Anti-Capitalist Convergence Issues New Call to Actionvieuxcmaq, Jeudi, Septembre 20, 2001 - 11:00
Convergence DC Anti Capitalist (info@abolishthebank.org)
The Anti-Capitalist Convergence is continuing our mobilization in PLEASE FORWARD! For immediate releaseSeptember 20, 2001 For more information: i...@abolishthebank.org Anti-Capitalist Convergence Issues New Call to Action The Anti-Capitalist Convergence is continuing our mobilization inWashington DC September 24 through October 1. We are calling for a march againstthe growing capitalist war on Saturday morning September 29th and invite all those interested in creating a world free from terror, hate, racism,poverty and war to demonstrate our unity and vision for a better world. For the past 5 months we have been organizing a mass mobilizationagainst the fall meetings of the IMF and World Bank because of their role in enforcing global capitalism. In the process of this organizing we havebeen working to strengthen our community by making the connections between capitalism and issues local to dc. We had been planning a large,diverse and beautiful protest and were optimistic that these demonstrationswould be a groundbreaking step for the Anti-Capitalist movement. Like most people we were shocked by the events of September 11th andstopped mid-action, mid-thought, our lives interrupted and forever changed. The enormity of this crisis has affected us all. The IMF and World Bankhave cancelled their meetings and many groups have called off their events. The political climate in the United States has severely changed, emotionsare running high and the country is extremely tense. In recent days we have seen the militarization of our city, increasingly blatant racist attacksand blind patriotism. Media hysteria and government rhetoric are pushingpeople to unite through religious bigotry and nationalism. Security,particularly here in Washington, DC, has been heightened as the country prepares togo to war. The US government has failed to recognize the interconnectedness of allthe forms of violence. Bombing, encouragement of dictatorships, sweatshopsfor benefit of US corporations, third world debt, world hunger or lack of shelter and healthcare are all forms of violence. The fear anddesperation that grows from poverty and oppression is crucial to any understandingof violence throughout the world. 35,000 people die from starvation eachday even though there is enough food to feed all. Terror is still terror whether it is from death from starvation, fear of enslavement by corporations or fear of bombs or airplanes falling. Until we understandthe violence of our economic, military and foreign policies, we willcontinue to foster the conditions that make this kind of terrorism possible. We demand that no more terror or violence be perpetrated in our name. Weare a movement devoted to social justice. There is no justice to be found in retribution, war, racism, corporate globalization or capitalism itself. We condemn any and all retaliation and religious persecution of Arab, Arab American and Muslim peoples and we oppose any attack on ourconstitutional rights. We will not hand over our civil liberties to the greater good ofthe State. We strongly see the need to come together and act on our visions of the world we want to create and not on our fears. Though we came together against the Bank and Fund what we came together for is even moreimportant now. We want to continue to mobilize, though we are all uncomfortable carrying forth in the way we planned. The tactics that were ideal to the original situation will not have the same effects at this time. We areno longer calling militant blocs or actions. We will take action toinspire, motivate and demonstrate that a world based on needs not profit; a worldof mutual support; a world free from oppression is possible. This is a timeto come together in true solidarity, in a way that supports all thoseworking for a better world. Our plans include a convergence week starting with the opening of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence Welcome Center on Monday, September 24. All week long we will engage in skill shares, art, organizing meetings and outreach. At a time when many people think that war is the answer to violence talking to our neighbors will be a revolutionary act. We plan a Community Dialogue with people about what is happening in the world by asking them Why? We will continue to make connection between criticallocal issues like the lack of housing and healthcare and global capitalism. On Saturday morning we will hold Anti-Capitalist March Against Hate. That afternoon we will establish our Temporary Autonomous Zone to support and provide for ourselves in a caring and inclusive way. It will be a hatefree zone, a war free zone, and a capitalist free zone. We encourageeveryone to make a contribution whether it be a class for the free school, offering basic medical support, drumming, clothing swap, skill shares,performance, strategic discussions, food and more! Saturday evening we are extending an invitation to friends and neighborsto join together in a "Food Not Bombs" Community Dinner. When the state's pro-war rhetoric claims that "America takes care of it's own" yet spends billions on a war when many of its people go to sleep hungry andhomeless it's time for a change. We want to model that change. We urge people to take action together in Washington DC. Taking actionat home is equally important, however. If you cannot come to Washington, organize an action, talk to people in your neighborhood or set up yourown autonomous zone. People are rising up everywhere saying no to hate andno to war. Join with anti-capitalists and other around the world as wetake action for justice! Website: http://www.abolishthebank.org/ ==================================================UPDATED INFO ABOUT ANTI-CAPITALIST CONVERGENCE Convergence week: September 24 through October 1 Website: http://www.abolishthebank.org/Website (english): http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/Phone: 703-276-9768General: info@abolishthebank.orgHousing: housing@abolishthebank.orgLocal Issues: local@abolishthebank.orgMedia: media@abolishthebank.orgOutreach: outreach@abolishthebank.orgFunds: funds@abolishthebank.orgFood: food@abolishthebank.orgLegal: legal@abolishthebank.orgMedical: medical@abolishthebank.orgArts/Action: arts@abolishthebank.orgRide Board: rid...@abolishthebank.org Request Housing: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/request_housing.phpOffer Housing: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/offer_housing.php Maps: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/maps.html Eating guide: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/guide.html Outreach Materials: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/outreach.html Events: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/events.html Ride Board: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/transit.html Free Skool/Workshops: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/freeskool.html Local Issues Working Group: http://www.primate.net/%7Echagall/acc-local/ Donate: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/donate.html Child Care: http://www.abolishthebank.org/en/childcare.html Next Public Meeting in WashingtonSunday, September 23, 7:00 PMLocation: For Location call 703-276-9768 Ext. 7 Anti-Capitalist Convergence Welcome Center It's about time to annouce the Anti-Capitalist Convergence WelcomeCenter. The Welcome Center will open at 10am on Monday, September 24thand be open daily from 10am to 9pm from the 24th to October 1st. This isnot a place to hang out or store your belongings. This space will usedby the ACC to disseminate information about the Anti-CapitalistConvergence. Stop by to recieve updates on protests and various actionsduring the Anti-Capitalist Convergence. From the welcome center we willbe directing folks to protests, meetings, trainings, skillshares andworkshops throughout the city. You will also be able to find out how tosecure housing for your stay in DC and be directed to food servings bySeeds for Peace and various Food Not Bombs groups throughout the week.For information on anything concerning the Anti-Capitalist Convergencestop by the ACC Welcome Center at 15th and Irving Streets NW. One blockfrom the Columbia Heights Metro stop on the Green Line. We need volunteers, contact: abol...@hotmail.com if you canvolunteer to staff for a shift or two during the convergence or call703-276-9768 This space is NOT open to media or law enforcement. ------------------Anti-Capitalist Convergence Principles of Unity (These are as adapted from CLAC and CASA's principles of unity. Twogroups that organized for the FTAA protests in Quebec City.) *We are opposed to capitalism. We fundamentally reject a social andeconomic system based on the private ownership of the means ofproduction and exchange. We reject a system driven by an exploitativelogic that sees human beings as human capital, ecosystems as natural resources, and culture as simply acommodity. We reject the idea that the world is only valuable in termsof profit, competition and efficiency. *We reject the ideology of neo-liberalism, whereby corporations andinvestors are exempt from all political and social measures thatinterfere with their so-called "success". *We are anti-imperialist, opposed to patriarchy, and denounces all formsof exploitation and oppression. We assert a worldview based on therespect of our differences and the autonomy of groups, individuals andpeoples. Our objective is to globalize our networks of resistance tocorporate rule. *Respecting a diversity of tactics, we support the use of a variety ofcreative initiatives, ranging between popular education to directaction. *We are autonomous, decentralized and non-hierarchical. We encourage theinvolvement of anyone who accepts this statement of principles. We alsoencourage the participation of all individuals in working groups, inaccord with their respective political affiliations. *We organize with a regard for security culture, keeping in mind theconstant repression and infiltration of political movements by thestate. |
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