
sick of the war

Anonyme, Friday, December 20, 2002 - 18:29


Just say you turned on the TV saw the death and felt incredibly sick

On the day war is 'officially' declared on Iraq quite a lot of people are going to call in sick.
what's the point? i hear you cry - well a lot of us in temporary Job's can't call a strike or anthing like that cos we would be sacked.
This way the economic machine takes (an admittedly small) dent to profits.
And we get to have the day off!
Personally i will take care to not use any oil on the day- in my own small way this will infentesimally impact on big oil's profits.
It also means i can get out and about with a bit of civil disobedience.
What if thousands did this?
what if it spread worldwide?

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