

U.S. Companies?

Anonyme, Mercredi, Juin 1, 2011 - 10:02

Sudhama Ranganathan

(This piece is written from my perspective - that of an American.) Right now the U.S. military (the military of my home country) is spread out all over the globe. There is no doubt Americans support their troops that point is never questioned and when when I say theirs I means ours as I am an American also. But why our military leaders insist we be spread ourselves out all over the map is another question entirely, one we have a right to be asking. Bob Gates said recently that cuts to US defense would hurt our military might. ( The insinuation of course was that we and of course “American Interests” would be less safe , but who exactly is he talking about?

Les anarchistes contre la classe ouvrière

Anonyme, Samedi, Mai 28, 2011 - 14:13

Il y a, chez les anarchistes comme chez les autres réformistes de la gauche du capital, cette vision que, mécaniquement, une lutte réformiste puisse devenir une lutte révolutionnaire : que des travailleurs-euses puissent transformer au cours d’une lutte un organe réformiste et bourgeois, par exemple, le syndicat ou le parlement, en un organe révolutionnaire.
Extrait de la brochure

Democracia real ya : appel aux pays francophones (a relayer)

Anonyme, Mercredi, Mai 25, 2011 - 08:04


Chèr(e)s ami(e)s

Nous souhaitons partager avec le plus grand nombre les moments inoubliables que nous vivons lors de notre #spanishrevolution, et nous appelons à ce que cette protestation s’étende au monde entier. Avec cet appel, nous encourageons la convocation de campements hors de l’Etat espagnol, et organisés par les habitants. Ici, nous sommes unis, nombreux, et nous résistons. Mais nous avons conscience que la lutte est aujourd’hui mondiale et que les voix doivent s’élever par et pour elles- mêmes.

Moyen-Orient, gaz de schiste, élections…lettre d’un sympathisant et réponse des CIK

Anonyme, Mardi, Mai 17, 2011 - 08:57

Tant qu'on vivra dans une société capitaliste nous devrons nous défendre contres ses bandits. Si on élimine l'argent et le profit pour établir une société équitable et éthique où tout abus envers dame nature sera proscrit, là nous pourrons dire que nous avons pris le droit chemin.

[theREALnews video interview] 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

CMAQ via Mic, Dimanche, Mai 15, 2011 - 23:24

TheREALnews Network (TRNN)

Ha-Joon Chang, a Korean national, has taught at the Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge, since 1990. In addition to numerous articles in journals and edited volumes, Ha-Joon Chang has published 13 authored books (four of them co-authored) and 9 edited books (six of them co-edited).

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

Video interview, with Ha-Joon Chang, in eight parts :
( April 7 to 25, 2011 )

Financial markets need to become less--not more--efficient

Despite the fall of communism, we are in fact living in planned economies

Making the rich richer doesn't make the rest of us richer

US does Not have the highest living standard

We do not live in a post-industrial age

Most people in rich countries are paid more than they should be

Companies should not be run in the interest of their owners

There is no such thing as a free market

Economics as Brainwashing and The Careerist Gets the Job

Anonyme, Mardi, Mai 10, 2011 - 13:39

Annick Eimer and Lutz von Rosenstiel

The self-regulating market, stylizing all problems as exogenous, not endogenous. equating corporate profits with community health and regarding the financial sector5 as private, not public are fatal myths as shown by Enron, Tepco, Citigroup and all tax cheat corporations. Is economics out of touch with reality? How can the financial sector be shriveled? Can the real economy survive when financial profits amount to 40 percent of corporate profits? Viva economic learning!

1er mai anticapitaliste: Ici comme ailleurs, on a raison de se révolter!

PointeLibertaire, Vendredi, Avril 29, 2011 - 10:32

Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes de Montréal

Communiqués de presse

Invitation de la CLAC-Montréal à la manifestation anticapitaliste du 1er mai 2011 à Montréal.

Invitation de la Pointe libertaire à joindre le contingent enfants et familles (Baby Bloc) à la manifestation anticapitaliste du 1er mai 2011 à Montréal.

Pour diffusion immédiate

Ici comme ailleurs, on a raison de se révolter!

Manifestation anticapitaliste à Montréal dimanche 1er mai 2011

Montréal, le 29 avril 2011 – La Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes Montréal (CLAC-Montréal) invite la population, pour la quatrième année consécutive, à exprimer sa colère contre le système capitaliste oppresseur et générateur de pauvreté, en se joignant à la manifestation organisée dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des travailleurs et travailleuses, ce dimanche 1er mai, dès 15 heures, à la Place Émilie-Gamelin (Square Berri, Métro Berri-UQAM), à Montréal.

The Philippine Government Has Failed to Address Poverty in its First Year in Office

Anonyme, Lundi, Avril 11, 2011 - 10:27

Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM)

The latest Social Weather Station (SWS) survey showing an increase in hunger is a major concern that must be taken seriously and not brushed off in a squabble over statistics. According to the March 4-7 poll 20.5% of respondents -- or an estimated 4.1 million families -- have gone hungry at least once in the past three months. This is up from the estimated 3.4 million families recorded in November 2010, i.e., almost one million extra families are going hungry today due to poverty. Along with the other examples of poverty and marginalization – such as the shocking deaths of up to 30 people in Palawan, including children, due to easily preventable ailments such as diarrhea – this demonstrates that the situation of the masses is deteriorating.

The "Mass Strike" today and tomorrow

Anonyme, Vendredi, Avril 8, 2011 - 10:36

We publish this very good text from the International Communist Bulletin of February, 2011, organ of the Fraction of the International Communist Left.
This is an lesson the proletariat will have to remember and to learn : according to the needs of the bourgeoisie and of the classes' struggle, the capitalist State can change its face. It can present itself through the form of "dictatorial", "military", "democratic", "religious and autocratic", "fascist" and even "socialist" government, but the capitalist State does not but carry on being a weapon which guarantees the maintening of the regime of exploitation of the salaried work.

Internationalist Communists - Klasbatalo

Budget Bachand: la seule alternative?

Anonyme, Vendredi, Avril 1, 2011 - 11:34

Manuela Santiago-Teigeler

Les effets du budget Bachand se font déjà sentir dans la société québécoise. Pourtant, plusieurs sources semblent indiquer des possibilités d'alternatives plus équitables.

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