Dispatch update for CMAQ - early morn to early afternoonvieuxcmaq, Samedi, Avril 21, 2001 - 11:00
Randy Ulch (randy@randy.guy)
Union (green) march in full swing, with yellow and red marches diverging; Jaggi Singh (CLAC organizer) arrested on 3 charges; gas, gas, and more gas; all the latest happenings in Quebec. Saturday, April 21st 2:03pm EDT There is a report that the march was going up Cote d'Abraham, the march was gassed even before they got to the gate. There is a report from sabino that the police were preparing for this offensive. 1:59pm EDT PREVOST et SCOTT: (vers 13h45) colis suspect - police est en train d'établir un périmètre de sécurité. [suspect package; police are in the process of establishing a security perimeter]. 1:55pm EDT unconfirmed: possible use of pepper spray by the police on Rene Levesque - please confirm 1:53pm EDT AIGUILLON - ST-AUGUSTIN Dispersion des manifestants. [Protesters are dispersing.] 1:49pm EDT ABRAHAM et DUFFERIN Protesters are forcing the fence. Tear gas has been launched. The air is filled with tear gas. CONFIRMED (and visible from the CMAQ) 1:44pm EDT RENE LEVESQUE Yellow March. Starts to force the perimeter. Same hot spot as yesterday. Tear Gas has been launched. 1:44pm EDT CHAREST ET DE LA COURONNE La marche est divisée en deux par les organisateurs - zone rouge et jaune vont sur cote d'Abraham et verte vers Expo-cité (centre de foires) 1:44pm EDT COTE D'ABRAHAM et DUFFERIN Union march has split and a part of it is there. There are 12-15 cops there. [CONFIRMED] 1:39pm EDT confirmé: 9 américains ont été arrêtés au coin de Langelier et Lavigne par la Sureté du Québec - motif: immigration illégale [confirmed: 9 Americans were arrested at the corner of Langelier and Lavigne by the Quebec Police for illegal immigration] 1:29pm EDT [unconfirmed] Morgan Stewart (of the Young NDPs, registered with CMAQ), has just been arrested by the police at 1:10PM at the corner of boul Charest and de l'Eglise, taken as an anarchist. 1:29pm EDT CARON ST-VALLIER The Union march is somehow separating in two [unconfirmed] 1:23pm EDT chefs d'accusation de Jaggi: - participation a une emeute, -violation des conditions, -possession d'une arme (la catapulte, qu'il dit ne pas avoir touchée) [Charges against CLAC organizer Jaggi Singh are participation in a riot, violation of conditions of parole, and possession of a weapon (a catapult, which he says he has never touched] 1:17pm EDT (francais - english to come) rapport du collectif légal : il y a eu comparution aujourd'hui de 6 personnes, dont 5 gardés jusqu'à leur enquête de cautionnement mercredi, 1 reconnu coupable va recevoir sa sentance lundi, 59 personnes sont détenues présentement. (report from the legal committee : court appearance today of 6 people arrested, of which 5 being held until wednesday. 59 people are presently being detained) 1:10pm EDT CHAREST (heading East) A march is on Charest. It's a noisy parade, probably the Union March coming from the Vieux-Port. The report says that their security is rough. 1:07pm EDT VIEUX-PORT The union march (green) has begun. 1:05pm EDT DORCHESTER AND CHAREST Smell and sound of tear gas, according to a phone call we just received. [UNCONFIRMED] 9:32am EDT BONNE NOUVELLE! une ONG de l``UNi Laval va fair un DON a CMAQ de 500$ [Good News! an NGO is going to donate 500$ to CMAQ-IMC.] 3:48am EDT i am going home to sleep. the protest outside the cmaq is still going strong. 3:32am EDT the police have just arrested two or three people [exact numbers unconfirmed], at Cote d'Abraham 3:07am EDT [Cote d'Abraham] the police have been repeatedly chased back from Cmaq, by protestors. 3:05am EDT [Cote d'Abraham] the police are advancing on the protestors using the water cannon as a deterent. 2:51am EDT As of this time, there is a water cannon up on Cote d`Abraham. 2:50am EDT 29 confirmed arrests. One released: Tony Hall. 2:09am EDT [Cote d'Abraham] the protest is still active. The police line is 800m from CMAQ. There is a fire right next to medusa there is a fire, and there are peaceful protestors in attendance. 2:00am EDT The blockade at charest est is over, and the crowd have dispersed. 1:29am EDT there is an unconfirmed report from corporate media (CNN.com) that the summit is shut down, that delegates are afraid to come out of their hotel rooms, and that people who have not arrived, have decided not to come. 1:27am EDT we have a confirmation from 911, that there is no 2 am curfew. this is according to jean pineault, a dispatcher. 1:16am EDT there has been a request from the field to find out if there is a 2 am curfew. we are calling the rcmp and the mayors office to confirm. [Later determined that there was no curfew imposed] 1:14am EDT [Stairs at Le Flurie] lots of tear gas fired on the stairs. unconfirmed reports of injuries of people on stairs because they can`t see. |
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