
Rebel Carnival in Ukraine

Anonyme, Jeudi, Novembre 15, 2007 - 17:45

Arthem Chapeye, Indymedia Ukraine

November 17th, Kyiv, Ukraine. People in different insurgent costumes based on grassroot organizing protest against an illegal government-sponsored construction in a World Heritage Site.
This is one the most important issues in today's Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

please take the following call into serious consideration.

President of Ukraine (with family) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Ukraine destroy UNESCO World Heritage Site

Ukraine: thousands gather in the "Rebel Carnival" in the historical
center of Kyiv to prevent the crime against history.

Recent publications in Ukrainian media traced relationship of Viktor Yushchenko and his family to the "reconstruction" plans of ancient Andriivsky Uzviz and adjacent streets, within the UNESCO-protected zone. Corrupted President administration and the government of Kyiv keep deviding the historical site among people that are close to the President, as well as Security Service (SBU) officials, members of parliament and representatives of big economic interests.

November 17: "Rebel Carnival" will be a third protest action to protect the area from construction of the "elite" housing complex. Despite two protest actions held on September 29 and November 3, 2007, there was no reaction from the government. Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuses to answer official requests from mass media. President Yushchenko keeps silence on the issue. The same goes for the city administration.

Citizens' initiative «Save Old Kyiv!» calls for all international institutions, mass media and public groups to launch a pressure campaign on Ukrainian President and MFA in order to stop the murder of history. The initiative «Save Old Kyiv» is not linked to any political or economic interests.

In 2007, in the very heart of Kyiv, at the location of the ancient "city of Volodymyr", Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (sic!) plans to commit a crime against history and world heritage.

According to the plans, a 7-9-story residential building, with 2-level underground car parking will be built on the brink of Paysage Alley, destroying a unique historical and architectural neighbourhood.

picture of planned construction:

This construction plan is not the only a violation of national laws and international agreements on historic heritage. The unique architecture of Kyiv for the last decade has been systematically destroyed. But construction on request of the government body (Ministry of Foreign Affairs!), within the boundaries of the UNESCO-protected zone, on the place where our civilization was born, is a symbol of all illegal constructions in the city.

In 1990 architectural ensemble of Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Related monastic Buildings, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra became the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Boundaries of the protected zones were approved by the 29th session of the World Heritage Committee, held in Durban, South Africa, in July 2005.

small map of the protected zone:

same map bigger:

letter from UNESCO committe of Ukraine: the construction is within the reserve:


The city of Kyiv (Kiev) is over 1500 years old. About 1000 years ago
Kyiv was a capital of the biggest and oldest Slavic state - Kyivan

According to the legend, St. Andrew, the first Apostle of Jesus Christ
installed a cross on the Kyiv hills.

In 988 Prince St. Volodymyr started the conversion of Rus into Christianity in Kyiv.

In 1049 King Harald Hardrada founded the city of Oslo being impressed by Kyiv.

In 1051, his granddaughter Anna Yaroslavna (Anne de Kiev) became the Queen of France.

Dossier G20
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