
For generalized class struggle to defeat the generalized attacks on the proletariat!

Anonyme, Vendredi, Mai 2, 2008 - 16:54


The leaflet below was prepared for this May Day by the International Communist Party which continues after more than fifty years to represent the line of the objective historical interests of the world proletariat, by keeping alive the 145 year old militant and communist tradition of Marx and Engels, the Red October of Lenin and Trotsky, the uncorrupted Communist International, the Struggle of the Left Opposition sustained by the Italian Communist Left against the Stalinist Counter-revolution which lead to today’s tragic enfeeblement and confusion of forces seeking an authentic revolutionary response to all the attacks of Capital.


The offensive by the capitalists and their states intensifies day by day. The working class finds its way blocked at every turn by the class collaboration of the trade union labour lieutenants who in the name of ‘Social Peace’ seat themselves gratefully and servilely at the obscenely over-laden banquet tables of the State and the bourgeoisie in order to betray the proletariat further into the spiral of jobs loss, destitution and starvation.

Canada, once little more than a hinterland for the provision of living cannon fodder to British and then U.S. Imperialism, now strikes out on its own militarist foreign adventures, most clearly shown by the purely imperialist and militarist role it is playing in Afghanistan and which is now so loyally reflected in the increasingly jingoist media whether owned privately or publicly. Canadian imperialism out of Afghanistan now!

As the American bourgeoisie struggles to keep the core of their economy afloat they resort increasingly to naked military imperialism and the production of means of destruction and their sale and export to disparate, often warring factions in Iraq and throughout the world. The United States has no intention of ending its wars of pillage in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere and is eager to finance them by gutting its own infrastructure and further destabilizing the world at large. The ex-Soviet Union had nothing to teach the Yankees about the ‘Command Economy’ and the Department of Defence; the largest corporation on the planet, needs only to bark its demands to become even further engorged. Smash Pentagon Capitalism! U.S. out of Iraq and Afghanistan! Dismantle all American Military Installations throughout the world!

Ceaseless speculation on every item of human consumption, the chronic exhaustion of traditional food and fuel resources has brought much of the world to famine and starvation. Agonized Haitians bake their daily ‘bread’ from mud, while marginalized Chinese toilers slowly starve as they consume ‘buns’ made from cardboard and newspaper. Every human being has the right to existence. Capitalism has no such right!

For the class struggle organization of the proletariat to defend its daily bread!

For an International Communist Party to lead these struggles
toward forging the international struggle Against Capitalism!

Abolition of the Wages System! For World Proletarian Revolution!

Editions programme, 3 rue Basse Combalot 69007 Lyon FRANCE

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