Shell's nuclear crimesvieuxcmaq, Vendredi, Janvier 12, 2001 - 12:00
John Alfred Dyer
Co (johndyer@nuclearcrimes.com)
Shell's mass/wholesale (secret) nuclear reactor dumpings, Thornton Research Centre, Cheshire, England. For the last thirteen years I have been researching the alleged illegal disposal/dumping of a nuclear reactor/testing cell by Royal Dutch/Shell Group, at its Thornton Research Centre, Cheshire, England, in 1968. Briefly my research is that: 1. In 1968, Shell, hired known criminals (with a history of illegally disposing of nuclear 'waste'), to decommission its (secret) nuclear rector/testing cell. 2. That Shell paid the said 'criminals' a six-figure CASH sun (at today's prices). 3. That Shell's reactor/testing cell decommissioning did not go to plan. 4. That vast amounts of nuclear materials/waste (thousands of tons) was/were illegally dumped (onto an urban population), as part, consequence. In 1993, following five years of research, my findings resulted in the commissioning of a TV programme for Carlton Television (UK national broadcaster)-. A matter of days before the programmes proposed transmission Shell produced a 2900 word Narrative*, to explain away my allegations/research. Shell Narrative briefly claimed (that): 'I had got it wrong, for it was not a nuclear reactor/testing cell that had been decommissioned, rather, Shell claimed, it was a Cobalt-60 labyrinth- i.e. 'harmless' nuclear facility/waste'- this (Shell's Narrative) was/is an absolute/deliberate known lie. The actual truth (as Shell are/were perfectly aware) is that Shell’s secret reactor decommissioning, was not only criminal, in that the Group planned to illegally dump a quantity of its nuclear materials/waste, it turned from a pre-planned criminal act into as an absolute disaster. The decommissioning plan was to ‘expose’ certain identified materials/waste, in order for the ‘scientists’ from United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority- Harwell, to collect it with their specialised remote control equipment and deposit the ‘materials/waste’ in Harwell’s ‘nuclear deposit bins’, for transportation and subsequent reprocessing. The rest of the materials/waste was to have been, and was, illegally dumped. The mandatory said ‘waste’ was mainly, but not exclusively, in the form of ‘Strontium-90 pipes’, which the decommissioning contractor, sub-contractor and his foreman were informed had to be separated from the reactor’s structure. I have established that the said Strontium-90 ‘pipes’ ran from the reactors/testing cell’s outer circumference to its centre. That the pipes were arranged in a circular manner, with each pipe successively staggered, one ‘up’ the following ‘down’, next ‘up’, and so on, in a sort of wave formation. Shell’s said reactor/testing cell had a number of experimental ‘holes’, along with a removable ‘roof plug’ and resulting gantry crane. In fact, it proved impossible to separate and retrieve the said nuclear waste. As a consequence, discussions between Shell and Harwell personnel became increasingly heated. Harwell’s ‘scientists’ duly departed- empty handed, taking with them their empty nuclear deposit bins. Shell, following Harwell’s departure, then ordered and sanctioned the wholesale dumping of vast amounts of nuclear material/’waste’, including all of the ‘pipes’ and other nuclear isotopes/materials/waste’, which was planned to have been retrieved and reprocessed. Following two years of correspondence with senior Shell directors- its Chairman and Legal Head in an effort to get the Group to face up to consequences of its nuclear dumping crimes, without success. I have no alternative other alternative, other than to ‘go public’, via my WEB site. Within days of my WEB Site's launch, Shell instructed D J Freeman, the Group’s lawyers in this matter, to contact my (former) Web host ‘Easyspace’. Refusing to issue proceedings against me personally, Shell, in a quite outrageous act of censorship, succeeded in pressurising my (former) ISP into removing this entire web site from their server. It thus disappeared from the Internet. I am pleased to inform that I now have a more ethical and robust host. However, Shell immediately instructed the Group’s lawyers, D J Freeman, to get this ('new') site closed down. In a letter signed by Sajjad Nabi, Shell's lawyers have now written a’ warningthreat letter to my present (ethical) web host (see WEB site-‘Shell Challenge’). Failing to get the site censored directly, Shell's lawyers are further attempting to apply pressure to my web host's connectivity suppliers. If Shell were to succeed in this unprecedented campaign of intimidation, the entire server would be closed down, leading to an outage of hundreds of sites - simply to stop the contents of this web site becoming public knowledge! To 'jeapordise' innocent third parties while refusing to sue me is truly outrageous, unethical, the act of the coward. Shell’s nuclear dumping crimes are not going to succeed indefinitely. For Shell's lawyers latest please see- www.nuclearcrimes.com/shell_'challenge'.htm (C) 2001. The sole property of John Alfred Dyer, cannot or may not be communicated, copied or transmitted, for commercial gain, without my expressed prior agreement. john...@nuclearcrimes.com
Authors WEB site.
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