caricatureAnonyme, Lundi, Février 6, 2006 - 15:19 (Analyses)
Stop Illegalization of Czech Communists!Anonyme, Lundi, Février 6, 2006 - 14:13 (Analyses | Imperialism)
Young Communist League
Stop the Ban on Czech Communist Youth! Népal: la monarchie féodale plus isolée que jamaisAnonyme, Lundi, Février 6, 2006 - 12:54
La monarchie féodale est plus isolée que jamais ces jours-ci, alors que le Parti communiste du Népal (maoïste) et les sept principaux partis qui étaient représentés dans l'ancien parlement conjuguent leurs efforts pour renverser le régime autocratique. Kirchner and the Devaluation of Science in ArgentinaEduardo R. Saguier, Lundi, Février 6, 2006 - 09:55 (Analyses)
Eduardo R. Saguier
No constructive or lasting policy which tries to make us move away from the condition of failed state could be successfully implemented --even if the CONICET inflates its permanent roll with thousands of new Investigators and the government multiplies by the hundred its budget tariffs and the percentages over the PBI (Internal Gross Product)-- if in the spaces of science, research and higher education, institutions and habits are not oxygenated, in a way to drive away from them corruption, simulation, hypocrisy, genuflection, opportunism, moral indifference and, what is more serious and lethal, the self-censorship or fear to express oneself freely. En Belgique, un procureur blanchit un régime fasciste !Anonyme, Lundi, Février 6, 2006 - 09:13 (Analyses | Repression)
Date: Le 1er février 2006 En Belgique, un procureur fédéral piétine les principes du droit pour blanchir un régime fasciste! LA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA SE MANTIENE EN PIE DE LUCHAAnonyme, Dimanche, Février 5, 2006 - 16:27
Asociación Colombiana de Estudiantes Universitarios-ACEU
Desde el año pasado en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá, estalló un conflicto originado por el intento de reforma que desde el gobierno central se quiere implantar, en una etapa que podríamos llamar de “cierre WHAT DID STEPHEN HARPER ACTUALLY WIN?Anonyme, Dimanche, Février 5, 2006 - 11:14
PERHAPS, NOT MUCH When freedom of Expression becomes a weaponAnonyme, Samedi, Février 4, 2006 - 19:55 (Analyses)
media propaganda analysis Caracas Libertarian Declaration // January 29, 2006Anonyme, Samedi, Février 4, 2006 - 10:09
CRA - El Libertario, Venezuela
Between January 23 – 29, 2006, anarchist activists gathered in Caracas for the Alternative Social Forum, coming from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. We consider it important to establish a specifically anarchist position that speaks to our experiences and exchanges. In such a spirit we declare the following: O Livro DigitalAnonyme, Samedi, Février 4, 2006 - 04:40
Francisco Trindade
O Livro Digital The Truth is the Achilles Heel of the USA, that is why it fears Chavezfranz, Vendredi, Février 3, 2006 - 16:35 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
By: Franz J.T. Lee With reference to the centuries-old lies and hoaxes of the United States of America, based on the ruling class ideology of such prominent "philosophers" like Plato, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss, in a "The Bolivarian Revolution -- An Emancipatory Paradigm for the World" lecture held in the Faculty of Law & Political Science at the University of The Andes, in Merida (Venezuela) on May 30, 2003, I stated: VENEZUELA'S FEBRUARIESJESUSNERY, Vendredi, Février 3, 2006 - 00:13 (Analyses)
FEBRUARY, 1983. Oil rich Venezuela, ruled by the "democratic" parties AD and COPEI, was enjoying the blessings of 30US$ per oil barrel and an exchange rate of 4.30 bolivares per US$. Middle class traveled to Miami, Florida more often they traveled to Isla Margarita, because plane tickets and all kind of commodities were cheaper there than in Venezuela, and better quality! Even that rich, only the rich oligarchy was allowed to enjoy the fruit of the hard oil laborers; the same commercial oligarchy who owned and controlled the food cycle: from agrarian and cattle production to distribution and consumption of elaborated products, ruining both the rural producers by paying them misery prices for their raw materials and the consumers by charging them with astronomic prices for their finished and packed foods. A great deal. When the government tried to control the prices, suddenly, the basic foods (milk, sugar, coffee, flour, salt, vegetable oil, rice, chicken, corned beef, eggs) disappeared from the shelves and people had to get in line to buy some of them, sometimes. LES PALESTINIENS ONT VIRÉ LES COLLABOS !Anonyme, Jeudi, Février 2, 2006 - 13:05 MYTHS AND REALITIES ABOUT HUGO CHAVEZ AND VENEZUELAJESUSNERY, Mercredi, Février 1, 2006 - 22:01 (Analyses)
The following is a list of myths that are being spread around the world about Hugo Chavez and things happening in Venezuela since 1998, the year he was elected under the old Constitution of 1961. Some of them you have heard of any time since then, some of them you have repeated like a parrot since you read or heard about it in your more reliable source for news: CNN or FoxNews Channel. Never mind if you nod when you hear or read them or if you keep repeating them while thinking you already know everything about what is going on down here in Southamerica, here are the real truths they don't want you to know and they will never tell you about Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Rosia gold mine starts exploitation with tacit approval from governmentAnonyme, Mercredi, Février 1, 2006 - 21:15
Rosia Montana
In Romania, a cyanide gold mine does not need any permit to exploit ore. Tacit approval of the Environment authorities is enough those days; and is as official and good and valid as any permit. The bigger the mine the more tacit approval it gets. Especially at Rosia: you just start exploiting for the social well-being. And if the Hungarian Environment Minister or EU authorities wants to visit, just explain "there is no time". Cyanide accidents have tacit approvals from the Romanian government - this is official now. Think of while watching "New El Dorado". Press release follows. Life or death class war: The ideological background of neocons in the current Bush administrationfranz, Mercredi, Février 1, 2006 - 18:52 (Analyses | Democratie)
Jutta Schmitt
By: Jutta Schmitt From the Bolivarian Studies Circle "El Momoy" we report that we have been holding our study and discussion sessions throughout 2005, but for reasons beyond our control it wasn't possible for us to elaborate the summaries in the form of our usual protocols, which are available for all on the Internet, beginning with last Sunday's session of January 22. Les desséchés de la Saint GuyAnonyme, Mercredi, Février 1, 2006 - 15:22 (Analyses)
La Guerre de la Liberté
Prière à perroquets à l'image des tartuffes visés "El burro hablando de orejas"Anonyme, Mercredi, Février 1, 2006 - 01:46 (Analyses)
Wilfredo Gutiérrez
ME DA MUCHA PENA POR EL BURRO... L’affaire CHOI-FM : conscience politique ou néo-populisme ?Anonyme, Mardi, Janvier 31, 2006 - 20:48 (Analyses)
Jean-Michel Marcoux et Jean-François Tremblay
Cet article rend compte de certaines des conclusions provenant d’un rapport de recherche construit sur la base de près de 150 entrevues effectuées auprès des auditeurs mobilisés, d’une analyse du discours entendu en onde, de la recension des lettres d’opinion dans les journaux et des données BBM - propose une interprétation globale du phénomène de mobilisation autour de la station radiophonique CHOI-FM radio X. Cuba: une obsession maladive des USAAnonyme, Mardi, Janvier 31, 2006 - 20:01 (Analyses) Depuis 47 ans, le peuple cubain est victime de la politique agressive que mènent les États-Unis qui, moyennant des attentats, des sabotages, l'encouragement de l'émigration illégale, les émissions de télévision et de radio anti-cubaines et l'appui aux contre-révolutionnaires tentent de fabriquer une opposition dans notre pays et de renverser le pouvoir révolutionnaire. La question de la conscience : base de discussionsAnonyme, Mardi, Janvier 31, 2006 - 17:07 Ce n'est pas le parti qui choisit les conditions dans lesquelles il intervient, naît ou disparaît. Au contraire, ce sont les conditions économiques et sociales qui définissent les rythmes de la lutte de classe et la possibilité d'intervention du parti qui ne peut pas se dispenser d'essayer d'être le point de référence de la lutte de classe quel que soit le niveau de celle-ci. A escola como instrumento de controlo e coerçãoAnonyme, Mardi, Janvier 31, 2006 - 14:45
Francisco Trindade
A escola como instrumento de controlo e coerção 9/11 Special - Dutch Television: "THE WAR ON TERROR IS BOGUS"forpressfound, Mardi, Janvier 31, 2006 - 03:53
Henk Ruyssenaars
For most people this Dutch TV documentary about the 9/11 drama is a shocker: it is like swearing in a church. For all the others 'in the loop' it confirms what they know and understand. Life or death class war: The ideological background of neocons in the current Bush administrationfranz, Lundi, Janvier 30, 2006 - 22:04 (Analyses | Democratie)
Jutta Schmitt
By: Jutta Schmitt From the Bolivarian Studies Circle "El Momoy" we report that we have been holding our study and discussion sessions throughout 2005, but for reasons beyond our control it wasn't possible for us to elaborate the summaries in the form of our usual protocols, which are available for all on the Internet, beginning with last Sunday's session of January 22. January 22's session was focused on the subject of mental programming and manipulation of world population by the global elite and its mass media, as a result of the most recent news: the sudden reappearing of the “messages Le retrait de Gaza par Israël :Anonyme, Lundi, Janvier 30, 2006 - 13:27 (Analyses) |
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