

Anonyme, Saturday, February 8, 2003 - 12:23


TERRY GROSS - NPR WARMONGER: 1/23/03 audio archive interview URLs to listen to her "FRESH (???) AIR" program interview where she bashes the anti-war movement!

Listen to TERRY GROSS - NPR (Nat'l Propaganda Radio) WARMONGER - host of "FRESH(???) AIR" bash the anti-war movement!:

1/23/03 audio archive URLs to listen to the "Fresh Air" interviews:

- Listen to Terry suck up to Todd Gitlin in this cottonball (not even softball) interview--

Todd Gitlin interview segment:

- Listen to Terry bash and red-bait the anti-war movement as a bunch of dupes in the most hostile interview I've heard outside of Bill O'Reilly's show--

Int'l ANSWER interview segment with Mara Verheyden Hilliard:

Gross -- 'uh-huh, so Saddam *is* going to nuke New York, yeah?' -- held a cottonball interview with Todd Gitlin -- who did his usual red-baiting and dupes-accusing thing. But Gitlin's undisclosed *real* purpose for attacking the anti-war movement is because much of it also supports the Palestinian human rights cause.

(Gitlin—and Gross—are indirectly firing flak for Israel, who many say is one of the *real* reasons the White House is so chomping for war. This, so that Israel can use the war as cover to complete its crushing or ethnic cleansing of “the Palestinian problem

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