

El espejo de Uribe

Anonyme, Vendredi, Août 28, 2009 - 17:46

Atilio Boron


NIGER: Morou en Bastille

Anonyme, Vendredi, Août 28, 2009 - 14:24

Chaque despotisme a besoin d’une Bastille. Le Maroc de Hassan II eut Tazmamart, la Guinée de Sékou Touré eut le Camp Boiro, la terrible autocratie des Tsars et de Joseph Staline eut les goulags de la Sibérie, et, lorsqu’elle entra en conflit avec ses propres principes, la démocratie américaine usa de Guantanamo. Le despotisme naissant du Niger a, déjà tout préparée, la « Maison de Haute Sécurité de Koutou Kalé », aménagée sous le gouvernement pourtant apparemment civilisé de la 5ème République.

The United States Now Validates Its Universal Image As The Ominous & Ubiquitous Enemy of Mankind

Anonyme, Jeudi, Août 27, 2009 - 16:39


The people must be prepared for the expansion of the United States of America's global war .

Le Procès des Trente

Anonyme, Jeudi, Août 27, 2009 - 07:05

Editions Antisociales

Le Procès des Trente
Notes pour servir à l'histoire de ce temps : 1892-1894

par Sébastien Faure

Vient de paraître aux Editions Antisociales

Government admits evidence in Charkaoui's file is "insufficient"

Anonyme, Vendredi, Août 21, 2009 - 08:02

Coalition Justice pour Adil Charkaoui

Montreal, 21 August 2009 – The Federal government has admitted that there is insufficient evidence in Adil Charkaoui’s file to uphold the security certificate against him. The startling admission was filed with the Federal Court on July 31st.

Le gouvernement admet que la preuve dans le dossier Charkaoui est insuffisante

Anonyme, Vendredi, Août 21, 2009 - 07:59

Coalition Justice pour Adil Charkaoui

Montréal, le 21 août 2009 – Le gouvernement fédéral a avoué que la preuve dans le dossier d’Adil Charkaoui est insuffisante pour justifier le maintien du certificat de sécurité qui pèse contre lui. Cet aveu surprenant fut déposé à la Cour fédérale le 31 juillet dernier.

[Morocco] How you UN can provoke terrorism!

Sanssouci222, Dimanche, Août 16, 2009 - 11:08

Diaspora Sahraouie

Morocco thinks the status quo is in its favor. While Polisario sits and rots in Tindouf, Morocco is busy looking for oil, plundering the fish, and constantly investing in the Territory.

Israel: undemocratic repression of activists (New Profile)

Michael Lessard..., Dimanche, Août 2, 2009 - 13:48

The following is an official message from a grassroots movement in Israel named New Profile, which is part of a larger coalition of Israeli groups opposed to the occupation and repression of Palestinians and to the militarization of Israeli culture. Currently, the Israeli government is using methods that are becoming more and more repressive, which is why we feel it is important to share this with you. Below their summary of the situation, you will find links to related articles and a call to action.

Excerpts :

We would like to reiterate that police harassment of New Profile and the interrogation of eleven of our members are not isolated events. They are part of a virulent drive of state McCarthyism, a stepped-up systematic persecution of left-wing activists and voices. This drive arguably obviates the remnants of Israel's claim to democracy and parodies its ludicrous boast to representing a single democratic beacon in the Middle East. // Among human rights organizations in Israel, Adalah for instance is still preparing a report on the recent, sharp escalation in combined state and university repression of student activists and [...] will soon be publicizing their comprehensive report on state violence against activists, left-wing groups and individuals, as well as their international supporters.

Venezuela y la Guerra de Cuarta Generación

franz, Samedi, Août 1, 2009 - 19:37

Jutta Schmitt

Radio Nacional de Venezuela (RNV) celebró el Mes del Periodista a través de la participación, el debate y la construcción de un nuevo paradigma comunicacional al servicio del pueblo venezolano, principal ejecutor de la Revolución Bolivariana.

Venezuela coup d'etat rumor may herald things to come given mighty class interests

franz, Dimanche, Juillet 26, 2009 - 18:21

Jutta Schmitt

With all the problems, vices and malpractices existent in the current administration I still consider President Chavez as the very centerpiece for change in Venezuela and Latin America, and all those who are tirelessly working to make it happen, against all odds.

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