The U.S. 'War of Territory'forpressfound, Mercredi, Janvier 3, 2007 - 10:39
Henk Ruyssenaars - Ex Africa correspondent
Ethiopia's CIA-backed troops will be home from Somalia within weeks they say. Leaving Somalia, with a few criminal warlords as 'government'. Some of the CIA-paid warlords are responsible for the U.S. defeat in 1993, dragging US Marine's corpses through the streets of Mogadishu. Now UN troops make the news raping children in Sudan. THE MASSMEDIA SHOULD NOT CONFUSE 'DEMOCRACY' WITH DIVIDEND... Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - January 3, 2007 - In the 'debate' and articles in the US junta's propaganda media concerning the illegal invasion of Somalia by the U.S. (tax) paid, equipped and trained Ethiopian and Ugandan troops, the words oil, gas and/or natural resources mostly are missing. Ordered by Washington's warmongers in their 'guidelines for the media' was that via their war propaganda people should not be made to wonder about the CIA and Ethiopia's breach of Somali sovereignty.* Or think about who's doing this again or why? You're reading this on Internet because you are not supposed to know the facts about the US/CIA having another proxy war in Africa. And another quagmire and 'blowback' coming up. The story - Washington in it's ukase warned - should not be about the illegality of the CIA made invasion nor concerning the proven reserves of all natural resources in the area in this 'War of Territory'. Not a word is supposed to be said or published about the 25 billion cubic meters of natural gas in US colony Ethiopia, or the 'barrel billions' of oil in Somalia and Sudan. To the northern part Darfur - where most of the oil is and the Chinese must be thrown out - the US/NATO war planners intend to send 22.000 armed troops - so called UN 'peace keepers' to give 'humanitarian help.' The Dutch 'special UN observer' Jan Pronk was kicked out because he kept advocating the illegal and unwanted invasion of those 22.000 'UN" troops. Pronk was helping the US junta to get the oil, and not - as he claimed - to get help for the Sudanese people who needed it. It didn't matter apparently that according to The Daily Telegraph (UK) UN troops in south Sudan were raping children.* A BLOODY JOKE The often used expression 'humanitarian help' is a US/UN euphemism for illegal occupation and literally more of a yoke than a bloody joke. At first and like nearly everywhere on earth the US and it's 'special forces' with psy-ops start making local problems. Also slyly bombing friend and foe, blowing up people in markets and mosques, on ships or in air planes in 'false flag' operations to sow any form of hate and thus division among local people in the territories they want to rule. Whether it is in former USSR countries in Eastern Europe or in Africa. The people are than blamed for this US made 'civil war' and tenthousands of armed 'peace keepers' pour in to 'help. Whether the people and government of a country wants it or not. Latin America is high on the CIA/NED's hit list. With Venezuela's oil and president Hugo Chavez' humane idea's very close, it's probably next on the list of the US junta. The CIA's jackals have already been at work for a long time.* To realize the 'divide and rule' system they'll rape, torture, bomb and kill in every way possible, 'reporting' the fakes too and even filming the disasters which than always are blamed on 'al Qaeda' or something similar and unprovable. But when you ask why in the areas and countries where the US/UN is 'helping' with food etc, the life expectancy everywhere goes down, you won't get an honest answer. In extremely poor countries like Somalia and Ethiopia the US/UN, IMF, World Bank or European Union's (all the same 'firm') so called 'humanitarian help' has resulted in a deadly drop in 'life expectancy' from forty-eight years (48) to forty-three-dot-eight years. (43.8) Those fake NGO's and other 'help organisations' combined with the US war machine also 'help' them in a premature grave. Like in all countries 'they' have colonized or try to usurp for their fake 'empire' and to 'create our own reality' as the Washington 'crazies' say. UN'S MOONIE: DEATH PENALTY
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