
Global Action Day Against Exxon Mobil (Esso) !

vieuxcmaq, Mercredi, Mai 9, 2001 - 11:00

René Schuijlenburg (

Soon there will be a Global Action day against Exxon Mobil because of theit Evironment-politics.. It will be a day of actions in several cities all over the world and there will be Cyberactions aswell !

The Boycott- Campaign is growing. Yesterday Greenpeace UK, Friends Of The Earth and People And Planet launched a boycott- campaign against Esso. a Exxon Mobil company in the United Kingdom.

How Exxon Mobil is Misleading Shareholders, Policymakers and the Public about Global Warming...

Exxon mobil spends lots of time and mones to get the message across that it`s not proven that CO2 causes Global Warming. In 1998 they presented a petition that was signed by 17000 "scientists". Some of these so called scientists where Ginger (Spice Girls) and some docs from the TV Show Mash. The Exxon Mobil petition was circulated by a certain Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine, an obscure body of eccentric views whose headquarters turned out to be a large tin shed!

Soon there will be a Global Action day against Exxon Mobil because of theit Evironment-politics.. It will be a day of actions in several cities all over the world and there will be Cyberactions aswell !
As a kind of warmup we start actions to make several businessmakers clear that they have to change their policy on environmental issues very fast! Every week we organise a cyberaction against some Businessmen that are destructing our planet.

This week ( 8.05.2001 - 14.05.2001 ) we ask you to write Thomas M. T. Niles ( President of the United States Council for International Business ) your opinion about the letters that Mr.Niles wrote to Mr. Bush and the Financial Times. In the Letter to Bush he thanks the US Goverment for the withdrawal of Kyoto and in the Letter to the Finacial Times he is objecting the critism of the Paper about Mr. Niles letter to Bush. E-Mail adresses,the original Letters from Mr. Niles are on our Website.

On our website you can read a lot of backgroundinformation about Global Warming, Exxon Mobil (Esso) and the Boycott- Campaign against Exxon Mobil (Esso).

Dossier G20
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