
Politiques & classes sociales

Spying for Fun and Profit

The Oldest Soul, Jeudi, Mai 29, 2003 - 13:58

Kari Lydersen

All these ["anti-terror"] technologies raise serious questions about invasions of privacy and violations of civil liberties. They also cost a lot of money. Taxpayers fund this massively beefed up security...

Communiqué de presse - Réforme du mode de scrutin

Anonyme, Jeudi, Mai 29, 2003 - 09:20

Jean-Félix Chénier, président de MDN

Le MDN demande au premier ministre Charest un échéancier

Décriminalisation du cannabis: plus ça change plus c'est pareil

pep, Mardi, Mai 27, 2003 - 18:30

Pierre-E. Paradis

Le projet de loi C-38, déposé le mardi 27 mai à la Chambre des Communes retirera la possession simple de marijuana du Code criminel. La seule bonne conséquence de cette mesure réclamée depuis fort longtemps sera d'éliminer les casiers judiciaires indélébiles entachant les vies des jeunes contrevenants. Mais en réalité, ce projet de loi en apparence progressiste augmente la gravité des peines en cas de culture ou trafic (même lorsqu'il s'agit de quantités minimes) et ne représente en fait qu'un transfert du coût astronomique de la prohibition vers les fumeurs. C'est le principe de l'utilisateur payeur... Quoiqu'on ne parle pas ici de soins de santé ou d'éducation, mais bien de l'utilisation forcée d'un appareil répressif (policiers, juristes, firmes de surveillance privatisées) par une «clientèle» n'ayant jamais donné son consentement.

Private Water, Public Misery

The Oldest Soul, Lundi, Mai 26, 2003 - 14:40

Ann Ninan

Is water a commodity or a human right? Developing country governments that are under the charmed spell of the pro-privatization World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other multilateral organizations have come around to a consensus that water is a commodity. On the other hand...

Meet Canada The Global Arms Dealer

The Oldest Soul, Lundi, Mai 26, 2003 - 14:24

Stephen James-Kerr

When Americans think of Canadians these days, it’s usually as the laid back folks who sat out the war on Iraq. Our national myth is ‘Canada the peacekeeper,’ but it’s a myth, not a fact...

UN Backs Down on Iraq

The Oldest Soul, Vendredi, Mai 23, 2003 - 13:06

Ian Williams

The same members of the Security Council who opposed the war rolled over to support the U.N. resolution that legalizes the occupation of Iraq.

War Profiteering and Halliburton

The Oldest Soul, Vendredi, Mai 23, 2003 - 12:45

Scott Harris and Charlie Cray

Well before the Bush administration launched its war against Baghdad, U.S. corporations were lining up to win lucrative contracts for the rebuilding of Iraq...

Fight the WTO!!!!

The Oldest Soul, Vendredi, Mai 23, 2003 - 12:30

Yves Engler

Last week Liberal Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew announced that Montreal would be hosting a special meeting of the World Trade Organization in late July. As soon as this news was confirmed, Montreal area activists began preparing an appropriate welcoming for the WTO delegates...

Decoding the Media Fixation On Terrorism

The Oldest Soul, Vendredi, Mai 23, 2003 - 12:26

Normon Solomon

We're kept well-informed about how worried to be at any particular time. But all that media churning includes remarkably little that has any practical utility...

Countries Should Reject Impunity at International Criminal Court

The Oldest Soul, Lundi, Mai 19, 2003 - 19:01

Amnesty Internatinal

Amnesty International today urged Albania and Macedonia not to bow to US pressure and reject impunity agreements on the International Criminal Court...

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