
Chavez Reelected President of Venezuela: 61.4% of Vote

forpressfound, Lundi, Décembre 4, 2006 - 06:09

Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent

Dutch & Belgian collaborators ready for the invasion?* According to the first preliminary results from Venezuela's National Electoral Council, President Hugo Chavez won the presidency with 61.4% of the vote to his challenger's 38.4%. This is with 78.3% of the votes counted.


FPF - Monday Dec. 4th 2006 - A very good analysis of the elections in Venezuela - and how it is done - is among others offered by Latin America correspondent Gregory Wilpert via one of the best news sources concerning Venezuela which also has the latest news: - Url.:

If the US and many others by them usurped and corrupted colonies like The Netherlands, which just 'voted' too* - would use the same 'open source' software and a 'paper trail' instead of manipulated voting computers like Diebold etc. when electronically voting, as described by Venezuelanalysis' Wilpert, NO Bush or similar gangsters would ever have been 'president' anywhere or 'elected' by the mafia 'running' the States. Or in any other country using the sytem for that matter. And the global wars for profit of the US junta and its London warlords - as permanently advocated by their propagandists in the by the junta owned national and international media - would never have been possible. - []

In the 190 countries surrounding the US and it's junta, 99% of all human beings don't want any kind of war nor the immense suffering, and that's quite enough in a democratic vote. Globally it's hoped that soon the fascist's US 'evil empire' using the US and NATO war machine [] as their Golems - [] - will return to some form of a humane state with ALL criminals - of whatever nationality, wherever they are or whatever they claim - locked up with hard labor for life. Those inhuman creatures, their collaborators and their 'kill & destroy' mercenaries - everywhere on earth - deserve every second of the punishment. That also the US/CIA dictator Pinochet's heart refuses to work for him any longer pleads for the heart. A pity for the brainwashed 'fellow travelers' who say they are 'christians': the by Kissinger's group and the CIA on his bloody throne put henchman Pinochet in that case will burn in Hell forever.


All propagandists at The New York Times and similar disinformation sewers too, who like all of the other brainwashing US junta's media on the globe in the war propaganda today and as expected write sourly about president Hugo Chavez after eight years being supported by more than 60% of the people: "but the results were tainted by intimidation and other irregularities." Which is crap of course. And if Chavez had wanted to make a totalitarian state like the US out of Venezuela, he's had eight years to do so. Well; he didn't.

On the contrary, otherwise the people wouldn't vote for him. The fact that Bush's and the US popularity is comparable in figures to the size of Bush's shoes says enough. The voting in Venezuela was thoroughly checked by a heir of observers. But the US is a police state, totally under the Interior ministry's Gestapo control, and more totalitarian than the Soviet Union or East Germany with it's secret STASI police ever was.

FOX TV and it's cable sewers - to give just one example of another major US propaganda channel - as expected reacts towards Chavez's victory as the fox in the fable of Lafontaine; saying the grapes which are hanging too high, are sour...* is by the way one of the best info sources at present and writes today that Hugo Chavez is reelected as President of Venezuela with - at that moment - already 61,4% of the votes. With a voting controlled by hundreds of observers, foreign and opposition too. Venezuelanalysis: "According to the first preliminary results from Venezuela's National Electoral Council, President Hugo Chavez won the presidency with 61.4% of the vote to his challenger's 38.4%. This is with 78.3% of the votes counted.


So far, Chavez got 5.9 million votes and Manuel Rosales, the candidate of the opposition, who got 3.7 million votes. This means that Chavez got slightly more votes than during the 2004 recall referendum and about 23 percentage points more than Rosales. CNE President Tibisay Lucena also announced that as soon as 80% of the votes had been tallied, the CNE would make an announcement of who officially won the presidency. In middle and upper class neighborhoods people started booing and banging pots in protest to the announcement, while in the capital's poor neighborhoods people began launching fireworks in celebration.

A mere 20 minutes after the CNE announcement, Chavez appeared on the balcony of the Miraflores Presidential Palace, singing the national anthem to a crowd of supporters who had gathered below in the midst of a heavy downpour.

[and end] - Url.:


* VENEZUELA: Posters announcing the opposition's march against election fraud for tomorrow - 5 December 2006 - were found a week ago - Video and text in Spanish - Url.:


* Disinformation creatures from Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates, as always working for the US junta's CIA and assorted war criminals didn't succeed in Venezuela - Url.:

* US JUNTA'S PROPAGANDA PAPER 'THE NEW YORK TIMES' - Chávez Wins Easily in Venezuela, but Opposition Protests - Url.:

* Belgian & Dutch Navy involved in Venezuelan coup d'état. - Url.:

* Corrupted Dutch politicians and brainwashed dutch armed forces totally at the disposal of USA warmongers - Url.:

* CIA - THE WORLD FACTBOOK - VENEZUELA - The US (with collaborating Dutch colonies as military bases at 40 Kms from Venezuela's coastline) is very close, and imports 13% (thirteen percent) of it's oil from Venezuela. - That's why the US junta and its collaborators want it. The CIA knows exactly where the loot is. - Url.:

* The Netherlands: All elections manipulated - except one - Url.:

* Google selection concerning Venezuela & elections from the mainstream - Url.:


A fox, from Gascogne or from Normandy,
we don't know,
almost dying with hunger, going around
saw a vine-branch with grapes on
so beautiful and ripe to all appearances,
that he thought of reaching and eating them.
But after uselessly jumping and jumping
As the vine was too high for him to reach
He had a second thought,
“They're sour, I can see it,
These grapes are good just for loirs* and squirrels!

Foreign Press Foundation
Venezuelanalysis article

Dossier G20
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