
Droits / Rights / Derecho

Florida Youth Wins International Human Rights Award

Anonyme, Jeudi, Septembre 15, 2011 - 09:05

The Governor of the State of Chiapas, Mexico, Juan Sabines Guerrero, also received the “Hero Award” for his work to incorporate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the new state constitution.

Immigrants tortured and "disappeared" by Greek police after a raid August 22, 2011 - torturés et disparus par la police grecque

CMAQ via Mic, Mercredi, Septembre 14, 2011 - 13:37

John Gouvas, Sociologist – Graduate researcher of Law

[ Résumé français par Mic du CMAQ:
   Des Kurdes réfugiés et des personnes immigrantes ont été blessés et auraient été torturés par la police grecque le 22 août 2011 lors d'un raid policier.  Des gens interpellés par leur cause sont sans nouvelle de ces personnes, alors que les Kurdes seraient des réfugiés par défaut.  Un universitaire grec en droit lance donc un appel à l'aide.]

Medical treatment and legal aid is required for the irregular migrants (at least three of them are of Kurdish origin; therefore, may very well be prima facie refugees) who are being detained after the raid of the Greek police in Egoumenitsa, Greece on 22 August 2011.

One of the victims (an irregular migrant allegedly from Morocco who may also very well be either a refugee or stateless) was arrested at the hospital where he had gone in order to receive treatment after having been tortured during the aforementioned raid. The wounds inflicted upon him are depicted at the photographs provided at the following link of the Athens Indymedia Organisation along with pertinent information (provided in Greek language):

PHILIPPINES: High price of electricity is anti-women, anti-poor

Anonyme, Lundi, Septembre 12, 2011 - 05:45

Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)

MANILA, Philippines – In a society where women are mostly in-charge of managing the household budget, higher electricity rates mean additional burdens and deeper indebtedness for Filipino women, especially those who already find it hard to make ends meet.

Nonviolent activist killed under torture in Syria - Montreal collective calls for action

CMAQ via Mic, Samedi, Septembre 10, 2011 - 14:11

Collective for Syria in Montreal

photo du jeune homme, cheveux courts noirs, bras croisés sur une table de cuisine, arborant un léger sourire.Fear for life and safety of other activists still in detention

The Collective for Syria in Montreal was horrified to learn of the death of Ghayath Mattar in Syrian custody earlier today. According to reports received from contacts in Syria, Mr. Mattar died under brutal torture after being arrested by Syrian security last week. Syrian officials have been seeking him since April for his role in organizing protests in the town of Darya.

Mr. Mattar was an active proponent of non-violent action to challenge repression in Syria. He was married, and his wife is expecting their first child. He was 26 years old.

"This is very painful; too much to bear to think of that beautiful young man, who represents the best among us, to be killed so brutally. It is a strike against all of us, against all that is good in humanity. But what the regime needs to understand is that when they cut one of us down like that, ten more will arise in his place."

Quand la LDH et certains "médias militants" collabore au fascisme

Anonyme, Samedi, Septembre 10, 2011 - 09:17

Olivier Theron

Un petit mail de la LDH à mon sujet et dernière infos en ce qui me concerne et indirectement la Vélorution toulouzen

Palestina, hacia una gran victoria moral

Anonyme, Jeudi, Septembre 8, 2011 - 19:46

Ángel Guerra Cabrera
La Jornada/Rebelión

Se acerca la fecha en la que Palestina recibirá en la Asamblea General (AG) de la ONU el reconocimiento que le corresponde como Estado independiente y soberano miembro de la organización con más de las dos terceras partes de los votos necesarios. No menos de 130 y probablemente entre 140 y 150 de los 193 países que la integran.

Israel teme a la Justicia internacional

Anonyme, Jeudi, Septembre 8, 2011 - 18:03

Por Juan Gelman

Está muy claro en un cable caratulado como “secreto” que el embajador estadounidense en Tel Aviv, James B. Cunnin-gham, envió a la Secretaría de Estado el 23 de febrero del 2010 luego de reunirse con el abogado general militar de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI), Avichail Mandelblit (//, 30-8-11). El ministro de Justicia de la Autoridad Palestina (AP), Ali Kashan, había solicitado al fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI), Luis Moreno Ocampo, que se investigaran los crímenes de guerra israelíes cometidos desde 2002 en los territorios palestinos ocupados, incluida la llamada Operación Plomo Fundido, que segó la vida de 1400 pobladores de Gaza.

[ Mic du CMAQ: cet article est, nous croyons, protégé par un copyright, donc nous avons retiré le texte mais inclut le lien.
© 2000-2011 ]

Inauguration de l’exposition au Québec « Anne Frank – Une Histoire d’Aujourd’hui »

Anonyme, Jeudi, Septembre 8, 2011 - 08:00

Maud Charon

La Maison Anne Frank a le plaisir d’inaugurer l’exposition itinérante « Anne Frank-Une Histoire d’Aujourd’Hui »
- dédiée à la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et à la vie d’Anne Frank - le 11 novembre 2011, jour du souvenir, à
11h. Cette inauguration aura lieu au collège Bourget à Rigaud, première école à recevoir l’exposition au
Canada, et sera le point de départ d’une tournée québécoise.

8th Annual Human Rights Youth Summit - Creating Leaders through Human Rights Education

Anonyme, Mercredi, Septembre 7, 2011 - 23:18

Dustin McGahee

Youth are experiencing violations of their human rights by being discriminated against, emotionally and physically tortured and not having their right to privacy respected, daily at schools under the title of bullying. This is why it is important for everyone to understand human rights.

Solidarity Action for a comrade detained in Norway - !Acción Solidaria

Anonyme, Lundi, Septembre 5, 2011 - 12:41

Andre is a Norwegian comrade, our loyal and good friend who had the
misfortune to experience psychological repression, whilst fearing for his life and freedom.

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