
Urgent Terror Alert For France

Anonyme, Sunday, February 9, 2003 - 21:20

Imminent possibility of attack on French soil by American Government Terrorists

Urgent Terror Alert For France

Imminent possibility of attack on French soil by American Government Terrorists

Good Afternoon :

This is Martin S. White, President, chief Scientist, and political analyst for the National Alliance for |ndividual and Constitutional Rights. We wish to
inform the French people and government of a grave threat to their Republic, This threat is none other than a possible impending attack by the
US CIA or NSA against French interests within France, Such an attack may be in the form of a nuclear suitcase type device, possible radioactive
aerosol contamination of regions of high population concentration (e.g. Paris, Marseilles), or attack through biological agents, Any such attack
will be blamed by American agents in the French press as an act of "Muslim Terrorism", in order to justify an attack of Iraq, Such an attack by
American secret spy services could result in MASSIVE FRENCH CASUALTIES. NAICR therefore urges all citizens of France to contact their local,
regional, and national government representatives and insist that all American spy personel be asked to leave France at once ! We urge you to
take this warning seriously as the Americans government operatives are very dangerous and cruel cowards who will not hesitate to stoop to the
lowest and most outrageous of abominations to achieve their aims.

Auteur: Martin S. White
dimanche 9 février 2003

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