
Stop Global Warming ! Boycott Exxon Mobil & Texaco !

vieuxcmaq, Mercredi, Mai 2, 2001 - 11:00

Ron Jones (

President G(lobal) W(arming) Bush decided not to listen to the people. But he will listen to the big bosses of the Oil- Industry... Stop Global Warming ! Boycott Exxon mobil & Texaco !!!

The United States finally won´t ratify the Kyoto treaty. That´s what President Busch announced in March this year despite the anyway poor results of the Kyoto conference. Bush justified his rejection of the Kyoto treaty with him wanting to avoid anything weakening American economy. Actually he has to obey economical claims, for the big American companies have paid for his election campaingn.

Assumingly, Global warming ist the most serious threat for the survival of mankind. The United States of America are the world´s biggest producer of greenhouse gases. They produce 25 % of the worldwide emittance of Co2 with just 4 % of the world´s population.
Global warming ist becoming more and more visual. The 1990ies were the warmest decade ever with 1998 being the warmest year of all times. Less than 15 years ahead any glacier of Africa´s Kilimandscharo will be melt down. At the beginning of this year the IPCC (United Nations Intergovernmental Panel On Climatechange) found out that the poorer parts of the world´s population will suffer from the effects of global warming most. People depending highly on agriculture, fishing and forestry and especially the inhabitants of the world´s last rainforests will be doomed to watch their environment being destroyed by climate change. But whats more: anywhere in the world people will suffer from global warming. If we don´t act now climatechange will entail a higher frequency of storms, floodings and disasterous droughts. Famine will further spread out in devoloping countries, diseases will be brought up around the world and streams of refugees will be started to move.

At the time Bush was governor of Texas he had asked the biggest oil-companies like Exxon Mobil to produce a bill of „The States Clean Air Act“. The companies came down with the proposition to be allowed to rule the reduction of environmental pollution on voluntary grounds. Right at the time Bush declared this bill law in December 1988 Odessa - a town just a few miles away from his birthplace - lay under a big black poisenous cloud so thick car drivers had to turn on the lights even at daytime. And nowadays, no sooner had he moved into the White House Bush withdraws one environmental act after another. According to Senator Barbara Boxer Bush - in the U. S. widely known as „Toxic Texan“ - has „declared war on environment“.

Bush` family maintains a long-term relationship to the oil-industy, since the president of today once startet his career in exactly this business. According to the „Center of Responsive Politics“ 10 million of a total of 14 million dollars, oil-industry spent on electional campaingns went to Republican candidates. Bush was supported by most of the big oil companies, especially Exxon Mobil and Texaco, as well for his election as governor as for his presidency.

At April 5th of this year Greenpeace adressed a letter to 100 of the biggest U S companies questioning about the company´s attitude towards the Kyoto treaty and wether they support Bush` opinion. First responses have arrived now: Exxon Mobile as well as Texaco gave explicit express of their opositional attitude towards the Kyoto treaty. Both companies continue to claim a voluntary realisation of measurements to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases - unruled by any democratically legitimated administration.

How effective oil-company´s voluntary efforts and sense of responsibility in protecting envrironment and population is, is unmistakably demonstrated in South Africa, where in the vicinity of Kapstadt Texaco and Chevron run an oil refinery in a joint-venture called Caltex. The local „Table View Residents Association“ had samples of air taken in the vicinity of the site anlysed after they had found out about many people suffering from asthma and sore eyes. 16 chemical substances injurious to health were found. Caltex has not commented on the findings to this day. South Africa´s law concerning emissions does not provide threshold values for emissions but reccommendations on the measure of the „voluntarily restricted“ emisson.

In repsone to the unresponsible climate policy of President Bush and companies encouraging him in not ratifying the Kyoto treaty, we feel forced to take action: We support the consumer boycot called out at the 1st worldconference of the Green parties and we will bring this idea into public´s mind by actions and public relation, which in our opinion is of utmost importance after the German Greens, no sooner were they back from the conference, pretend no longer to know about their vote for exactly such a boycot.

If Bush is solely listening to the words of oil companies,
we have to make oil companies listen to us!
Stop global warming!
Boycott Exxon Mobil an Texaco!

We started an Boycottcampaign against several US Oilcompanies to put pressure on them in order to change their mind on supporting George Bush by his decision to withdrawal from the Kyoto- Treaty.

Dossier G20
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