
Satpal Ram's letter to the international movement to free Mumia Abu Jamal

vieuxcmaq, Mardi, Mars 13, 2001 - 12:00

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Refuse & Resist released this statement that I thought y'all should look at!

Let them know there are no compromises!Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! Statement by Satpal Ram from inside Britain's Blakenhurst prison February 2001

Refuse & Resist released this statement that I thought y'all should look at!

Let them know there are no compromises!Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! Statement by

Satpal Ram from inside Britain's Blakenhurst prison February 2001
Mumia says, "there ain't no justice in it - it's just a criminal system", and that encapsulates the central ethos of the system in the United Kingdom. They will never accept that my trial and my sentence was the natural outcome of an institutionally racist system - that no one involved in the investigation or the process of judicial dispensation was interested in the truth. Since my conviction the system has compounded the original injustice by implementing third degree methods in an attempt to coerce me into accepting the legitimacy of their actions.
However, my resolve to resist the daily repression has merely become stronger.
I have before me the example of brother Mumia and the Move 9, whom I can only draw strength from.
We have to realize that "It's all one attack", and that we need to turn "Fighters on one front tofighters on all fronts ". At present there is no dichotomy in the practical policy that criminalizes the least enfranchised members of this society. The system responds to the logic of late Capitalism, which has never shied away from riding roughshod over the rights of people all over the world. At the same time it is heartening to see that, despite the crushing repression of the state, resistance to the system is alive and growing, and it shows that the human spirit cannot be suppressed.
In the fight to save Mumia Abu Jamal we cannot afford to be complacent.
If we allow the state to take his life then we are just as guilty as the very lynch mob that continues to bay for his blood. The time has now come to intensify our efforts and let them know that there are no compromises. We will not accept their terms or conditions any longer. Ultimately, the truth must prevail.
No justice, No peace!
"Till All Walls Fall"
Love and Revolution,
Solitary Brother.
Satpal Ram
"No relations of power without resistance's" - Foucault
Free Mumia Abu Jamal!
Free the Move 9!
Free all political prisoners!

Satpal has been in British prisons for over 14 years now. He was the victim of a particularly vicious, racist attack in Birmingham, England. In the course of defending himself, one of his attackers was wounded and later died. Satpal was arrested and railroaded on murder charges. Satpal completed his initial sentence 4 years ago. Satpal has appealed his own conviction and spoken out about others, like Mumia who he feels were wrongfully imprisoned. He has exposed conditions in prisons, especially protesting against "squat searching" (anal searchs) which have regularly been carried out on himself and his fellow inmates. "The Free Satpal Campaign" has been active for several years. We urge you to find out more information at and Write to Satpal at: Satpal Ram, E94-164; HMP Blakenhurst; Hewell Lane; Redditch; Worcs; B97 6QS

The Refuse & Resist! Youth Network contacted Satpal Ram after hearing about his courageous resistance to his unjust jail sentence and his solidarity with the international movement for Mumia Abu Jamal. Satpal Ram represents millions all around the globe from Bangladesh to Brooklyn who have become inspired by Mumia Abu-Jamal's resolute stance for Social Justice, speaking out to us from behind the prison walls exposing injustice, and his continued resistance in the harshest of conditions. The international campaign for justice for Mumia is now coming to a head in Federal court. This is when we must mobilize the broadest and most determined outpouring of support Stay in contact with us and watch for the announcement of the date. Be in Philly with Mumia for his Federal Court hearing! Refuse & Resist! 305 Madison Avenue, Suite 1166, NY, NY 10165 212-713-5657

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