
Guerre / War

BTL: Increased Tension Between the West and Iran Risks Unintended Military Confrontation

Anonyme, Jeudi, Décembre 8, 2011 - 09:06

Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions

Interview with Robert Naiman, policy director of the group Just Foreign Policy, conducted by Scott Harris

A confluence of recent events has dramatically increased tensions between the Islamic Republic of Iran and western nations. The early November release of an International Atomic Energy Agency report presenting evidence that Iran had been developing a nuclear warhead over the past decade, while also working toward long-range missile capability, provoked calls for more severe economic sanctions. A massive explosion at an Iranian solid fuel missile testing site on Nov. 12, destroying the facility, has prompted speculation that this blast and another at a uranium conversion facility in Isafahan, could have been the result of a U.S. or Israeli covert sabotage operation. The Nov. 29 Iranian student invasion and trashing of the British embassy in Tehran moved relations between the two nations to the breaking point. The embassy incident was followed by reports on Dec. 4 that Iran had shot down a sophisticated U.S. stealth reconnaissance drone over Iranian airspace.

Story continues

L'extradition illégal de Gbagbo de son pays natal!

Anonyme, Mercredi, Décembre 7, 2011 - 12:05

Robert Bibeau

Laurent GBAGBO est coupable d'avoir perdu la guerre fratricide contre Allasanne OUATTARA, le nouveau Président de la Côte d'Ivoire choisi par Nicolas SARKOZY au nom de la « communauté internationale » - lire ici le rassemblement de quelques chefs d'État représentant les anciennes puissances impérialistes occidentales décadentes.

La inmensa hipocresía de Israel: Netanyahu ataca a la Primavera Árabe “antiliberal”

Anonyme, Samedi, Décembre 3, 2011 - 09:31

Jonathan Cook, CounterPunch

Jonathan Cook

Traducido del inglés para Rebelión por Germán Leyens

Mientras las protestas volvían a resonar por todo Medio Oriente, Benjamin Netanyahu, primer ministro de Israel, presentó la semana pasada su evaluación de la Primavera Árabe. Se trata, dijo, de una “ola antidemocrática, islámica, antioccidental, antiliberal, antiisraelí”, y agregó que los vecinos árabes de Israel se “se mueven hacia atrás, no hacia adelante”.

L'excellente historienne Annie Lacroix-Riz - Vidéo récente et INDISPENSABLE !

do, Vendredi, Décembre 2, 2011 - 06:13

Aujourd'hui, je vous propose deux vidéos très intéressantes.

BTL: From Stones to Broken Bones: History of Palestinian Nonviolent Resistance

Anonyme, Samedi, Novembre 26, 2011 - 10:15

Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions

Excerpt of speech by Mazin Qumsiyeh, Palestinian professor, author and activist, recorded and produced by Melinda Tuhus

Mazin Qumsiyeh, a professor of genetics who worked at several American universities before returning to his native Palestine, is the author of four books, including his latest, “Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment.” As an activist as well as an academician, Qumsiyeh had hoped to be a passenger onboard the most recent ship convoy attempting to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza in early November, but was bumped at the last minute when the Turkish government forced organizers to reduce the number of passengers by two-thirds. Professor Qumsiyeh returned to his home in Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem, in time to present a talk on the Palestinian struggle to a group of international solidarity activists.

Story continues

Menacer l'Iran et préparer l'attaque contre la Syrie

Anonyme, Samedi, Novembre 19, 2011 - 07:57

Robert Bibeau

Régulièrement, des menaces d’attaques contre la centrale nucléaire Iranienne surgissent des officines militaires israéliennes, puis sont confirmées ou encore infirmées par l’OTAN, puis aussitôt contredits (premier type), ou corroborées (deuxième type) par des sources officielles non identifiées émanant du Pentagone, de l’Élysée, quand ce n’est pas du Bureau Ovale.

BTL: Human Rights Group Decries Israel's Imprisonment of 20 Percent of Total Palestinian Population Since 1967

Anonyme, Vendredi, Novembre 18, 2011 - 08:35

Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions

Human Rights Group Decries Israel's Imprisonment of 20 Percent of Total Palestinian Population Since 1967

Excerpt of speech, recorded and produced by Melinda Tuhus

In mid-October, Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic party that controls Gaza, agreed to a prisoner swap. One thousand twenty-seven Palestinian political prisoners were traded for the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who has been held by Hamas since June 2006. Many Israelis were horrified by the release of Palestinians, some of whom had been convicted for violent crimes against Israelis, but overall, the sentiment was one of celebration. However, some Palestinians were angry that many of the prisoners released were sent into exile.

Story continues

[USA-Afghanistan] Dressing Up Underage Boys To Look Like Girls For Old Perverts To Help Us Advance War Interests

Anonyme, Lundi, Novembre 14, 2011 - 13:57

Sudhama Ranganathan

In my country, America, as it is across the globe, Americans are angry about the state of the nation. In so many ways things are not better they're worse. Things aren't moving in a more positive direction - not currently anyway. In fact just the opposite. It isn't helping us as a nation. People are unhappy with both parties and the administration. These are what all the polls are saying and protest movements from all sides of the political spectrum, like the voice of a nation, confirm it.

Israel vs. las fundaciones

Anonyme, Dimanche, Novembre 13, 2011 - 06:56

The Independent

Limitarían las donaciones anuales a las ONG “políticas” y pondrían un impuesto del 45 por ciento a otras fundaciones.

Por Donald Macintyre

De The Independent de Gran Bretaña. Especial para Página/12.
Traducción: Celita Doyhambéhère.

Gran Bretaña se dirige a un potencial distanciamiento de Israel por los planes de una legislación draconiana destinados a frenar el financiamiento extranjero a organizaciones de derechos humanos y sociedades civiles que a veces critican la política del gobierno. Los ministros israelíes deben discutir dos de esos proyectos de ley mañana. Uno de los dos, apoyado por el primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu, limitaría las donaciones anuales a las ONG “políticas” hechas por gobiernos extranjeros a 5250 dólares. Los proyectos de ley les apuntan a las organizaciones de derechos humanos israelíes trabajando en los territorios ocupados.


Cornered in Free Libya

CMAQ via Mic, Samedi, Novembre 12, 2011 - 21:23

Karlos Zurutuza of the Inter Press Service

TRIPOLI, Nov 5, 2011 (IPS) - "We’ve walked all the way here to tell everybody that we are being treated like dogs," said 23-year old Hamuda Bubakar, among a couple of hundred black refugees protesting at Martyrs Square in Tripoli.  "I’d rather be killed here. I wouldn’t be the first, or the last."

The refugees came to protest early this week from the barracks of Tarik Matar, a makeshift camp on the outskirts of Tripoli.  "We’ve already spent more than two months in those horrible barracks," said Aisha who preferred not to give her full name.

A few days back, she said, "guerrilla fighters from Misrata (90 kilometres east of Tripoli) entered our place and took seven young guys with them.  We still know nothing about them." Several women at the camp have been abducted and raped in recent weeks, she said.

"Raise your head, you're a free Libyan", the group chanted before a stage set up for the recent celebrations.  That’s the very slogan that became almost an anthem for the rebels who rose against Gaddafi. Read the article »»

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