
Callout for 5 Days of Direct Action and Economic Sabotage!!!

Anonyme, Samedi, Juillet 21, 2007 - 09:05


Callout for 5 days of decentralized direct action and economic sabotage
Across Turtle Island (North America)
August 17-21, to culminate August 20 & 21,
The days of the SPP meetings in Montebello, Québec.


Callout for 5 days of decentralized direct action and economic sabotage
Across Turtle Island (North America)
August 17-21, to culminate August 20 & 21,
The days of the SPP meetings in Montebello, Québec.

This is a call to action against the companies and governments who govern our lives through law and capital. Since the beginning of the invasion process, capitalism and state governance have perpetuated colonization on the lands of Turtle Island. This process has not stopped. Instead, it takes new forms through the neo-liberal agenda and continues under the authority of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP).

In March 2005, the SPP was initiated by Paul Martin, George W. Bush and Vincente Fox under the pretense of fortifying North American borders, thereby increasing trade opportunity. In other words, the goal is to manipulate and exploit human lives and their social contexts in the service of capital for the benefit of the ruling class.

Members of the corporate elite have in fact been given an explicit role in the SPP through a body called the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC). This sub-group of the SPP is meant to advise North American governments to what they can do to make their countries more hospitable to trade. This includes, among other things, adjusting standards in food, environmental, health, water, labour and immigration in order to synchronize North American economies. Through its design to facilitate consumption and profit, our lives are reduced to capitalist service, entrenching our existence in the misery and scarcity of a global capitalist monoculture.

The planning and implementation of this model has been continuing quietly for years, in secret and behind closed doors. And so, quietly, the experts of exploitation continue to work out strategies for imposing their will on our lives through these secret schemes. How many of their meetings and conferences must we react to before we come to envision a strategy that attacks the capitalist and state apparatuses in the larger context?

We see the SPP as only the most recent manifestation of neo-liberal colonialism. We recognize the SPP and its member corporations as enemies to freedom and self-determination. As individuals who are directly affected by the NACC’s recommendations and the SPP’s implementation thereof, it is our time to come together and work against the corporations and state leaders who would otherwise determine our lives and the lives of generations to come. The companies and governments behind the SPP must be confronted; help us to coordinate a strike at the heart of neo-liberal capitalism.

-See for a list of members of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE), a corporate lobbying group from which all Canadian members of the NACC were selected. Thomas D’Aquino, the president, has been instrumental to the SPP.
-See for a list of NACC members.
-See for a list of corporations, benefactors, state institutions and individuals who are part of the Consejo Mexicano De Asuntos Internacionales (COMEXI) think-tank that pushed (alongside the CCCE) for the creation of the NACC, and subsequently the projects of the SPP.

From August 17th to the 21st we encourage decentralized direct actions and economic disruption for the purpose of making the SPP and our resistance against it widely known. During these five days, we hope to hear of actions that will inspire further resistance to this under-the-table plot. We encourage a diversity of tactics, and propose sabotage as a potentially effective means of revolt.

These five days will be remarkable only in scope; the change that we hope to see in the world will ultimately come through sustained actions. We hope to join you in an ongoing strategy of attack against the systems that perpetually dictate the terms of our existence. Let’s do away with waiting and consider acting daily against State and Capital every day of our lives.

For now we focus on the SPP and the very real threat that it poses to our lives. May this struggle continue in the context of anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist and anti-state resistance.

In love and revolution,
Saboteurs and Visionaries Anonymous (SVA)

For info on the SPP, visit

For info on the SPP, visit

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