
Gender (fem.; sex.)

[France, Polanski] Critique littéraire du colonialisme sexuel français

Anonyme, Lundi, Octobre 12, 2009 - 04:59


L’intérêt de SARKOZY à nommer le plus ignoble des mitterrandiens, ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, est d’expérimenter, à large échelle, la répression pour propos diffamatoire.

Afin de contrôler le champ d’expression, l’internaute doit intégrer « la peur du gendarme ».

Cependant, je prends le risque d’écrire…

« La liberté ne s’use que si l’on ne s’en sert pas ».

L’article qui suit ne pourrait hélas ! figurer dans « Le Canard Enchaîné » dont la maxime est extraite.

Appel a protester contre you tube france pour diffusion d'une vidéo appellant au lynchage des homos

Anonyme, Mercredi, Juillet 15, 2009 - 09:33

Indian Divorce in U.S. Courts

Anonyme, Vendredi, Juin 12, 2009 - 17:26

Gabriel Sawma

Many Indian nationals had their marriages in India and domicile in the United States. They travel back to India for the purpose of obtaining divorce judgments according to the Hindu law. The issue of jurisdiction becomes important factor for the recognition of their foreign divorce judgments in the United States. This article analyzes this issue.

Remembering the Stonewall Rebellion in this week's Socialist WebZine

Anonyme, Mardi, Juin 9, 2009 - 22:55


* Remembering the Stonewall Rebellion (The Stonewall Inn, a gay and lesbian neighborhood bar with a large number of African American and Latino patrons, was also well-known as a safe space for those who did not conform to gender norms...)
* Socialists Protest NYC Library Cuts
* A Socialist Speaks: An Interview with David McReynolds
* Peruvian Strike Backs Indigenous Protests
* The "Colombianization" of Chihuahua
* Celebrating Howlin' Wolf and Les Paul

Solidarity with Queer Bulgaria: 27 June 2009

Anonyme, Vendredi, Mai 29, 2009 - 10:17


The International Queer Solidarity Network calls for a European mobilization, with support from the United States, that will stand in solidarity with Queer Bulgaria

La pornographie en question

Anonyme, Vendredi, Avril 24, 2009 - 10:13

Réflexions sur la pornographie

Islamic Divorce in US Courts

Anonyme, Mercredi, Avril 22, 2009 - 00:44

Many Muslim American men travel to foreign countries to obtain quick Islamic divorce. Most often the husband who goes to a foreign country leaves his wife, property and children in the United States. This type of divorce may be valid in the foreign country but it is not necessary valid in the United States.

Why Bonobos Are More Successful Feminists Than You Are

Anonyme, Jeudi, Avril 9, 2009 - 22:37

Ciaran Dubhuidhe

Bonobos have no ideology, they just do it.

Urgent petition to save the lives of 128 homosexuals sentenced to death in Iraq

Anonyme, Dimanche, Avril 5, 2009 - 02:54

EveryOne Group

EveryOne Group and civil society in democratic countries have taken up the appeal from the IRAQI LGBT association, based in London, which calls on activists and democratic citizens to take part in an international campaign to save the lives of 128 prisoners sentenced to death because they are homosexual.

According to the judicial and religious authorities, the prisoners will be murdered in groups of about 20 people. The first series of executions is imminent. »»


The Revolution Delayed: 10 Years of Hugo Chávez’s Rule

Anonyme, Samedi, Février 21, 2009 - 18:16

El Libertario, Venezuela

* A translation of a March 2008 interview conducted by the French anarchist Charles Reeve with two members of the El Libertario group in Caracas, the nation’s capital, which offers some stark insights into the reality of the situation.

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