
Founding of the Union Communiste Libertaire

Anonyme, Lundi, Novembre 24, 2008 - 23:36


Montreal, November 23, 2008 - A new revolutionary organisation, the Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL), was founded during a congress attended by over 50 delegates in the neighborhood of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. The new organisation will take over from the NEFAC Regional union in Quebec.

Reforming Process

The long reforming process of the North-Eastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC) in Quebec, which announced a will to spread organised anarchism in all of the province's regions, united anarchists from a half-dozen cities around the province under one banner. The new organisation will be composed of local collectives in the cities of Montreal, Quebec and Sherbrooke as well as Drummondville, Saint-Jérôme and Saguenay, along with links in other communities such as Trois-Rivières.

Primarily, the congress has made possible the adoption of a completely new constitution defining the united function of the new organisation which is inspired by the historical teachings of platformism. As well, a revision of NEFAC's aims and principles was made while the project of an anarcho-communist manifest is being developed. The congress also laid down the groundwork for an action plan that includes a campaign on the economic crisis which is currently unsettling capitalism.

The participants received revolutionary greetings from anarcho-communist organisations around the world, such as Worker’s Solidarity Alliance in the US, Red Libertarias in Buenos Aires and the Chilean magazine Ombre y Sociedad. The Internationale des fédérations anarchistes, the French Alternative libertaire and Common Cause in Ontario even decided to delegate members for observation.

The Union Communiste Libertaire is an organisation of militants with backgrounds in various resistance movements, who identify with the communist tradition within anarchism and who share a common goal of a revolutionary break with the established order. UCL's activity is organised around theoretical development, the spreading of anarchist ideas and intervention within our class' struggles, both autonomously and through direct involvement in social movements.

On a theoretical level, the Union Communiste Libertaire identifies with anarcho-communism principles and builds upon the theoretical foundations of that particular tradition. On a tactical level, the UCL advocates an involvement in social struggles geared towards the radicalization of these struggles and the construction of counter-powers.

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