

Anonyme, Monday, March 10, 2003 - 12:21
2003-03-10 12:00
Francisco Trindade



The Federative Principle of Proudhon stays in general as one of the pillars of the anarchist thought and it represents culminating of a process that began in 1839. The book is important because it is the first - and the principal stays - of those that treated the Federalism not only, while system of overtaking of sovereignties, but as general beginning of organization of the society.

Significant Quotation:

The political order rests fundamentally in two principles opposite rivers, the Authority and the Freedom: the first initiator, the second conclusive; this tends for corollary the freedom of thought, that the faith that obeys.
Against this first proposition, I don't think that only one voice can rise. The Authority and the Freedom are so old in the world as the human race: they are born with us, and they are perpetuated in each one of us. Let us just notice a thing, the one that few readers would assist: these two beginnings form, so to speak, a pair whose two have, permanent each other, they are however unyielding each other and persist, independently that we do, in perpetual fight. To Solemnity it necessarily supposes a Freedom that recognizes her or deny her; the freedom on your side, in the sense politician of the term, supposes an authority that works with her equally, repress her or tolerate her. One of the two is suppressed; the other doesn't do more sense: the authority, without a freedom that discusses, resists or submits it is a void word; the freedom, without an authority that balances her, is an obstacle sense.

For me, to who a certain press tried to choke the voice, so much for a calculated silence, so much for the masquerade and the offence, I can place this challenge to my opponents:
All my ideas economics, elaborated since twenty-five years ago, they can be summarized in these three words: Federation agricultural industrial.
All my political conceptions are reduced to a formula identical: political Federation or Decentralization.

In summary, who says freedom he says federation, or he doesn't say anything;
Who says republic, he says federation, or he doesn't say anything;
Who says socialism, he says federation, or he doesn't still say anything
Update of the site
With a new text
Technical responsible José Carlos Fortuna.

Pas un événement
Mon, 2003-03-10 14:55

M Trindade a de la difficulté avec l'indexation de ses soumissions.

Ceci n'est pas un événement.

[ ]

c'est la faute du site!
Mon, 2003-03-10 21:32

M. Trinidad n'a pas de problème avec l'indexation, c'est nous(CMAQ) qui ne l'offrons pas!

Si vous êtes sur l'interface anglophone, il est impossible de soumettre des articles!

Je le cris sur la liste depuis quelques jours sans réponse de personne.

[ ]

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