
News of Summit Shutdown divides Protesters

vieuxcmaq, Samedi, Avril 21, 2001 - 11:00

J. Kelly Nestruck (

Protesters are divided as to whether the alleged cancellation of Summit of the Americas activities helps their cause.

The suspected cancellation of several Summit of the America activities today had protestors divided.
At about 5PM, protesters in the Red zone outside the Summit of the Americas began passing around the information that several of the meetings at the Summit of the Americas had been cancelled because of tear gas entering the ventilation system in several summit buildings.
"This is awesome!" said one protester, who had come up from Halifax. "I can't believe that we succeeded in bringing down the discussions. The power of the people can never be denied."
Other protesters were not so enthused with the information. "That's not good," said Alanah, a protester from Montreal. "We don't want them to stop talking. We just want to make sure that the FTAA respects democracy." She worried that this would not help advance the protesters' concerns.
There were unsubstantiated reports that tear gas had entered the ventilation systems where delegates were discussing a possible Free Trade Area of the Americas. One source inside the Summit perimeter said via cellphone that several of the meetings had been cancelled, but was not sure as to the reasons why.
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