

vieuxcmaq, Mardi, Octobre 24, 2000 - 11:00

Dexter X (

in cue: protest chant "La peuple unis...
out cue: "...Je refuse et je resiste."
DEXTER X: Hundreds of protesters greeted the G20 meeting of finance ministers and national bank governors in Montreal Monday. They say the G20 are an unaccountable financial elite ignoring their calls for economic democracy.

The protest follows a weekend of teach ins and counter conferences by student groups and international NGOs, calling for the repudiation of Third World Debt and a halt to World Bank and International Monetary Fund imposed Structural Adjustment Programs. Canadian Finance Minister Paul Martin, chair of the G20, canceled his scheduled apperance at a public forum on globalization that was to open the teach in Friday. Finance ministry officials accuse the forum's organizers of being unable to guarantee security. Officials raised fears that angry protesters might throw things at the minister. Activists say Martin is afraid to face public criticism of closed door policy making that benefits corporate interests instead of protecting workers, human rights and the environment.

Groups of protesters in face paint and costumes converged in front of the Sheraton Centre, where the G20 meeting is taking place. At least one protester and a journalist were knocked to the ground and nearly trampled by police mounted on horseback. Police armoured in riot gear attacked the protesters with batons, tear gas and pepper spray, persuing the protesters through several blocks of downtown traffic. Witnesses say one protester was forced to the ground and kicked by a group of five police while other officers looked on. Police say they made 39 arrests.

Protests are scheduled for the duration of the G20 meetings which continue through Wednesday. For CKUT I'm Dexter X

Halifax Initiatives's G20 counter conference page
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Dossier G20
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