

SEP (Canada) to hold public meeting in Montreal

Anonyme, Samedi, Mars 4, 2006 - 20:50

Saturday, March 11, at 2:30 p.m.
Centre St-Pierre, Room 202
1212 Panet,
(near Métro Beaudry)

The Socialist Equality Party (Canada) will hold a public meeting in Montreal, Saturday, March 11 on the theme “Socialism and the struggle against social reaction and imperialist war.

Réunion publique du Parti de l'égalité socialiste

Anonyme, Samedi, Mars 4, 2006 - 20:39

Samedi le 11 mars à 14h30
Centre St-Pierre, Salle 202
1212 Panet,
(près du Métro Beaudry)

Le Parti de l’égalité socialiste (section Canada) tiendra une réunion publique à Montréal, samedi le 11 mars, sur le thème « Le socialisme et la lutte contre la réaction sociale et la guerre impérialiste ».


Anonyme, Jeudi, Mars 2, 2006 - 18:41

Cette agressivité renouvelée de la Russie ne peut s'expliquer que par l'appui de la France et de l'Allemagne qui la laisse pour le moment prendre l'initiative de "l'agressivité", de l'activité militaire "ouverte", alors qu'elles restent encore dans l'ombre des manoeuvres "purement" diplomatique.

Journée internationale des femmes 2006

Anonyme, Jeudi, Mars 2, 2006 - 13:54


Le 3 et 4 mars, 2006
Université Concordia
1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest
(Métro Guy)

8 mars, 18 h (rencontre à 17 h)
Place Émilie-Gamelin
Coin Sainte-Catherine et Berri
(Métro Berri-UQAM)

--> Apportez vos bannières et vos drapeaux!

(SVP faire circuler...)

Keynes was right, if this continues, then we will all be stone dead very soon

franz, Mercredi, Mars 1, 2006 - 11:15

Franz J. T. Lee

Franz J.T. Lee

It is with great pleasure that we note that our commentaries and editorials are being discussed widely on a world scale ... in both our English and Spanish editions. Especially during the last months, many readers have increased their visits to be informed about Venezuelan democratic reality.

Resist Gloria Arroyo's new fascist dictatorship

Anonyme, Dimanche, Février 26, 2006 - 15:15

Communist Party of the Philippines

The Communist Party of the Philippines condemns in the strongest possible terms Gloria Arroyo's "State of National Emergency". The CPP further calls on the Filipino people to resist and struggle ever more vigorously to overthrow Arroyo's new fascist dictatorship.

Invasion of the Parasitic Insurers

Anonyme, Jeudi, Février 23, 2006 - 20:09


Insurance Firms are working overtime to turn Canada's health care system into the same atrocity we see just Below The Border.

3 author interviews: where does world stand?

Anonyme, Lundi, Février 20, 2006 - 22:50

gurus online

3 authors, George Zhibin Gu, Chalmers, Johnson, and Andre Gunder Frank talk about current global issues.

Venezuela: Once more, beware of the Ides of March!

franz, Lundi, Février 20, 2006 - 11:43

Franz J. T. Lee

By Franz J. T. Lee

On December 26, 2005, in a commentary "Cassandra warns: Venezuela, Beware of the Ides of March", I explained the following:

"On March 20, 2006, Iran, Nation No. 1 on the current Yankee hit list of the Axis of Evil, which finds itself just next to or before Venezuela, is scheduled to begin trading oil for Petroeuros on its own 'newly minted' Iranian Oil Bourse [IOB]."

In Venezuela, under Chavez' government, we do not live in virtual heaven ...

franz, Lundi, Février 20, 2006 - 11:19

Franz J. T. Lee

By Franz J. T. Lee

If the world is really interested in what is happening here, where I am living and working for a quarter of a century already, in "tiny" Venezuela, the question arises is it also interested in big things, in "Big Brother," in the true events that surround the bombing of the "Twin Towers," genocide in Afghanistan and Iraq, "patriot acts," and the United States' "torture chambers" around the globe?

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