
Gemini-9 finally available on CD

gemini9, Saturday, February 8, 2003 - 12:25


Latest news from Gemini-9, and announcement that our CDs are on sale

Gemini-9 is a one-man progressive rock band with an unorthodox and original sound. Our songs talk about the globalization and criminalisation of poverty, the erosion of civil rights and other politised topics of the same kind. We have published 2 albums so far , one in French, MM© (2000), and one in English, Cryptosomnia (2002). The songs from these albums are freely available in mp3 format, along with all the lyrics and the rest of the information about the Gemini-9 from our website

Great news : Gemini-9 albums MM© and Cryptosomnia are finally available on CD. You can order them from our website, payments are accepted in canadian, american or european currency, depending on where you live, by check, monet order or credit card (PayPal). These CDs are entirely auto-produced, and include pocket sleeve, label sticker on the disc, and some extra material that you can browse with a computer. On top of paying the musicians who contributed on these albums, the money collected from the sales of these CDs will be used to finance the rental of the equipment I need to produce my show as I designed it. Our mp3s are still out there freely, in order to reach the greatest audience possible, and this is why I put great effort in producing a nice object that will figure proudly in your CD collection, in case you want to give a more tangible support to the band. Also, the versions appearing on MM© sound better than the free versions.

Finally, I have the pleasure to announce you that Gemini-9 music is starting to cross borders via the airwaves. Radio Penguin, a radio station located in Novosibirsk, Siberia, is interested in our work. I have just sent them our albums and I hope to receive some comments from them soon.

I leave you with the lyrics of two songs featuring on Cryptosomnia.

Adam Richard

Watch the tower

Don't look at the world poverty (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Don't look at our sponsored tyranny (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Don't ask where is going all the money (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Don't worry if mor and more people are hungry (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
All we ask you is to pretend to be happy

Don't ask why we lower your salary (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Just be happy to belong to society (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Don't ask why we have to take away your liberty (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Don't ask how this is supposed to improve your security (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
You wouldn't want us to show you again why this is all necessary

Don't ask about our spying technology (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
You know too much already (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
And if you don't think as we say (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Then you may be a traitor to your country (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
As our God Economy stands almighty

Don't ask why we killed JFK (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
That's another thing you should look away (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Don't look for cleaner sources of energy (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
Oil's worth too much money (Watch the tower! Watch the tower!)
After all, this is all for the American Way

(sounds of 2 planes crashing in towers)


Year 2551
Man has long ago conquered the limits of outerspace
And today, the leader of the motherland UseArth
Will meet with the ambassadors of the planet-colonies
To discuss how to fight poverty
In this era of stellar economy

The meeting will follow the standard procedure
And the participants will be telestarported
To an undetermined trans-focal point in the universe
Each trans-focal point being part of the Interstellarnet

The situation today is dramatic
As 1% of the population owns 99% of the wealth
As no more life-sustaining planets have been discovered in many years
The planets the americahumans currently inhabits
Can hardly sustain life themselves anymore

So it is with these things in mind that
The leader of motherland UseArth
Steps in the matter-transmitter pod
Ready for his molocules to be analyzed
Ready for his body to be ionized
His atoms being detached one by one
Converted to a network signal
Broadcasted across the universe bit by bit
Faster than the speed of light
A beam of particles sent in outerspace
Travelling in the void in a quantic dimension
In order to attend the meeting

But midway through it's journey
Something happens to our beamed up Scotty
His signal is intercepted,
And promptly descrambled
The president of the Universe is hijacked,
Igniting the long awaited revolution from the population
Setting the people of the Universe finally free
From the rich men's tyranny

But in this era of high technology,
How could this be?

Got root!*

* this expression means that a hacker got possession of the root account, which is the administrator's account on computer systems

Gemini-9 official website

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