

NATO war summit in Quebec City April 12, 2007

Anonyme, Jeudi, Avril 12, 2007 - 18:45

Adam Davidson-Harden (original copy from Brent Patterson, Council of Canadians)

We will know more by the end of today, but CBC News is now reporting that, "Officials from countries with troops in southern Afghanistan are set to meet in Quebec City on Thursday (April 12) to talk about ways to improve the mission. Canadian Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor is expected to host the meeting, which will include military officials and defence ministers from countries that have contributed troops to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force regional command south... Security is tight at the site and officials are releasing very little information... U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates is expected to use the meeting to ask his counterparts to send more soldiers and equipment to Afghanistan." is also reporting that the U.S. will push Canada to send more troops to Afghanistan at this meeting.

-Brent Patterson, Council of Canadians

White Book: NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia

Lenin, Dimanche, Août 20, 2006 - 19:38

This is one of the most detailed official records of the war crimes perpetrated against by NATO against the people of Yugoslavia during the 1999 aggression. The book is based on the official research and investigations done by a number of Yugoslav federal and local government agencies.

Littérature de combat

vieuxcmaq, Lundi, Novembre 27, 2000 - 12:00

Nicolas Lefebvre Legault (

Une critique du petit dernier de Chomsky.

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