

Carl Desjardins, Samedi, Août 17, 2002 - 16:34


updated 09/18/2002

Meeting at the summit for the domination of market laws over education

Representatives from universities and famous institutions such as World Bank and OECD will be in Quebec City to discuss on their vision of tomorow's university. This particular vision, ruled by the capitalist corporations requierements for productivity and competitiveness, is inconsistent with a project for critical, emancipatory, accessible and egalitarian education.

Buses from Montreal
-Bois-de-Boulogne Cegep
(514)332-3200 ask Jonathan
-Maisonneuve Cegep
(514)259-9898 ask Renault

MOBseptembre website

Meeting at the summit for the domination of market laws over education

Representatives from universities and famous institutions such as World Bank and OECD will be in Quebec City to discuss on their vision of tomorow's university. This particular vision, ruled by the capitalist corporations requierements for productivity and competitiveness, is inconsistent with a project for critical, emancipatory, accessible and egalitarian education.

Join us for 2 days of actions and workshops against an education dominated by interests of private corporations.

September 18 to 20 2002
Université laval (Québec)

The days will proceed in the following way :

 Wednesday on September 18: Actions of reception against the official conference
Alternative conference on education
 Thursday on September 19: Alternative conference (continuation)
Bed-in (campus of Laval University)
 Friday on September 20: Great demonstration

For more informations contact :

AESS ; 418 656-2131 poste 6196

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9152.gif0 octets

Dossier G20
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