
globalised Euthanasia

Anonyme, Sunday, December 15, 2002 - 16:03

Equal Earth

by syphoning off more than 70% of the global money supply the Swiss banks cause globalised Euthanasia, poverty, exploitation, oppression and conflict.....

Ye Shall Have Honest Weights and Measures and Respect Limits!
It's your responsibility-C'est votre responsabilité-Es ist Deine Verantwortung-Es su responsabilidad
Global free News and Information Division
NEWSFLASH......Swiss Banks guilty under their own Swiss Laws.....Art.62 of the Swiss Obligationlaw...."Who in unjustifiable manner has enriched himself from the assets of another must restitute the enrichment"......The Nazis burned books, banned/suppressed/perverted any form of criticism other than their own Goebbels Propaganda.....btopenworld follows in their footsteps by banning dissemination of EQUAL EARTH that the Swiss bank nazis and their crooked lawyers control Britain and receive 20 billion pounds in annual interest payments from the British taxpayer.....btopenworld doesn't want you to know this....
which everybody must know - que todos deben saber - que tout le monde doit savoir- die Alle wissen müssen
Global Microcosm Update: In Germany nothing has changed.....Hitler wanted Growth.....with the Green Party, the SPD, the CDU/CSU want the same Growth....with ignorance......Wim Duisenberg/Otmar Issing.....the Swiss banks have been shortselling the Euro/Dollar/Pound so that interest rates are now irrelevant......other than benefitting the charlatans and's another form of EUTHANASIA as pensioners starve and freeze to death on low pensions and 2% interest on their pityful savings......while in degenerate Switzerland they spend the massive illgotten surplus money on cloud machines, underground firing ranges and casinos while the streets stink of dope and the boardrooms are saturated with cocaine......Connex Railways.......Britain is overcrowded/overpopulated......hence the British must be downsized......that's why our new carriages only have legroom for midgets, dwarfs and the trains are so doesn't affect most are standing......Britain - a global microcosm - has created a "flourishing" economy based on overcrowding/overpopulation/poverty wages/debt financed by the Swiss banks with the money they make from shortselling the Pound/Dollar/Euro.....while a small band of racketeers make fortunes from the mass-consumption that arises which needs ever more circulatory growth to keep the rackets from collapsing.......underpaid workers on strike are vilified by the avaricious media acting for the overpaid political oligarchy who are afraid of seeing the bubble economy disintegrate and all the dishonest, deceptive, misleading and false advertising/hype/propaganda disappear.....UBS Enron boss.....we need a Gulf war to cover up this economic mess and drive up the oil price to deflect the public's attention/scrutiny/fears....Swiss Nestlé Director.....we don't know what the British Chancellor is talking about.....our global food sales are up, our global profits are up and so are the sales and profits of our customers like Walmart, Metro, Aldi, Tesco, Sainsbury....we don't see a mass-consumption slowdown......our multi-million pound boardroom salaries/annual bonuses/pensions have to be made for us by the low pay slaves we employ.....mind you driving mass-consumption on a house price explosion always backfires......even though employed British Architects earn less than Swiss bank cleaners…..and luxury nuclear bomb proof Swiss housing is now cheaper than UK slum dwellings.....Asian Tiger economies.....our production is up....we're saturating the world's markets....President Bush....we're boiling/bubbling for a 4% increase in GNP next year.....that's another 500 thousandmillion Dollars of planet destruction.....China....we're now the world's largest exporter with a 12% growth rate.....
Planet Earth.....don't bother to turn off the'll die away all of its own.....despite the 7,450,000 listings under Environment on Yahoo.....and more than 11million under United Nations.....Lawyer.....when the Natural Habitat/Forests/Wildlife sue the totally corrupt/self-serving/dishonest or naive/idealistic/ignorant alcoholic/drug-infested humans (E. & O. E.) for damages it will be the largest ever lawsuit of all times and unpayable because money isn't going to make good.....
First Law of Global Macro-Economics: Money is Planet Destruction is Habitat rub out is Wildlife extermination is global Apartheid is global Holocaust - by SYPHONING OFF/LAUNDERING more than 70% of the world's money the Swiss banks -deceptively/cunningly operating as "global financial institutions"- are the world's foremost planet-destroyer/asset-stripper/thieves.
Second Law of Global Macro-Economics: More humans means more money means more Planet Destruction means more Habitat rub out means more Wildlife extermination means more global Apartheid means more global Holocaust - by inciting through false, misleading, deceptive global/local advertising ever more humans to stash away/hide/launder their money in Swiss banks - planet destruction is insidiuously ACCELERATED/INSTITUTIONALISED/MULTIPLIED.
Third Law of Global Macro-Economics: More Planet Destruction is more self-destruction - as a direct consequence of the Swiss bank incited global moneylaundering/transfer-pricing/tax evasion - all currencies are constantly devalued against the Swiss franc which enables the Swiss banks to constantly increase the flood of debt that impoverishes national economies which in turn destroys the planet as ever larger money flows are recycled to keep/force debt-riddled economies GROWING IN DEBT.
Forth Law of Global Macro-Economics: Neither good nor bad can be eliminated as both contain inherent limits/reassertions - by viciously/maliciously exploiting the consequence of the Swiss franc rising commensurately with debt issued and debtor countries currencies declining/collapsing-enslaving nations/corporations into permanent debt-bondage - the Swiss banks are DISHONESTLY BENEFITTING from other people's misery/indebtedness and the inherent/commensurate planet destruction the Swiss banks cause/inflict/force on their victims.
Fifth Law of Global Macro-Economics: The number of humans must be limited/balanced to limit the money supply to limit planet destruction to limit self-destruction so as to give all species the irrevocable right to a peaceful life and unpolluted habitat - ergo THE SWISS BANKS MUST BE BROKEN UP to limit/balance the global planet-destructive money/debt supply.
Union Leader......of course you can't expect the slaving working masses to watch empty-handed while their feudal masters rape the planet for millions in tax free emoluments......take Unilever....sales up 5%.....profits up 33%.....achieved by firing more than 30,000 workers to enrich the feudal Zuerich stockmarket racketeers/manipulators who made trillions hyping the market up long from 1995-March2000.....then made trillions shortselling the same market which has cost hundreds of thousands their livelihood.....and now again on the long hype upwards.....
Reuters.....since joining UBS (United Bank of Switzerland) we've sacked more than 5000 journalists; i.e. profitability restored to Swiss bank standards......only the global Swiss bank cartels keep expanding/profiting inexorably.....commensurate with their reprehensible arrogance/ignorance......sustained by the obsequious deference of the corrupt creeps which keep coming back for more Swiss bank financed bakshish/fees/commissions/donations/sponsorship/wages......TUC....our Swiss bank financed World Trade Union office has instructed us to sell the globalisation trick to workers despite the fact that we know that globalisation destroys the planet and jobs and only benefits the racketeers who can hide their criminal activities behind a smokescreen of Swiss secret number accounts and letterbox companies that own the rackets where the multi-million annual backhanders, fees, commissions, salaries, expenses, transfer-pricing scams are laundered.....

British Home Office......building a just and equal long as the Swiss banks finance Britain this must rank as the most insidious hypocrisy/false pretence......more people in Britain earn less as more people earn more opening up the most divisive gulf of all time......In the 70s the Swiss banks forced Prime Minister Harold Wilson to kowtow to Zuerich for a massive loan after they shortsold the Pound and thus forced him to devalue the Pound which left the Swiss franc 20% higher....the profit made by the Swiss banks paid for the loan......In the 80s former bank clerk Major was confronted with exactly the same situation.....only he never had to crawl to Zuerich.....the dirty deeds were done in the comfort of the City of London Square Mile.......they made him deny any devaluation up to 'D' day.....or they would bust his "family values" propaganda image.....this year the massive "safe haven outflow" of funds into Swiss francs has already dropped the Pound by nearly 30%.....slightly more than the US's devaluation by the backdoor.....

International tax expert.......In Europe the average work-slave is taxed into total submission to the State on the psychology of Pavlov's dog...... which finances the jet-set lifestyles of the apparatchiks who need ever greater "economic growth" based on population growth to deceive/swindle the masses whereas in Switzerland the average European income would qualify for a tax refund.....because the Swiss apparatchiks enjoy the financial comfort of the Swiss banks......In Britain....some 40% overall tax is deducted from the average serf (female) income of 14,000 pounds p.a......with council tax, water tax, petrol tax, VAT (there is no VAT in Switzerland), sewage tax on's the labour party's thanks to the working slaves......because such high taxes are needed to make up for the gaping treasury hole that the Swiss banks create by syphoning off the big fortunes, incomes, commissions, profits.....low unemployment means millions of low-pay "jobs" as traffic/lollypop wardens, TV license/SS snoopers, security guards and ever more office bound call centre robots, papershuffling "supervisors" and part-time nurses, teachers etc.....In effect.....Britain has created a "flourishing" economy based on overcrowding and over-population which feed low wages and poverty while a tiny bunch of racketeers make tax-free fortunes from the debt-financed mass-consumption that arises......such unstable quick sand economies need ever more circulatory growth or they collapse.....

the money/assets that are flooding into Switzerland -facilitated by lax or non-existent (EU/USA) legislation/political connivance and incited by deceptive advertising and massive accompanying forex short-selling by the Swiss banks- CAUSE the ongoing currency devaluation and consequential impoverishment of other countries (Argentina, Thailand, Brazil, Mexico, USA, United Kingdom, Russia and the EU are just a few examples of major losers) while simultaneously enriching Switzerland.....since the 11th September attack the Swiss have pocketed more than 20 trillion Swiss francs in off-balance sheet forex profits - the Pound having lost nearly 30% of its value and the US Dollar 20%.....this is nothing other than criminal planet destruction blood wonder all the globalised racketeering corporations operate via Swiss letterbox companies.......not just Kirch media.....but also Health centers/clinics....Global Corporate company can now effectively operate/expand a global corporation just on forex profits......ongoing local devaluation also reduces costs of production/wages.....

Another typical Swiss bank tax swindle involves the selling of foreign assets (shares/bonds/cash/gold/silver/diamonds/paintings/sculptures/antiques etc) to Swiss banks against which the Swiss banks will pay value increasing Swiss francs which are converted into value declining local currency (as required) which is borrowed by the tax evader as a loan to finance an extravagant lifestyle depriving the local economy of the tax and the assets while the Swiss franc value constantly appreciates and the local currency loan gets ever larger and must be serviced/repaid from ongoing local racketeering which permitted/facilitated the original scam/swindle in the first place......thus impoverishing the local economy while enriching the Swiss banks.......not surprisingly UBS have taken over South Africa's gold and diamond mines, and are operating property/real estate divisions and art galleries and food chains......

UBS buys Noriba Bank an Arab Sharia bank in Bahrein.....UBS CFO Wuffli.....we will not stop until there is global prostration in deference of the Swiss banks.....Swiss Banking "regulators" admit that they have no idea how many Sharia banks operate in Switzerland.......anybody can use a secret number account or letterbox company to finance terrorism, drug-dealing or any other racket....the Swiss banks make sure nobody finds out......

Transparency International.......the Swiss banks are a law onto themselves and there is nothing we can do about it.....other than condone it.....

What now appears as wealth prices inflated courtesy cheap money.....will evaporate when the accounts/books must be balanced......and the pound will have to join the Euro at par......leaving a massive pile of Swiss franc wonder the Swiss banks support/promote/finance all anti Euro/EU movements......they want to keep the Pound and other currencies as an ongoing forex moneyspinner......

With the gigantic forex profits from the daily money flows that the Swiss banks launder via Zuerich into Swiss francs from their subsidiaries like UBS Warburg, UBS Paine Webber, UBS GAM Asset Management, UBS Philips and Drew, UBS Brinson, Credit Suisse, CSFB, Winterthur/Churchill Insurance, CS Donaldson Lufkin Jenrette, the Geneva Bankers and more than 10,000 Cartel Associates the Swiss banks have trillions in cash which they lend back to their own subsidiaries as Swiss franc back to back loans which the foreign subsidiaries must earn/service in local currency thereby draining the local money supply and increasing the daily profits in Switzerland......Treasury Official.....we've been instructed to read Harry Potter......instead of investigating/breaking up the Swiss bank cartels......
there are more than 10 million tax/accounting-exempt Swiss letterbox companies and more than 250 million secret number accounts operated by Swiss banks.....Credit Suisse aka CSFB boasts more than 70 million and UBS aka UBS Warburg is the world's largest "asset manager" all duly approved/sanctioned by the conniving (EU/USA) politicians/bureaucrats....while No.10 Downing Street deferentially receives Swiss Bundesrat Couchepin........
Sir Peter Davies.....we....Sainsbury and I had no idea that UBS Financial Services/Private Banking is an open pandora's box/protection racket for internal Zürich-based crime syndicates such as for example the AMFQ-CH6 gangsters that use/abuse the global financial clout of UBS to pursue their own racketeering/frauds/thefts/intimidation/coercion/insider/illegal offshore doubt some of them motivated/forced by the strict/extreme profit targets - profit targets that cannot be fulfilled by legal means - that must be achieved/delivered unless you want to get fired.....
Professor of Philosophy......the sick egocentric pretensive professed sensibilities of the murderous, money-motivated human thug species wiping with one hand the bloodstained remains off their meat devouring faces while with the other blessing/driving the ongoing genocide against nature and fellow species is reflected in their double-faced doubletalk about ethics, money, morals, justice, environmental concerns.....the charlatans that have made the environment itself a self-serving moneyspinner are nothing but incorrigible recidivists/Swiss bank lackeys.....
Professor of Finance......Reading University's ISMA centre is financed by the Swiss banks.....that's why we teach/promote the advantages of taxfree Swiss franc banking/transfer-pricing/time-share (you borrow a share to sell it thousands of times long/short, via derivatives, warrants. options and other tricks until the profit becomes embarrassing when you switch stock).....our staff have made fortunes from all the insider tips that are dripping into our faculty.....those who get themselves into debt-bondage/poverty traps only have themselves to blame.....they should have curried favour with the Swiss bank Zuerich gnomes like we have.......of course if everybody did...we'd have to invent new tricks......because you can only have winners if you have losers......ha,ha,ha......frankly the stockmarket is just a gigantic global Swiss bank insider swindle......
Massive ongoing global destruction of the minute remains of rain/virgin-forest cunningly obscured with propaganda about "re-forestation" that consists of bio-destructive cash crop timbers;
massive increasing systemic/degenerative global pollution/wastelaying from accelerating racketeering/industrialisation/construction/infrastructure development/tourism/travel/agri-factories/genetic engineering etc. cunningly obscured with propaganda about "environment/habitat/nature/wildlife protection" turning the entire planet into one gigantic overcrowded/traffic-riddled working/shopping/leisure/gambling mall where money is made/multiplied and recycled to feed the limitless expansion of organised/systematic/legalised planet destruction
cunningly obscured with propaganda about "economic growth/sustainable development" needed to feed, house, clothe, transport, employ, entertain and deceive ever larger masses of humans which are blinded that being good globalised mass-consumption zombies will provide employment and pensions for ever larger future generations of equally stupid globalised mass-consumption zombies - predominantly white with 3 mobile phones, 2 TVs, 500 DVDs/CDs, 2 cars, 2 properties, 2 loan accounts, 5 credit cards, 2 wardrobes of clothes/shoes, a low IQ and bored stiff about what to throw away/buy next/will buy anything that's effect morons who have never read or would never read Wittgenstein (on language), Sartre (La Nausée), Chomsky (on globalisation), Godwin Sogolo (African Philosophy), Leisinger (Prof.Patnaik lecture Cuttack/India on Global Macro-Economics and the Survival of the Species)......
The political charlatans/commisars acting like feudal lords thrive on the intrinsic chaos they create because the social/economic/psychological/sanity/health/accident/ecological consequences of their criminal pursuits of personal
self-interest/self-aggrandisment/power under the false pretences of moral/ethical/social justice serve only one purpose;
i.e. to win the next elections obscured with propaganda about "democracy" that consists of a feudal/unaccountable oligarchic bureaucracy financed with the money that is made from ever more planet destruction. Geneva-based United Nations - on the advice of the Swiss banks - legalises Ivory trade; Motto: if it don't make money it ain't worth saving....
In Europe totalitarian power-crazed Politicians/EU commisars with the usual secret number accounts in Swiss banks where they can stash away the secret backhanders/commissions/consultancy fees/advisory pay offs - often legally invoiced via Swiss letterbox companies that they have suitably exempted from annual accounts and tax protect the very same racketeers that finance their political/economic masterplans that serve to delude the masses, finance the exclusive five-star lifestyles within the ivory towers that protect them from the very masses they pretend to serve and sponsor ever more environmental/social/charitable/economic protection organisations as a decoy; organisations that have only one purpose; i.e. to "protect the environment" for ever more planet-destructive globalised mass-consumption zombies causing the extermination of ever more innocent fellow species.
ATAG-Ernst & Young-Cap Gemini Accountant......UBS own us....we're just a front.....nobody knows what's going on behind those Zuerich/Basel/Geneva/Lugano can you audit Swiss Banks/Financial Services groups when all the money is hidden behind secret number accounts/letterbox companies.....they forced the markets to collapse in the same ways as they previously forced them up......yet they keep's global racketeering......they operate like the Nazis did under Hitler.....there's the Gauleiters (Vice Chairmen for each country they've taken over), then there's the Obersturmbannführers (local Managing Directors), the Sturmscharführers (local Vice Presidents), the Rottenführers (local brokers) and the Scharführers (local tricky dickies doling out the brown envelopes).....retired Swiss bank Director.....we told Hitler.....leave those soldiers and guns at don't need them.....we'll show you how to take over the world.....he wouldn't we had to do it without him......
IUCN......there is less than 6% of global landspace for wildlife, natural habitat and nature.....but we don't give a dam.... (there are more than 50,000 major dams silting up the world's water channels) long as the multiplying/breeding/thieving humans are allright......the oceans into which some 40,000 rusty steel drums containing radio-active waste - from more than 400 Nuclear Power stations (plus 400 under construction) have been dumped are overfished, polluted, poisoned and overcrowded with wastelaying ships transporting the human produced rubbish from one continent to another.....
Switzerland the world's financial planet destruction/asset-stripping centre lays on suitable events from skiing, forums, galas, environmental organisations to exhibitions to permit the moneylaundering/transfer-pricing elite to come and count the loot; lately some of them have decided to send their wives to do the dirty work always under charitable pretensions of course. Seen in Basel attending some charity event, the wife of the Japanese Emperor, Mrs. Mubarak, Madame Prodi, Senora Chavez amongst others.......
Forensic macro-accountant.......the globally incited gigantic money flows into Swiss francs that constantly devalue all currencies are the rootcause of the massive accelerating planet-destruction we have witnessed in the last 30 line with the phenomenal global expansion of the Swiss fact more planet destruction has taken place since the 1972 Stockholm summit than in the previous 60 million devalueing all currencies against the Swiss franc and then ploughing back billions as cheap loans the Swiss banks are the world's official institutionalised crime syndicate because the loans have to be paid back in Swiss francs from commensurately declining local currency values thereby driving massive underlying monetary inflation/planet destruction.....when Britain joins the Euro the pound will have to be devalued to reflect the inflation that drove the consumption boom that wiped out the last scraps of unpolluted greenfield effect the cheap loans finance the massive planet destruction that can be witnessed from deforestation to pollution......if any other species engaged in such criminal behaviour the humans would wage war to stop the iniquity.......instead the planet has turned into a global Auschwitz.....the Swiss banks are the self-serving camp guards and the natural life support system comprising Nature and Fellow Species the victims which are being exterminated.....
Professor of Sociology……the Swiss banks have financially colonised/enslaved the world without firing a bullet…..on the backs of a corrupt army of deferential/paid bootlickers/criminals… syphoning off more than 75% of the world's assets the Swiss banks constantly devalue all currencies.....the vast profits made from the rise in the value of the Swiss franc can then be recycled for more of the would be grotesque even if it were not a crime.....
ANC Leader......the Swiss banks financed our white oppressors and still do.....we expurged Apartheid in South Africa only to find it firmly embedded all over the world......the Swiss banks helping the rich to ever more exploitation, financing their globalised sweat shop cartel rackets whereby 50 cent a day wages are transfer-priced via tax-free Swiss letterbox companies into 50 dollar products......leaving 49 dollars in Switzerland......the Swiss based/controlled WTO/GATT/UNCTAD/UNIDO charlatans call this "free trade"........
Professor of Ecology.......todays' worst Apartheid/Holocaust is that which humans inflict on what's left of wildlife, nature and eco-systems......unfortunately Tigers, Pumas, Pandas, Rhinos, Lions, Giraffes, Elephants, Hippos, Birds of Paradise - to name just a few of the two million main types of fellow species with whom humans share the planet - don't have a Nelson Mandela/Winston's self-evident that an illiterate Harry Potter deciphering public neither cares nor understands.....
(Swiss bank Credit Suisse aka CSFB says when we appointed former German Chancellor Dr. Helmut Kohl, Vice Chairman of our Supervisory Board in Zuerich we thought it was a suitable conclusion of the fact that we already own Deutsche Bank and indirectly the entire German Industry arising from all those pre-war scams with the Nazis (Swiss banks financed Nazi re-armament in the 30s) - while our brother-in-arms UBS (United Bank of Switzerland) own the English speaking world via their global cartel associates - it permits John Costas the Manager of the UBS Warburg football team in Stamford Connecticut - the one that needs two football fields to accommodate all the players - to say that UBS only have 4% of the US market when they control 100% of all trading on the US/global stock/commodity/forex/bond markets via the untouchable Zuerich transfer-pricing insiders that manipulate the world with the trillions that flood into Switzerland courtesy the political charlatans that exempt/exonerate Switzerland from any accounting or tax rules which has enabled the worlds' richest 100 million millionaire earners and their acolytes never to pay a penny in tax and recycle their loot into the planet destruction/wildlife extermination/habitat rub out even an idiot can witness.
British Legion/US/Canadian/Australian War Veterans......we've effectively fought two world wars to facilitate the Swiss banks' global financial 'nazi' ambitions because nobody has as much abused and unfairly benefitted and enriched themselves from the "free world" we created as they have.....this iniquity must at long last be rectified......unfortunately our politicians are too ignorant or pre-occupied to see how we have become impoverished/over-taxed while the Swiss are buying up the world with our money......
Lionel Jospin…..j’ai perdu les élections parce’que je n’avais pas le temps de m’en occuper.... j’étais trop engagé comme porte-parole pour les banques suisses et ses industriels qui ont crées ‘’ pour encore mieux faciliter le blanchissage de l’argent et promouvoir la Suisse pour les fausses factures.....les Suisses appèlent ça ‘sauver l’environnement’ oui.....leur environnement financier/industriel.....mais je suis ne savais rien.....
Boris Becker.......the Swiss banks are corrupting sports people all over the world with totally unscrupulous, misleading and dishonest TV and media advertising......sports people are not accountants, know nothing about money (except for the UBS yacht billionaires) and are easily enticed by the "Kray Brother" types that the Swiss banks employ to hand over their money in exchange for "protection" from 'your country's tax extortion that wants to bleed you of your hard-earned price money'.......their latest advertising on Eurosport TV under the fraudulent banner of "The Power of Partnership" is nothing but a blatant invitation/incitement for moneylaundering and transfer-pricing that can give you a prison sentence for tax evasion....and leaves the Swiss banks as clean as ever.....
Police Chief......we are condemned to catch and prosecute the small fry.....when board room insider criminals on million pound incomes - made on the backs of underpaid slave labour - make additional millions selling their surplus properties/stocks/assets to their companies in excess of market value while sacking thousands of workers the same day......we can only turn a blind eye......these guys have the City's very own Swiss bank protection.......shareholders/small investors/pensioners are just mugs in this global institutionalised Swiss bank crime racket.......
Rato.....queremos facilitar a los bancos suizos el unico opportunidad de recaudar fondos espanoles con fines beneficos......el numero de telefono de su mas illustrisimo proponente/defensor banco suizo (UBS) es en todos los aeropuertos de hay impuestos ni evasión ni blanqueo de dinero ni traslado de precios/falso facturacion en las leyes muy comodo que las leyes de la EU no son aplicable a los bancos hecho no hay ningun ley que es aplicable a los bancos suizos......esto es la causa de su exito global......
Edmund Stoiber…..die CDU/CSU war immer mit den Schweizer Banken verbunden…..darum lassen wir sie auch in Deutschland mit ihren Werbe-Kampagnen immer neue Steuer-Hinterzieher mit den Vorteilen eines Schweizer Nummern Kontos vertraut zu machen…..der Deutsche Steuerzahler ist ja ein Idiot…..
UBS says the fact is that we had to invent "derivatives", "warrants", and the now common "long and short" trading rackets because limits were breached a long time ago: if you have one million houses and one million buyers you could have a balanced, stable market but if you have only two million houses and two hundred million buyers or vice versa you have got to create some artificial market to draw the suckers; it means going long to drive the prices up; i.e. pretending there are less houses than in existence or going short; i.e. pretending that there are more houses than in existence to drive the prices down. It's what's happening now all over the world: the great benefit for the Swiss banks is that all the profits made flood back into Switzerland while the losses stay in the countries where they are incurred..... It's like selling or buying the same time-share for thousands of weeks in any one year.....
......In the USA it was veni vidi vici - within less than one year of being accredited on all the US stock-exchanges - UBS control the SIA, the ABA and the SEC - our daily trading volumes - originated from our Zuerich insider treasury via London, Connecticut, Singapore, Hongkong and dozens of other locations - are so massive that we are the undisputed leader and deferentially acknowledged as such.....the american hillbillies are complete the SIA we (UBS Warburg) head the TAX Expert panel.....because nobody has as much experience in tax evasion/moneylaundering/transfer-pricing scams as we do.....
Instead of blowing up one balloon and risk it bursting we now blow up billions of balloons and burst them as we please.....yes UBS are now officially running global Enron oil/gas trading.....we introduced the global stockmarket "game" on condition that its "game rules" be kept secret from the small investors......and of course we invented "risk management" whereby the risk is transferred to the small investor/pensioner/saver who get clobbered when we manipulate the markets from Zuerich/London/Connecticut.......UBS head the "Investor Education Panel" of the SIA; the kind of education that's made UBS the world's richest financial institution......
Luqman Arnold……Credit Suisse taught me the tricks…..UBS gave me the playing field……I snatched Paine Webber for pettycash of 12billion…..Ospel said with 20 trillion in cash we can buy up any banking jerks… they’ve placed me with the Abbey National….because it’s next on the shopping list…’ve got to place all this stolen cash somewhere…..UBS already owns the London Stock Exchange so it’ll be easy to manipulate all the fags…..they’re already salivating for the Swiss bank lolly…..never mind it’s all stolen…..corruption is infective…..I believe I am particularly suited as CEO of Abbey National following my statements made to the Swiss Financial Times (Wirtschaftswoche) extolling the advantages of Swiss bank facilitated moneylaundering and transfer-pricing practices and telling the Swiss to be more aggressive and less circumspect about tax evasion and letterbox companies.....
Frankly says a Swiss Bank General Director we knew foreign governments are corrupt from the Nazi era but the way they now sustain our rackets borders on the perverse. It's difficult to know whether they are simply stupid or corrupt. No wonder EU commisars Bolkestein, Austrian and Luxembourg Finance Ministers Grasser and Juncker to name just a few go out of their ways to accommodate our accounting/tax haven which is nothing but a global cronies paradise while multi-bureaucrat Solano acts as an accredited speaking voice for Credit Suisse and Romano Prodi runs his own investment empire from Zuerich.......Prodi.....of course I think the Stability Pact is stupid......all my money is in Swiss Francs......I don't want the Euro to rise.......Before doing away with Roberto Calvi we made sure he left his briefcase in Zuerich.....since then we have legalised narcotics in Switzerland which helps a lot.....since when our "dirty tricks" departments have infiltrated/corrupted just about every government/institution/organisation/media/law firm including the CIA, MI5, MI6, the House of Lords etc.....Secret Service Director......what can we do.....we can't understand their "Schwyzerdütsch".....
Religious Brotherhood….Opus Dei….by exterminating all wildlife, natural habitat and ‘jungles’ we are creating the “garden of eden where the only animals are pets, meat-feedlots and caged zoo specimens


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