
Call-Out to Indy Media Producers Opposed to I-69!

Anonyme, Mardi, Juin 10, 2008 - 16:11

Friends, Comrades, Artists, Writers, anyone with a Camera,

The fight against the NAFTA Superhighway in Southern Indiana is in full swing! On May 19th, the first tree sit went up in the branches. Over two weeks later, it's still there and growing! This marks the beginning of this Summer's direct action campaign against I-69... but only the very beginning. There's more to come, and we need to find ways to document and publicize everything that is and will be happening.

To that end, we have a media office that's coordinating contact with the corporate news. But we all know just how far you can trust the for-profit capitalist press. To that end, we'd love to establish a team of independent mediaistas. So if you're a photographer, videographer, web-designer, blogger, journalist, editor, or researcher, we need your help.

Here are some on-going projects that you could plug into:

* The Roadblock Report, a regular newsletter for allies and the general public: roadblockreport(a)

* The I-69 Media Working Group serves as a clearing house for campaign media contacts and distribution; if you want to help with press-releases, statements and media outreach, get in touch with these folks: i69media(a)

* The I-69 Listening Project is dedicated to recording the stories of the people who live along the route and will lose their land and homes to the highway. The folks bottom-lining this can be reached at i69listeningproject(a)

Those are ongoing efforts; a couple ideas for new projects include:

* Independent Media Centers (IMCs) from different regions could sign up for staffing an "anti-I-69 IMC" for a period of a week or two throughout the summer. That way, people from all over the country can come and get aquainted with the I-69 campaign; people with independent media creation skills can help train long term anti-I-69ers and local radicals; and there will be constant, quality coverage of the summer's activities. If this project happened to evolve into a Southwestern Indiana Regional IMC, that would be totally awesome.

* Form a documentary affinity group dedicated to recording the history, present and future of resistance to I-69. You might think of it as a listening project *within* the campaign, a chance to record the efforts, emotions and motivations of the folks who are dedicating weeks, months, and years of their lives to stopping this fucking road. Then package it up all pretty and distribute all throughout the land! It could be the next "Pickaxe!"

* Anything else media-related that will ensure NAFTA never gets its highway!

See you at the blockades !

Independant clearing house for Stop I-69

Dossier G20
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Vous pouvez aussi visiter ces médias alternatifs anglophones...

Centre des médias Alternatifs Toronto

Media Co-op Toronto

Toronto Community Mobilization
(en Anglais)

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