
Maine: Portland Freedom Weekend Jan11

Anonyme, Saturday, January 4, 2003 - 18:26


January 11 and 12, 2003, Portland and Lewiston, Maine.
Join us for a weekend of empowerment, education, action and music.

On Saturday we will be coordinating a caravan from Portland to Lewiston to protest the Nazi World Church of the Creator. On Saturday night there will be a punk show to benefit the People's Free Space. On Sunday there will be an afternoon of workshops on the Cuban 5 Political Prisoners, a Case against the War in Iraq, and Forest Issues in Northern Maine. On Sunday night there will be an Acoustic Music show at the St. Lawrence Church.
For Schedules, Locations and more info click "Read more" below

January 11
9 AM ˆ Gather in Portland‚s Monument Square for caravan to Lewiston. Demonstrate solidarity with Somalis and other Lewiston locals in helping protest a lecture organized by the nazi organization, World Church of the Creator. This Illinois based hate-group is coming to Maine to call for the expulsion of Somalis from Lewiston. Let‚s show these racists that their bigotry is not welcomed in Maine! Food served at 9, caravan leaves at 10 am. Food will be provided by Food Not Bombs, but additional food is welcomed.

5 PM ˆ Punk Rock Show, benefit for People‚s Free Space (sliding scale $5 - $10). Location TBA, Portland, Maine. Bands: Down to Kill, Pinko and the Action Boys, Jonee Earthquake Band, Social Disgrace, Kermit‚s Finger, Head Collapse, and Impaled Milk.

January 12
12 Noon ˆ 6 PM ˆ Free Teach-in series at St. Lawrence Performing Arts and Community Center, 76 Congress Street, Munjoy Hill, Portland, Maine. An art sale will also be taking place throughout the day at the St. Lawrence to benefit the People‚s Free Space.

12 Noon ˆ Free the Cuban 5! A presentation on the 5 Cuban Political Prisoners in the United States. With members of Let Cuba Live!

2 PM ˆ A Case Against U.S. War In Iraq. Presentation by disgruntled Gulf War veteran, Briggs Seekin. Followed by discussion.

4 PM ˆ An In-Depth Look At A Timber Company‚s Practices In Maine‚s Northern Woods. Multi-media presentation featuring slides and audio. Presented by Maine forest activists, Breanna Norris and Josh Lambert.

6 PM ˆ Acoustic Music Concert and potluck at St. Lawrence Community Center ($5). Benefit for Portland Prisoner Support Project. Food served at 6, music starts at 7pm. Food Not Bombs will be serving, but additional food is welcomed. Performers include: Detritus, Sarah, Dan C., J-Smooth, and other local artists.

* For more information, please contact Feel free to contact us if you are coming from out of town and need a place to sleep on Saturday night.

** Portland Freedom Weekend is being organized by the People's Free Space Collective. We are a group of people trying to start a new community space in Portland, Maine. For more information or to get involved, check out our webpage at

People's Free Space

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