


Anonyme, Mardi, Décembre 31, 2002 - 15:20

alex du COBP

Ils sont détenus dans des conditions inhumaines au mépris des règles élémentaires du légalisme formel, sans accusations et pour une durée indéterminée, isolés du monde, sans accès au service de leur consulat ou de leur avocatE. De plus, le gouvernement US résiste à toute tentative de divulguer leurs noms. Des centres de détention de l’Immigration Naturalization Service jusqu’au camp militaire de Guantánamo Bay, tel est le sort réservé à l’écrasante majorité de ceux qu’il faudrait appeler les prisonniers du 11 sept.

Special dossier: Jaggi Singh in Palestine

omar, Dimanche, Décembre 29, 2002 - 19:40

This "special dossier" consists of reports and interviews that Jaggi Singh has e-mailed to the CMAQ as he reports on the situation in Palestine.

Jaggi Singh is a writer, independent journalist and a social justice activist based in Montreal.

Jaggi Singh update from East Jerusalem ...

A slow process of ethnic cleansing

Update: The Case of Palestinian worker Jihad Abu Id

Entering Palestine ...

The Israeli Army is looking ...

Report from Manger Square, Bethlehem: Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, & Free Palestine

Resistance in Occupied Palestine: An interview with Ghassan Adoni

Resistance in Occupied Palestine: An interview with Ghassan Adoni

omar, Dimanche, Décembre 29, 2002 - 19:19

Jaggi Singh

Resistance in Occupied Palestine: A discussion with Ghassan Adoni (ISM co-founder), by Jaggi Singh (for CKUT Radio in Montreal)

Report from Manger Square, Bethlehem: Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, & Free Palestine

omar, Dimanche, Décembre 29, 2002 - 19:04

Jaggi Singh

A Christmas Eve special from Manger Square (Bethlehem) with Jaggi Singh and, in studio, Montreal squatters Andy, Caiou and others.

Discussion includes report from a peace demonstration in Manger Square, an interview with an Israeli refusenik (who refused to serve in occupied Palestine), reflections on the mainstream media spin on Christmas in Palestine, and more.

The Israeli Army is looking ...

omar, Dimanche, Décembre 29, 2002 - 18:54

Jaggi Singh

Just a small piece of news I think is important to pass on, for the record ...

I really never thought that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) would care about my presence in the West Bank, and it was easy enough getting into occupied Palestine (it was just getting into the "Israel" part of Palestine that was the hard part). With all their worries about terrorist attacks on their country, why would a professional army actively search for a lone "Canadian" writer and activist with no links whatsoever to "terror groups"? Nonetheless, I now have confirmation that the IOF is looking for me, sort of.

Entering Palestine ...

omar, Dimanche, Décembre 29, 2002 - 18:50

Jaggi Singh

December 20, 2002 -- I write this article from Beit Sahour, a Palestinian town -- no more than thirty minutes south of Jerusalem -- that has been enduring 24-hour curfew for almost one-month. Technically, I'm inside the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories. And technically, I've disobeyed an Israeli high court ruling that allowed me to stay in Israel for seven days on the very specific condition that I not visit the Palestinian territories. All this in spite of the failed attempts of the Israeli Secret Service and the Interior Ministry here to have me deemed a security threat, based on "secret evidence" presented in a closed court hearing that excluded my lawyer and me.

Update: The Case of Palestinian worker Jihad Abu Id

omar, Dimanche, Décembre 29, 2002 - 18:46

Jaggi Singh

JERUSALEM, December 19, 2002 -- In a decision described as "embarassing" by Israeli human rights observers, Palestinian worker Jihad Abu Id was denied bail today in Tel Aviv District Court.

A slow process of ethnic cleansing

omar, Jeudi, Décembre 19, 2002 - 13:40

Jaggi Singh

JERSUALEM, December 19, 2002 -- Today, in Tel Aviv District Court, a Palestinian worker, Jihad Abu Id, will be demanding his release from an Israeli prison. Abu Id has been detained for the last six months, ever since he was arrested for working in Israel without a permit.

Jaggi Singh update from East Jerusalem ...

PML, Mardi, Décembre 17, 2002 - 14:59

Jaggi Singh

This is a email from Jaggi Singh that was posted on the list.

First, thanks to all of you who helped support me while I was detained by Israeli security. Your efforts were really overwhelming (both in Palestine/Israel, and back in Canada). Nothing to say except thanks for your solidarity.


Seattle, Gênes... et maintenant Florence

Carl Desjardins, Dimanche, Décembre 15, 2002 - 12:45

<b>Peter Wahl</b>

L'affluence des différentes familles politiques signale que l'acceptation d'une politique dominante s'estompe. En même temps, il devient nécessaire de trouver un aboutissement productif au pluralisme des mouvements et de maîtriser les tendances centrifuges.

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