

'Peace Under Fire': Montreal Activists Bear Witness to Palestinians' Plight

simms, Samedi, Octobre 16, 2004 - 00:13


Montreal, September 16th - The limited but welcoming space of Café Esperanza's "Waiting Room" was filled to the brim Friday night for the Montreal launch of "Peace Under Fire", a compilation of stories about the experiences of International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activists in Israeli-occupied Palestine, and about the struggle of the Palestinian people in general.

La saisie de serveurs Indymedia: une atteinte à la liberté de presse

neonyme, Vendredi, Octobre 15, 2004 - 22:08


Mettre au silence plus de 20 sites autour du globe, sans aucune accusation ni explication, est une atteinte sévère à la liberté d'expression qui devrait troubler les organisation de presse du monde entier.

ACTION : SVP, signez la déclaration de solidarité avec Indymedia qui dénonce la saisie des disques durs et qui demande le dévoilement complet de qui sont impliqués dans cette saisie, une copie de l'ordre de cour, et une enquête indépendante sur toute violation survenue durant le processus.

Victoire d'Indymedia ?

Anonyme, Vendredi, Octobre 15, 2004 - 03:09

Tout le monde parle de victoire, je ne vois pas où

Clandestine Interview from Haiti: Resistance in the Slums of Port-au-Prince

Anonyme, Jeudi, Octobre 14, 2004 - 11:22

Black Commentator

Canadian, America, French, United Nations sanctioned genocide looms....


PASC, Jeudi, Octobre 14, 2004 - 10:37


le 12 juin 2004, alors que les Pasajeros participaient à l’événement culturel organisé par la Centrale des travailleurs et travailleuses, (Central Unitaria de Trabajadores ) ils furent brutalement arrêtés. Comme il est de coutume dans la Colombie de Uribe, un informateur masqué s’est présenté devant les musiciens et les a désignés comme étant des « terroristes ». Sans aucune autre « preuve » et sans procès, les trois membres des Pasajeros furent incarcérés.

ISM Update and Reports: Olive Harvest Campaign Updates + Waiting for Shabak

simms, Jeudi, Octobre 14, 2004 - 07:48

International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

An ISM update from the palsolidarity mailing list ..

  1. Olive Harvest Update from Nablus: "a sign of a successful day..."
  2. Report from the Village of Salim and Balata Camp, Nablus
  3. Waiting for Shabak


Catholic Priest Arrested in Haiti

Anonyme, Jeudi, Octobre 14, 2004 - 04:36

Haiti Information Project

Former military and death squads are heavily armed and will be attacking pro-Aristide strongholds with United Nations complicity. Mass killings are expected. Denounce these actions, tell the Canadian government who sit idly by knowing that they have overthrown democracy and are covering up the most heinous of crimes committed in the names of their citizens and "humanitarianism" in Haiti!!! Expose their lies!

United Nations leading repression of popular resistance in Haiti

Anonyme, Dimanche, Octobre 10, 2004 - 03:05

Haiti Information Project

In violation of the UN Charter and their mandate in Haiti, UN forces are illegally detaining civilians. the majority of Haitians still support the return of elected President Jean Bertrand Aristide, contrary to UN and mainstream media distortions.

Solidarité avec Gabriel, José, Bart et Begoña

Anonyme, Samedi, Octobre 9, 2004 - 12:00


Anarchistes arrêté-e-s à Aachen, Allemagne

<b>A callout for witnesses!</b> WTO July'03 - Were you there?

Anonyme, Lundi, Octobre 4, 2004 - 21:22

[The callout below is in support of a local activist facing serious charges in relation to the courthouse incident described below. Keep in mind that Jaggi Singh has already been acquitted of all WTO-releated charges, and Dexter X wasn't even charged (although he was the victim of
violence by security guards). Still, one activist still faces charges, and there will be four upcoming trials for the hundreds of persons arrested in the Green Zone on July 28, 2003. For more info, or to help: or 514-409-2049.]

[Translated from the French - French follows]

A callout for witnesses!

Were you there on July 30, 2003 at the Palais de Justice in Montreal, during the bail hearing for Jaggi Singh? If so, please get in touch.

To recall: Jaggi was arrested on July 28 for a breach of condition, during the mobilization against the WTO that took place in Montreal between July 27-29, 2003.

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