
Closing communiqué: World Week for the Abolition of Meat - Jan 2011 Campaign

Anonyme, Dimanche, Mars 6, 2011 - 00:14

The past World Week for the Abolition of Meat from 22 to 29 January 2011 - the very first WWAM of the year - was a success. Varied events (such as street actions, silent demonstrations, "human" meat tray actions, protest marches...) were organized in over 70 towns and cities, mainly in Europe, but also in South Africa, in both Americas, in India as well as in Japan. These events were largely covered in the media.

Closing communiqué

World Week for the Abolition of Meat

Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,

beacause their living conditions and their slaughter cause many of them to suffer,

because eating meat is not necessary,

because sentient beings should not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily,

therefore farming, fishing and hunting animals should be abolished.

The animals killed for food represent nearly 99% of animal exploitation; that is in particular 64 billion animals slaughtered for butchery each year worldwide (seven million and three hundred thousand each hour) along with hundreds of billions of water animals.

This speaks for the utmost importance of the demand for the abolition of meat and of the struggle to popularize it throughout the world.

photograph: aboliamolacarne (Italy)

The past World Week for the Abolition of Meat from 22 to 29 January 2011 - the very first WWAM of the year - was a success. Varied events (such as street actions, silent demonstrations, "human" meat tray actions, protest marches...) were organized in over 70 towns and cities, mainly in Europe, but also in South Africa, in both Americas, in India as well as in Japan (here's the list). These events were largely covered in the media.

photograph: nea (France)

Throughout the week a large number of people all over the world organized numerous events locally, nationwide and worldwide in order to convey in a strong and explicit manner the idea that our societies must abolish the murder of animals for the consumption of their bodies.

Even if we share the same goal as veg*ans, we are not promoting vegetarianism or veganism, we are not trying to convince each individual to personally change her/his diet. What we are aiming at is to bring on the political scene the issue of the legitimacy of animal flesh production and consumption and of their legal abolition.

We are seeking to address all citizens and start an open debate, without taboo, about this issue, on which society as a whole must take up a position. Such a debate should lead to the political decision to abolish farming, hunting and fishing.

That is the reason why another World Week for the Abolition of Meat will be organized at the end of May 2011, yet another at the end of September, and so on...

photograph: Tierrechtsinitiative München (Germany)

Link: For the abolition of meat (under construction)

Short introductory document: For a world-wide movement for the abolition of meat

For more detailed information: "Meat Abolition" brochure

International discussion group:
To subscribe, send a blank message to meatabolition-subscribe(at)

Contact: contact(at)



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