders of magnitude greater in scale than anything previously attempted by any terrorist group. Indeed, even the previous attacks blamed on Al Qaida were relatively simple operations involving the clandestine transport of explosive materials (by boat or car) to the target site....The scale of the operation [9/11 cs], however it may have been achieved, was more suited to a large, well-organized intelligence agency, with as many as 50 field agents involved, each privy to one or more aspects of the plan. With such a large operation, leaks are inevitable."


Many current members of Al Qaida, and/or their supporters, were part of a very large-scale "operation" in the past: namely, the ousting of the Soviet Union from Afghanistan. This includes Osama bin laden himself. Members of Al Qaida are quite capable of planning and executing complex plans of action and/or simple plans of action involving many personnel. Apparently when Professor Dewdney alludes to the "history of terrorism" he does not consider much of the 1980s which saw 7 years of planning and execution of actions by many of the current members of Al Qaida and/or their supporters to defeat one of the worlds' premier armies...(the success of which means there were very few if any "leaks")....nor is it apparent that Professor Dewdney is aware of the many news and intelligence sources throughout the world who have pin-pointed Osama bin laden and Al Qaida as being quite able, again, to carry out terrorist activities on a large scale and involving large numbers of personnel: to quote examples of this:

"The United Press International reports the analysis of Richard Sale, an expert in terrorism, which states that Bin Laden was most active in the Balkans in mid-June of 1998." (from

"Bulgarian weekly 'Tema' claims that many of the members of the Balkan headquarters [of Al Qaida and their support groups cs] still carry arms, which they got from NATO and the American army, before and during the war in Kosovo. The weekly writes that under the command of Osama Bin Laden's terrorist network, there are around 7,500 Islamic fighters in Bosnia, while their number and around 15.000 on Kosovo. [sic cs] There are as many fighters in Albania and around 5,000 in Macedonia. 'Tema' claims that Ibrahim Rugova, the leader of the moderate political party of the Albanians in Kosovo [sic cs], confirmed this information in a statement published by Reuters..." (this quote also found at

Professor Dewdney states unequivocally that the murders on 9/11 " outlined by the White House, [indicate a cs] high degree of coordination involved, and the need for absolute secrecy, is not one, but two, orders of magnitude greater in scale than anything previously attempted by any terrorist group." but offers no qualitative evidence to support this. As a matter of fact, group of individuals, outnumbered and outgunned, that successfully defended a country from the might of the Soviet Union and can also attack with impunity the citizens in the country of today's premier army, while using stealth as a major weapon, have already established themselves as capable of secrecy of the highest order. To quote a source online:

"Even when the invasion at Normandy began, the Allies let security leaks to indicate the Normandy invasion was a diversion to get the Germans to move their divisions away from the other locations, and that the main attack was about to come at a different location, probably under Gen. Patton. This “hoax

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