
[USA social change] Three Years of Service

Anonyme, Mercredi, Mars 17, 2010 - 19:16

Sudhama Ranganathan

We live in a world saturated with indulgences, yet for every American there are probably things about our country we would each like to see changed. Some feel strongly the environment. Others see governmental corruption and similar issues as important. Some believe cultural values are at stake and want to help society move forward according to beliefs on the country’s future.

When viewed piece by piece each issue can seem too big and impossible to overcome through individual efforts alone. That is no reason not to have a goal and put forth one’s hand. This effort would have to be genuine and accounted for in some way to be successful. For instance, if your goal is to move a mountain of beans you might want to know at the end of the day how many beans you’ve moved or how much time you put into moving them.

By yourself this mountain could be impossible to dent. At the end of your efforts some other phenomena could have moved back just as many beans back as you moved away. New ones may have replaced the ones you displaced making your efforts seem fruitless. But, if you had the idea that hill needed to be moved you’re probably not alone. Say someone else acted on that idea at the same time as you and was working on the same task as you any setbacks and obstacles may be lessened. If multiple people did the same things chances are even greater for success.

If people all over the country had the same idea and began working on those goals we might eventually see aspects of our lives and national landscape change dramatically. For the period those involved in changing our country devote themselves they would have done a great service. Supposing each person spent the same amount of time towards their work we would see a much better country at the end of that duration, and progress would have been made.

But what happens then? Without progress reversion or stagnation ensues. Supposing large numbers of Americans each take three years out of their lives to do something about fixing a problem they see. Much of what we are irritated with our elected officials for not mending may start to get fixed. Having careers and families would understandably impede most people from such undertakings and those are things we should all enjoy.

An appropriate time may be right after graduating from college. A better time for some people may be even earlier like after graduation from high school. On the opposite end after the career is done and the kids are grown and gone opportunity may present itself. These things can be done while taking a job which might not impede such an effort, or on money saved after having worked a time. However the efforts are funded it would be time well spent. These efforts could change your neighborhood, region, state, nation or even world for the better.

Using illegal means to bring about change is obviously the wrong way to accomplish the goals. It only gives any detractors you have the kind of ammunition they need to paint you as a loose canon, extremist or criminal. If you were working towards saving a particular animal species which is threatened, for instance, you may need to try and save its habitat in order to save it. There may be builders, loggers or other such interests looking to tear down the habitat to turn a profit.
If you commit a crime to achieve your goals those interests can use that crime to persuade any would be supporters you are not to be trusted.

Competing interests will most likely be well funded, connected and able to halt your chances at changing your piece of the world for the better. You may by proxy paint any others trying to accomplish similar goals as untrustworthy.

That being said, with all the people graduating from high school, college or retiring from careers each year there is a significant percentage of our population which could undertake such endeavors. Some people may found organizations to continue the work they started. Some may join organizations already in existence. Some may prefer to work on their own.

There will be those who wish to strive for a shorter period and those who go much longer than three years, say five, ten years or more. But they will all have served their country well and for those who choose not to serve in the military or who have been in the armed services and wish to do more this could be a wonderful opportunity to enrich the collective culture while enriching the individual spirit and psyche.

Every year many things go unchecked and unchanged in our country. We talk about, complain about and elect people to change these things we ourselves have the power to change. With sincerity, hard work and a little focus we can make dents which eventually change the shape of the country’s landscape. Some things can be done with physical labor others through online campaigns. You find what suits you best. Nevertheless, whatever the method we can get things done and don’t need to wait for others to help us or to find an already established group to join.

Of course people have previously put forth similar ideas to those I put forth here. My inspiration comes from something I’m involved in which will most likely take more than three years but which makes me feel fulfilled. What I’m saying is that it just takes the implementation of good will to work for a better America. Simply that can make our country even greater than it already is. Three years, it will be worth every minute.

To read about my inspiration for this article go to

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