
'War is NOT the answer' - International Peace Forum in Turkey

Anonyme, Friday, January 24, 2003 - 01:38

IMC Istanbul

Peace activists from Britain, Greece, Germany, Israel, Sweden, USA, and Yugoslavia are meeting in Istanbul to voice their opposition to the war plans on Iraq. The Turkish government has not yet given permission to the U.S.A for the use of its bases, and deployment of U.S forces.

Peace activists from Britain, Greece, Germany, Israel, Sweden, USA, and Yugoslavia are meeting in Istanbul to voice their opposition to the war plans on Iraq. Turkey holds the key to the northern front in this war. The International Peace Forum will voice the call of the international community to turn this key into a key for peace. The Turkish government has not yet given permission to the U.S.A for the use of its bases, and deployment of U.S forces on Turkish soil. A 'NO' from Turkey would throw a wrench into the war machine. The Forum will voice the cries of the rapidly growing global anti-war coalition and ask the Turkish government to play an active role in preventing this war. Invited to Turkey by a broad coalition of peace and human rights groups, the international peace activists will participate in a major domestic peace forum, Assembly of the 100s, on January 25, organize an international peace forum on January 26, and will visit members of the government and opposition party in Ankara on January 27 and urge them to vote against the US demands on the deployment of soldiers and the use of bases.

read more details, the International participant list and contact info at (in english):

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