

Do turkeys enjoy Thanksgiving? (audio)

patc, Vendredi, Avril 30, 2004 - 00:19

Arundathi Roy

A speech by Arundathi Roy (10:04, MP3 format).

Version non-exclusive.
Copyleft please.

[...] The tradition of 'turkey pardoning' in the U.S. is a wonderful allegory for New Racism. Every year since 1947, the National Turkey Federation presents the U.S. President with a turkey for Thanksgiving. Every year, in a show of ceremonial magnanimity, the President spares that particular bird (and eats another one). After receiving the presidential pardon, the Chosen One is sent to Frying Pan Park in Virginia to live out its natural life. The rest of the 50 million turkeys raised for Thanksgiving are slaughtered and eaten on Thanksgiving Day. ConAgra Foods, the company that has won the Presidential Turkey contract, says it trains the lucky birds to be sociable, to interact with dignitaries, school children and the press. (Soon they'll even speak English!) [...]

Le Contre-Sommet Européen de Pologne continue

Anonyme, Jeudi, Avril 29, 2004 - 19:21

Z. F.

Que sait on de l'Europe à Montréal ?
Le Contre-sommet européen de Varsovie veut dire la fin d'une Europe séparée entre Europe de l'Est et Europe de l'Ouest. Les 11 pays de l'Est qui font leur entrée en Europe sont la Lituanue, l'Estonie et la Lettonie, la République Tchèque, la République Slovaque, la Pologne, la Hongrie, la Slovénie, et puis il y a Malte et la République de Chypre. Ces pays viennent s'ajouter aux 15 pays membres de l'Europe.

Voir aussi:

Rapport d'IMC-Pologne : Repression massive à Varsovie autour du sommet économique européen

simms, Mercredi, Avril 28, 2004 - 12:59


Le sommet économique européen du WEF commence demain (le 28 avril) à Varsovie, capitale de la Pologne. Bien que le contre-sommet « altermondialiste » n'a pas encore débuté, les activistes d'Indymedia-Pologne rapportent que la ville est cernée par les forces policières faisant usage des tactiques de répression habituelles, accompagnées d'une vague de paranoïa suscitée par la presse commerciale.
Selon les dernières nouvelles, des activistes pacifiques d'autres pays européens se font refuser l'entrée aux frontières polonaises sous prétextes « sécuritaires ».

Ci-bas, le rapport de Varsovie:

Les manifestants contre le sommet économique européen du WEF à Varsovie (Pologne) sont de plus en plus nombreux, mais il y a également de plus en plus de cars de police et donc de plus en plus de contrôle au faciès ...

IMC-Poland Report: Warsaw Under Lockdown for Eurocrats' Summit

simms, Mercredi, Avril 28, 2004 - 12:15

IMC Poland

As the WEF's European Economic Summit begins in Warsaw, Poland, activists in the city report that, as in Seattle, Quebec, and elsewhere, the usual methods of repression are being used to quell dissent in the name of 'security'. Thousands of police officers have been dispatched to the capital, and reports indicate that peaceful activists from other parts of Europe are being turned back at the border on bogus pretenses.

What follows is a report from

The alterglobalists slowly become numerous in Warsaw. There are also more and more of police buses coming, which results in more and more controls. The Indymedia volunteers also reach Warsaw from the other cities in Poland and abroad. We hope that the Indymedia editing room will soon be ready for writers, photographers and filmmakers. We hope, that neither our internet, nor our faith will fail ...

Infotainment Obfuscation

DOGSPOT, Mardi, Avril 27, 2004 - 15:14

David Roknich

...stories that could mean the difference between black and white in our perception of the world evaporate somehow...

The revolution in Haiti impacted an issue that will have a long-term effect on the economy of the Carribbean...

Similarly obscured is the apparent suicide of David Kelly : who had more to offer in the investigation of Iraq intelligence than time allowed. Both stories deserve a closer look.

CIA Renegade Surrenders in Haiti

DOGSPOT, Mardi, Avril 27, 2004 - 15:06

David Roknich

Professional insurrectionist and convicted murderer Jodel Chamblain surrendered to authorities in Port Au Prince. This was proclaimed as "a noble gesture" by Haiti's new Justice Minister Bernard Gousse. It was Gousse's legal team that defended Chamblain and his cohorts in the failed coup attempts of 2000 and 2001.

Proudhon - 100 000 visitas

Anonyme, Lundi, Avril 26, 2004 - 08:01

Francisco Trindade

Proudhon - 100 000 visitas

Sans mandat, Charest applique à la santé les accords du libre-échange

Sisyphe, Mardi, Avril 20, 2004 - 08:24


La loi 25 et ses corollaires ouvrent la porte aux entreprises privées. Une fois que le privé intègre le système de santé, il est là pour rester, peu importe ce qu'un futur gouvernement voudra faire. Nous devons forcer le gouvernement Charest à retirer ces lois.

Gold digging: Drilling on RMGC’s last nerve

Anonyme, Vendredi, Avril 16, 2004 - 15:30


Rosia Montana Gold Corporation/Gabiel Resources and Romanian authorities keep ignoring the law inspite of popular contestations.

Euro Brash: Why George W. Bush takes orders from Pascal Lamy

clément, Jeudi, Avril 15, 2004 - 10:59

Nicholas Kulish

Pascal Lamy, the European Union Trade Commissioner, is a 57-year-old Frenchman, a graduate of Paris' elite Ecole Nationale d'Administration, and a longtime member of the French Socialist Party. He smokes cheroots, works tirelessly on behalf of France and Europe, and his aggressive--some would say ruthless--personal style has earned him the nickname "Exocet," after a French-built missile. He is not exactly George W. Bush's or Tom DeLay's kind of guy.

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