Resistance & ActivismThe Other Campaign: Zapatistas Seek United Mexican LeftAnonyme, Vendredi, Janvier 20, 2006 - 17:33
David Van Deusen
San Cristobal, Mexico, January 1st 2006 -Deep in the Mountains and jungles of Chiapas, populated primarily with indigenous peasants, stirs a force which is seeking to upstage the high financed drama of the 2006 Mexican presidential election. The force grows out of rebel occupied territory held by the EZLN, commonly known as the Zapatistas. The Zapatistas control five regions in Chiapas. Each of these regions includes many small villages, containing a total population in the tens of thousands. Since an armed uprising launched on January 1st, 1994 (the day NAFTA went into effect) these communities have been administered autonomously, guided by humanitarian principles, and utilizing directly democratic decision-making structures at a local level. Their autonomy stems from a shaky cease fire agreement with the Mexican government which has more or less been in effect since the mid-nineties, and is guarded by a standing rebel army estimated to be in the thousands. However, over the course of the last five years the EZLN, who have political aspirations far beyond Chiapas, has found itself more and more isolated from the larger, but fragmented, Mexican left. This isolation has greatly hampered Zapatista attempts to expand their practical influence beyond their few rural strongholds. La Page Noire fait la boom!Anonyme, Vendredi, Janvier 20, 2006 - 11:37
Anonyme Dez
Salut à touTEs! Bolkestein : les dockers donnent l'exempleAnonyme, Vendredi, Janvier 20, 2006 - 09:25
Alternative libertaire
16 janvier, 10000 dockers venus de toute l’Europe ont manifesté Appel a contributions : ateliersalonanarchistes du 7e Salon du livre anarchiste - MontrealAnonyme, Vendredi, Janvier 20, 2006 - 09:20
Salon du livre Anarchiste de Montréal
1. Appel à contributions : Ateliers du 7e Salon du livre Anarchiste de The Recuperated Factories in ArgentinaAnonyme, Jeudi, Janvier 19, 2006 - 19:35 The occupations, therefore, in the great majority of cases, were not carried out from political motives -- although they were, in general, initiated by the more politicised elements -- but were due to desperation: either occupation or hunger The Alito Hearings: Jubilation of the Fascists and Anger of the PeopleAnonyme, Mercredi, Janvier 18, 2006 - 17:26 (Analyses | Culture | Democratie | Education | Elections & partis | Family | Femmes / Women / Mujeres | Gender (fem.; sex.) | Globalisation | Imperialism | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Racism | Religion | Resistance & Activism | Hommes / Men / Hombres) People expected last week’s Senate hearings on Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito to be a major political clash. But the political battle people hoped for did not materialize. By week’s end, two things stood out. The Alito Hearings: Jubilation of the Fascists and Anger of the PeopleAnonyme, Mercredi, Janvier 18, 2006 - 17:26 (Analyses | Culture | Democratie | Education | Elections & partis | Family | Femmes / Women / Mujeres | Gender (fem.; sex.) | Globalisation | Imperialism | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Racism | Religion | Resistance & Activism | Hommes / Men / Hombres) People expected last week’s Senate hearings on Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito to be a major political clash. But the political battle people hoped for did not materialize. By week’s end, two things stood out. New revelations about U.S. complicity in the 1975 invasion of East TimorAnonyme, Mercredi, Janvier 18, 2006 - 17:20 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Imperialism | Politiques & classes sociales | Resistance & Activism) 16 January 2006. A World to Win News Service. New revelations about US, British and Australian complicity in the 1975 Indonesian invasion of East Timor have emerged after 30 years. Recently declassified memorandums and cables lay bare the dark and ugly secrets of the imperialist powers’ involvement in that colossal crime against a nation and its people – and the extent to which they connive, collude and seek to hide what they are doing from their own people and the world. About the FSA-Caracas 2006 and the venezuelan situationAnonyme, Mercredi, Janvier 18, 2006 - 15:03
CRA - El Libertario, Venezuela
º In this interview with the mexican alternative news group La Rosa Negra (LRN-ci), the CRA from Venezuela explains the importance of the Alternative Social Forum, which will take place in a few days, and comments about their activity as an anarchist group. About the FSA-Caracas 2006 and the venezuelan situationAnonyme, Mercredi, Janvier 18, 2006 - 15:03
CRA - El Libertario, Venezuela
º In this interview with the mexican alternative news group La Rosa Negra (LRN-ci), the CRA from Venezuela explains the importance of the Alternative Social Forum, which will take place in a few days, and comments about their activity as an anarchist group. ![]() |
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