
CMAQ's first salon a success!

Anonyme, Thursday, February 13, 2003 - 18:36


CMAQ hosted its first ever Salon at Cafe Chaos on Wednesday, Feburary 12. Over 30 people gathered to engage in dialogue and to break with conformity.

CMAQ's first ever Salon was a smashing success last night, as over 30 people gathered at Cafe Chaos to discuss media coverage of sex work in Montreal.

Engaged in dialogue were members of CMAQ, members of the Coalition of Sex Workers, CMAQ collaborators, and various individuals from our diverse city. The discussion was primarily centred around media and sex work, but participants commented on everything from society's view of sex, stigmas surrounding the homeless and sex workers, the decrimanalization of sex work, and the importance of alternative media in Montreal.

Within the last half-hour of the Salon, the discussion was graced with the participation of Karina Bravo, a founding member of the Associacion de Trabajadoras Autonomas in Ecuador. Karina spoke about the work of her union in fighting for the rights of sex workers. Much to the interest of many participants she described in detail a few of the strikes that the sex workers have undertaken in Ecuador as they fought against abuse by the governement and by landlords.

Overall the discussion was lively and all who participated were engaged and many opinions were shared. Everyone who was there is encouraged to comment on their experience of the Salon and to publish it on CMAQ.

The next Salon will take place on February 26th at Cafe Chaos from 5 until 7.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Quebec City collective: no longer exist.

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Ceci est un média alternatif de publication ouverte. Le collectif CMAQ, qui gère la validation des contributions sur le Indymedia-Québec, n'endosse aucunement les propos et ne juge pas de la véracité des informations. Ce sont les commentaires des Internautes, comme vous, qui servent à évaluer la qualité de l'information. Nous avons néanmoins une Politique éditoriale , qui essentiellement demande que les contributions portent sur une question d'émancipation et ne proviennent pas de médias commerciaux.

This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.