Northeast Anarchist Consulta in Preparation for a Spring of Resistance!Anonyme, Jeudi, Février 8, 2007 - 12:08
Converge at the Northeast Anarchist Consulta this February 24th and 25th to strategize and organize for a massive Week of Resistance this May, from our participation in May Day (May 1st) and the movement for migrant workers' rights to the Biotech Convention (coming to Boston May 6-9) and the movement in defense of the earth. Northeast Anarchist Consulta in Preparation for a Spring of Resistance! Calling All Anarchists and Anti-Authoritarians, Converge at the Northeast Anarchist Consulta this February 24th and 25th to strategize and organize for a massive Week of Resistance this May, from our participation in May Day (May 1st) and the movement for migrant workers' rights to the Biotech Convention (coming to Boston May 6-9) and the movement in defense of the earth. This new year presents us with the opportunity to come together - "red," "green," and anarchists of all stripes - and fight back against the political and corporate machine that is strangling human society and all life on this planet. We must realize that these struggles are in fact one struggle: for our lives, our rights, our future, and for liberation. This spring, the frost will crack and melt, fresh colors will bud on the trees, and bright green stems will push their way up through the soil to blossom underneath the warm sun. We, too, anarchists of the Northeast, 1. Last May Day (May 1st, 2006) the migrant workers' rights movement celebrated International Workers' Day with the Great American Boycott of 2006, striking and taking the streets all across the country to remind the politicians in the Capitol and the bosses in their offices who it is that makes this society run. This fall, migrant worker activists proclaimed another General Strike for this May Day, 2007, in protest of the unjust 2. This year, May 6th through 9th, the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) is bringing their annual convention to Boston. Our region is already overrun with the biotech corporations and their genetically modified organisms (GMO's) in our food, their bioweapons in our neighborhoods, their apartheid healthcare system, and their capitalist greed. Our kids have asthma, our night sky glows rust red, our rivers flow with their chemical waste, yet the onslaught doesn't stop. Boston's wealthy universities want to experiment with ebola and anthrax in Roxbury, and evict low-income families to make way for cloning and vivisection in Lower Allston. The corporations have made it clear whom their research will benefit, and who will suffer. Local community, environmental and animal defense activists are calling for resistance to this invasion. The first weeks of May will be full of popular mobilizations, proclaiming "No one is illegal: For a world without borders" and "No compromise in defense of our earth." As anarchists, we will not only participate in each of these movements, but we will build bridges between them, make the connections, and make our resistance relevant to our neighborhoods, workplaces, and communities. We will come together for a Black, Red, and Green Convergence in Boston this May. We will coordinate our efforts across the Northeast, and we will make this spring one to remember! Come to 33 Harrison Ave in Chinatown, Boston, February 24th and 25th, 2007, to build a united strategy, a network of cooperation, and a plan of What to do before coming to the Northeast Anarchist Consulta? In resistance, Allston/Brighton Collective for Popular Assemblies Info on May Day: Info on Biotech: Proposed schedule and agenda (suggestions and coments welcome): -February 23rd: (Friday) Social event at night Day 1 (Saturday, February 24th) 10:00: Open the space, set up, socialize 10:15: Opening speakers. (5 in total, 5-10 mins each) *Biotech industry 11:00: Ice breakers: Learn names, organizations, and goals. Finalize Agenda. 12:30: Discussion: Overview of what pre-made plans people are already 1:30: Work out scheduling and timing 2:00: Lunch (Food Not Bombs + Potluck), socializing 3:00: Brainstorming what we would like to see happen. Identify targets. 4:00: Decide on what working groups need to be formed, then form them and 5:00: Go around the room twice to ask how the day went and what should go Night time: Social event with entertainment. Day 2 (Sunday, February 25th) 10:00: Breakfast over an inspirational revolutionary film montage. *Hand out proposals for a Northeast Anarchist network* 10:30: Check in for people to vent/talk about hopes for the day 11:00: Break into working groups: identify priorities and needs, lay out 12:00: Large group: report back, discuss, work out conflicts, bring up needs 2:00: Lunch 3:00: Read and discuss proposal for a Northeast Anarchist Network 6:00: Possible community actions in Chinatown |
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