Osama bin Laden killed by US Forces/No Justice without a trialAnonyme, Lundi, Mai 16, 2011 - 13:53
Astrid Essed
Not only killing the unarmed Osama bin Laden is a warcrime, as any other human being he had a right on a fair and independent trial No justice without a trial OSAMA BIN LADEN KILLED BY US FORCES/NO JUSTICE WITHOUT A TRIAL The civilisation of a country is measured by the way they treat their enemies ''It is surprising to see how normal crime and killing has become and how it is celebrated by imperial governments'' Elias Jaua/Vice president of Venezuela http://english.aljazeera.net/news/asia/2011/05/20115241936984209.html ''"I don't know how I feel about this," she said. "I'm a Christian, and killing isn't part of my beliefs. It doesn't bring anyone back." Family member of 11 september attacks victim http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2011/05/20115352740772938.... RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL ''Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. '' http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS ''All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law........'' http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/b3ccpr.htm Dear Editor and Readers, OBAMA'S JUSTICE ''"It's not justice. It's a perversion of the term. Justice means taking someone to court, finding them guilty upon evidence and sentencing them," Robertson told Australian Broadcasting Corp television from London.'' http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/04/us-binladen-legitimacy-idUSTRE... ''"America is promoting jungle rule everywhere, whether in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan or Libya. People have remained silent for long but now it has crossed all limits." Statement of Syed Ahmed Bukhari, senior Muslim cleric in New Delhi http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/04/us-binladen-legitimacy-idUSTRE... The American president Obama, winner of the Nobelprize for ''Peace'' [2009], has a strange view on ''Justice'', declaring, that ''justice'' had been done by the US raid ''Geronimo'', killing Osama Bin Laden, and also his son, two lifeguards and an unknown woman [1] According to common judicial and humanitarian views ''Justice'' is not killing possible suspects of criminal facts [and certainly not their relatives and others], but giving them a fair and independent trial, according to international standards. ORDER FOR ARREST OR ''SHOOT TO KILL''? Fact is, that Obama has ordered the US raid ''Geronimo''. But was arrest the real aim or killing a la former president Bush? [2] According to some sources, arrest was the aim, but a National Security Officer told Reuters, that it was a killing Operation[3] To order and execute the killing of a political adversary, is, as an extrajudicial execution, a serious violation under International Law. US RAID ''GERONIMO''/FIRE EXCHANGE OR SHOOT TO KILL Official US sources have revealed, that Osama bin Laden was unarmed during the attack [4] To say it clearly: Osama bin Laden, who was unarmed, is extrajudicially executed, which is not only inhuman, but a warcrime There is an amounted criticism on this US military Operation: As well former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, as Australian human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson, have sharply condemned the American raid, calling it a violation of International Law and emphasizing everybody's right to a fair trial [6] Amnesty International declared, that US should have captured Osama bin Laden and brought him to trial, since he was unarmed The Vatican spokesman, Fr Frederic Lombardi, has also raised principle objections against the American tsumami's of ''rejoice'', justly declaring, that christians don't rejpoice ocer the death of human beings [7] Other deaths: The circumstances of the deaths of the other 4 persons are unclear, since the US statements can't be verified and several statements contradict each other US statements, that '' many people in the compound were armed'' are vague and don't reveal, whether those who were killed were armed [9] According to Pakistani official intelligence statements, there were 18 people in the compound during the American attacks, among else women and children [10] Two women, who were injured during the military operation [including the wife of Bin Laden, who was shot in the leg] were left by the Americans [after the killing operation], along with at least six children [11] What happened to them? Amnesty International wants to know the status and whereabouts of those people, who were present during Operation Geronimo [14] BIN LADEN BURIED AT SEA "That is not the Islamic way. The Islamic way is to bury the person in land (if he has died on land) like all other people." Statement Mr Sheikh Abdul Mohsen Al-Obaikan, an adviser to the Saudi Royal Court http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/04/us-binladen-legitimacy-idUSTRE... "Burying someone in the ocean needs extraordinary situation. Is there one?," he [Mr Amidhan] told Reuters. Statement of Mr Amidhan, a member of Indonesia's Ulema Council, the highest Islamic authority http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/04/us-binladen-legitimacy-idUSTRE... Another fishy point about the US operation is Osama bin Laden's ''burial at sea'' [15] Except for the US statements, there is no proof whether Bin Laden really is dead or the circumstances of his death WHO IS THE BOSS IN PAKISTAN/PAKISTANI AUTHORITIES OR THE USA The fact, that the USA didn't inform Pakistani authorities about the raid is a violation of the sovereignity of Pakistan, as the Pakistan's foreign minister rightly commented [17] The US argument, that Pakistan should have ''helped'' Bin Laden [19] is therefore not valid THe US raid against Bin Laden, without asking permission to the Pakistani authorities, shows not only arrogance and an elementary lack of respect for Pakistan, but also gives the impression, that the USA is boss in Pakistan, not the Pakistani government RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL According to International Law any suspect of an alleged crime has a right to a fair and independent trial, which includes, of course, Bin Laden However, he was already condemned by the USA for the 11 september attacks, despite the fact there was not any substantial evidence for his involvement [20] And it is commonly known, that when a statement is repeated long enough, most people, especially those who don't like to think further, will eventually believe it. When we just look at the facts there was a SUSPECT of the 11 september attacks, who should have been given a fair trial, according to international standards OSAMA BIN LADEN KILLED ''"If the Americans succeeded in killing Osama, that is no shame or disgrace. Are not men and heroes killed but on the battlefields? But can the Americans, with their media, agents, tools, soldiers, and apparatus kill what Sheikh Osama lived and died for?'' EXCERPTS FROM AL QAEDA STATEMENT ON BIN LADEN'S DEATH http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13317717 ''"America will never dream of security unless we will have it in reality in Palestine," he added. "God willing, our raids on you will continue as long as your support to the Israelis will continue." BIN LADEN: THE WAR IN HIS WORDS http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/02/bin-laden-war-words-quotes?i... If the USA hopes to crush Al Qaeda with the killing of Bin Laden, it will be a great miscalculation Politically and economically the West has always supported the Arab repressive regimes, which are now under treath of popular uprisings Especially that non wavering support for Israel [military and political by the US and political by Europe] has angried the people in the Middle East, as the bloody wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, causing tens of thousand civiian death As long as this Western imperialist policy is not changing, resistance, hatred and bitterness will grow, which stimulates Al Qaeda, especially by those people, who have little trust in the socalled ''Arab spring'', since peaceful demonstrations can send a leader home, but cause no fundamental change at political and economical level And where an uprising really takes military forms, like in Libya, the Western powers involve and ''support'' the resistance movement, serving their own interests [22] AL QAEDA/MEANS AND IDEALS The problem is not the ideals of Al Qaeda, which are fully legitimate, as the resistance against the Israeli occupation, the objections against the Arab repressive regimes as the American military presence in the Middle East What is fundamentally wrong are the means, used by Al Qaeda, since civilians and civilian goals are considered as legitimate targets, which is not only inhuman, but against the International Treaties, forbidding military attacks on ''non-combatants'' [civilians] [23] However, Al Qaeda military attacks against Western military goals are fully legitimate according International Law [24] , but Western propaganda mentions them injustly as ''terrorism'' Causes of the 11 september attacks: And hereby the very causes of the 11 september attacks are revealed Terrorism is not the Evil, but the reaction on the Evil EPILOGUE: One of the most fundamental human rights is the right to a fair and independent trial This as an example of the American assassination policy, and other warcrimes and crimes against humanity [25] will haunt the Superpower USA The right on a fair trial includes everybody, Osama bin Laden as former president Bush, who should be on trial for his numerous warcrimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, as his consent with torture [26] Kind greetings Astrid Essed [1] THE WHITE HOUSE DOSSIER http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2011/05/01/obama-justice/ THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/02/osama-bin-laden-dead-pakista... THE WASHINGTON POST http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/osama-bin-laden-killed-in-us-raid... AL JAZEERA http://english.aljazeera.net/news/asia/2011/05/20115241936984209.html REACTION OF THE SPOKESMAN OF THE VATICAN FR FREDERIC LOMBARDI THE GUARDIAN http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2011/05/02/christians-should-not-re... REACTION OF THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/06/osama-bin-laden-killing?intc... REACTION OF FIDEL CASTRO ON THE DEATH OF OSAMA BIN LADEN: ''Fidel Castro has accused the US of executing Osama bin Laden, violating Pakistani law and desecrating Muslim burial tradition in an "abhorrent" operation.'' SOURCE THE GUARDIAN: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/05/osama-bin-laden-killing-abho... REACTION OF VENEZUELAN GOVERNMENT ON THE DEATH OF OSAMA BIN LADEN: Venezuela's vice-president, Elías Jaua, said the US was using assassination as an instrument to resolve problems. "I never cease to be surprised by how crime and murder has been naturalised and how it's celebrated," he said.'' SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/05/osama-bin-laden-killing-abho... AL JAZEERA http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/features/2011/05/20115352740772938.... [2] THE TELEGRAPH http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/1340895/Bin-L... [3] REUTERS.COM http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/02/binladen-kill-idUSN02797942011... [4] BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13274176 [5] ''Bin Laden himself then resisted the troops and was shot dead, but was not armed, he [White House spokesman Jay Carney] added.'' SOURCE: BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13274176 [6] REUTERS.COM http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/04/us-binladen-legitimacy-idUSTRE... BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13318372 [7] ''The White House has said that Osama Bin Laden was unarmed but resisted capture. “Given that he was not armed, it is not clear how he resisted arrest and whether an attempt was made to capture him rather than kill him,” said Claudio Cordone.'' SOURCE: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL [www.amnesty.org] http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/questions-around-operation-ag... THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/05/bin-laden-uncomfortable-feel... THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/06/osama-bin-laden-killing?intc... REACTION OF THE SPOKESMAN OF THE VATICAN FR FREDERIC LOMBARDI THE GUARDIAN http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2011/05/02/christians-should-not-re... [8] AN OVERWIEW OF THE US RAID, WHICH KILLED BIN LADEN: BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13257330 THE NEW YORK TIMES http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/05/us/politics/05binladen.html?_r=1 THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/04/osama-bin-laden-killing-us-s... ''The scene after Bin Laden's death emerged amid graphic new details about Monday's raid, which now seems to be far more one-sided than US officials previously claimed. On Thursday it emerged that far from there being a sustained "firefight" in the compound, as senior White House officials had said, the Navy Seals drew fire from only one al-Qaida gunman and quickly killed him.'' SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/05/bin-laden-death-family-compo... [9] AN OVERWIEW OF THE US RAID, WHICH KILLED BIN LADEN: BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13257330 [10] ''According to reports attributed to Pakistani intelligence officials, 18 people were in bin Laden’s compound at the time of the US attack.'' SOURCE: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL [www.amnesty.org] http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/questions-around-operation-ag... [11] ''US officials have said that five people were killed and two women were injured – one of whom was identified as bin Laden’s wife – and that at the end of the operation the injured women were left at the compound along with at least six children. ''' SOURCE: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL [www.amnesty.org] http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/questions-around-operation-ag... [12] '' SOURCE: AN OVERWIEW OF THE US RAID, WHICH KILLED BIN LADEN: BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13257330 '' THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/04/osama-bin-laden-daughter-hel... [13] COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT 4th Geneva Convention http://www.icrc.org/ihl.nsf/FULL/380?OpenDocument In the case of the family of Bin Laden it means, that they can't be arrested or questioned by the Pakistani or US Intelligence Service for alleged crimes of Bin Laden Moreover, children enjoy special protection, which is guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child See http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/k2crc.htm [14] ''We are seeking information from the US and Pakistani authorities about how many people were in the compound at the time of the operation, what happened to them and specifically what is the status and current whereabouts of the survivors,” said Claudio Cordone, Senior Director at Amnesty International.'' SOURCE: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL [www.amnesty.org] http://www.amnesty.org/en/news-and-updates/questions-around-operation-ag... [15] THE WASHINGTON POST http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/osama-bin-laden-killed-in-us-raid... THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/02/bin-laden-body-buried-sea [16] THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/02/bin-laden-body-buried-sea REUTERS.COM http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/04/us-binladen-legitimacy-idUSTRE... [17] ''In Islamabad the Pakistani foreign ministry issued a hard-worded statement condemning the raid on Bin Laden's house as an "unauthorised unilateral action", and warned that this would not be tolerated in future.'' .................. ''In Washington, the CIA chief, Leon Panetta, said Pakistan was not informed of the assault on Abbottabad, a military garrison town, because US officials feared the al-Qaida leader could have been warned.'' SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/04/osama-bin-laden-pakistan-us ''Pakistan's foreign minister said on Thursday that US forces may have breached his country's sovereignty, raising fresh doubts about the legality of killing Osama bin Laden.'' SOURCE: PAKISTAN CLAIMS US RAID BREACHED UN RULES ON SOVEREIGNITY http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/may/05/osama-bin-laden-death-a... [18] ''As a matter of international law, one country is not free to enter another country apparently without the authorisation of that country, and intervene, whether to kidnap or kill a national of a third state," Mr Sands said.'' SOURCE: BBC NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13318372 [19] ''In Washington, the CIA chief, Leon Panetta, said Pakistan was not informed of the assault on Abbottabad, a military garrison town, because US officials feared the al-Qaida leader could have been warned.'' SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/04/osama-bin-laden-pakistan-us [20] GEORGE WASHINGTON BLOGSPOT http://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2010/11/chomsky-no-evidence-that-a... [21] THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM AND THE IDEOLOGY OF TRANSFER http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=729041 BLOCKADE ON GAZA/CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY http://malta.indymedia.org/node/131 ISRAELI ATTACKS ON GAZA/DIRTY WAR AGAINST THE PALESTINIAN CIVILIAN POPULATION http://chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/85520/index.php [22] MILITARY ACTIONS AGAINST LIBYA/RESISTANCE MUST RELY ON OWN STRENGTH http://argentina.indymedia.org/news/2011/03/775926.php [23] ARTICLE 7, BASIC RULES OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IN ARMED CONFLICTS 7 - Parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants in order to spare civilian population and property. Neither the civilian population as such nor civilian persons shall be the object of attack. Attacks shall be directed solely against military objectives. http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/misc/basic-rules-ihl-311288.... [24] ARTICLE 7, BASIC RULES OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW IN ARMED CONFLICTS 7 - Parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants in order to spare civilian population and property. Neither the civilian population as such nor civilian persons shall be the object of attack. Attacks shall be directed solely against military objectives. http://www.icrc.org/eng/resources/documents/misc/basic-rules-ihl-311288.... [25] See for American crimes against humanity the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which caused more than 400.000 civilian death The USA is the only country in the world, that actually used nuclear weapons on civilian goals in a war [26] MAIL ONLINE GEORGE W BUSH CANCELS VISIT TO SWISS CHARITY GALA OVER FEARS HE COULD BE ARRESTED ON TORTURE CHARGES 6 FEBRUARY 2011 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1354211/George-W-Bush-cancels-Sw... |
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