Justice for Quilem Registre! Attend the hearings of the police ethics committee, May 10 to June 30!!François Du Canal, Samedi, Mai 7, 2011 - 13:09 As you probably know, Quilem Registre lost his life in octobre 2007 after being Tasered 6 times by police in less than a minute in the St-Michel district. Since 4 and a half years, the Registre family is struggling to denounce this police killing that went unpunished. The two Montreal police officers involved in the death of Quilem, Yannick Bordeleau (badge number 3837) and Steve Thibert (5169), will have to appear in front of the police ethics committee starting next tuesday, May 10th, 2011. All in all, 24 days of hearings have been set, from May 10 to June 30, 2011 (see the dates below). The hearings will take place at 500 Rene-Levesque West, 6th floor, office 6.100 (Square Victoria metro), starting at 9:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon. The moment has now come to show your support to the Registre family and you opposition to police killings and impunity by coming to those hearings of the police ethics committee. As you probably know, Quilem Registre lost his life in octobre 2007 after being Tasered 6 times by police in less than a minute in the St-Michel district. Since 4 and a half years, the Registre family is struggling to denounce this police killing that went unpunished. They also asked amongst other things the end of the use of Tasers, as well as the end of police brutality and of impunity for the victims of police killings. The Registre family took part in many demonstrations to support other families of people killed by police: Hoodstock 2009 and 2010, the Forum Against Police Violence and Impunity, the march Justice for the Victims of Police Killings around october 22, 2010, etc. The two Montreal police officers involved in the death of Quilem, Yannick Bordeleau (badge number 3837) and Steve Thibert (5169), will have to appear in front of the police ethics committee starting next tuesday, May 10th, 2011. All in all, 24 days of hearings have been set, from May 10 to June 30, 2011 (see the dates below). The hearings will take place at 500 Rene-Levesque West, 6th floor, office 6.100 (Square Victoria metro), starting at 9:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon. The moment has now come to show your support to the Registre family and you opposition to police killings and impunity by coming to those hearings of the police ethics committee. It is important that the supporters of the family are there to the hearings to show that they are not alone and also to take notes and document these hearings ourselves, to make our own independant report (without relying on the mass media). Thank you to contact me if you can help to cover those hearings: fran...@quebecemail.com Note that the lawyer who will represent the killer cops in this case is no other than Pierre Dupras, the same who was representing killer cop Jean-Loup Lapointe, killer cop Yannick Bernier (who killed Mohamed Anas Bennis), the killer cops involved in the death of Michel Berniquez, etc. etc. SUMMARY OF THE CASE On octobre 14th, 2007, around 9PM, the officers Bordeleau and Thibert stop Quilem Registre in the St-Michel disctrict supposedly because he didn't respect a stop sign with his car. Officer Bordeleau Tasers him 6 times in 53 seconds. After spending four days in a coma, Quilem dies at the Sacre-Coeur hospital four days later, on October 18th, at 3:35AM. On December 15th, 2007, about 80 people take part in a march called by the Registre family to denounce this police killing. Febuary 2008, public launch of a Coalition to ask for a Moratorium on the use of Tasers (later, they will ask for a total stop of Tasers). On June 9th, 2008, government lawyer Francois Briere (the same who decided not to lay charges against officer Lapointe for the death of Fredy Villanueva and who was in charge of a few trials against the Mohawks of Kanehsatake) announced his decision not to lay any charges against the officers involved. August 2008, coroner Catherine Rudel-Tessier (the same who led her investigation into the death of Mohamed Anas Bennis without his family or the Justice for Anas Coalition) releases her report. This report shows that officers Bordeleau and Thibert didn't respect their directives on the use of Tasers (see below for more info). April 2010, the Public security Commission of the City of Montreal holds a public consultation on the use of Tasers. The present chief of the Montreal police, Marc Parent, who was then assistant director, defends the use of Tasers, even though a UN committee calls it a ''torture tool'' and that it is responsable for hundreds of deaths. FOR MORE INFORMATION: -Public consultation of the City of Montreal on the ''advantages and inconvenients'' (!) of Tasers (french only again): -See in particular my memoire (in french also): Francois Du Canal, ''Arretez de nous Taser!'', Declaration a la Commission de la Securite publique, 27 avril 2010, http://quebec.indymedia.org/fr/node/41002 -For more informations on Tasers (this one is in English only!): http://truthnottasers.blogspot.com/ DAYS OF HEARINGS SCHEDULED* AT THE POLICE ETHICS COMMITTEE (May-June 2011): The hearings will take place at 500 Rene-Levesque West, 6th floor, office 6.100 (Square Victoria metro), starting at 9:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon. M Tu We Th F http://www.deontologie-policiere.gouv.qc.ca/index.php?id=4&no_cache=1 *Note that it is possible that the hearings won't take place every day that was announced and that the case may be finished before June 30th. You can contact me or follow the media for more info, or call the Police Ethics Committee: 514-864-1991 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 514-864-1991 end_of_the_skype_highlighting. 659 people killed by Taser in North America! STOP POLICE KILLINGS AND IMPUNITY! |
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