BREAKING: Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo ProgramAnonyme, Mercredi, Septembre 20, 2006 - 20:16
Tom Heneghan
Maher Arar Canadian Computer Consultant that was falsely arrested in the United States and accused of being a 9-11 Terrorist actually had done private contractual work for the Canadian Government and computer simulation activity vis a vis hijacked aircraft being used as terrorist weapons. - - - IDENTIFY THE ENEMIES OF THE by Tom Heneghan September 20/06 BUSH TORTURE RENDITION PROGRAM Maher Arar Canadian Computer Consultant that was falsely arrested in the United States and accused of being a 9-11 Terrorist actually had done private contractual work for the Canadian Government and computer simulation activity vis a vis hijacked aircraft being used as terrorist weapons. CLICK TO READ THE REMAINDER. FULL TEXT - - - Political Terrorist Alert Chris Mathews, Hillary Clinton's bitch, says Hillary will run for President in 2008 aka wreck the Democratic Party once and for all. Former Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe to operate as her bagman. McAuliffe linked to Carlos Lehder noted drug lord along with James Baker III and the Mickey Mouse Eisner gang in the bribery of Florida election officials in the overthrow of the duly elected President Albert Gore's election in the year 2000 (plus 700,000 votes nationwide). McAuliffe then laundered his proceeds through a stock offering called Global Crossing, i.e. an IPO. He was tipped off on Global Crossing by none other than Daddy Bush. P.S. CNN is now reporting that George Allen is half-Jewish and been hiding it. CNN is also reporting that Wesley Clark is half-Jewish and has been hiding it. CNN is now reporting that John Kerry-Cohn is half-Jewish and been hiding it. Question to Terry McAuliffe. When will Hillary aka Dukakis in a dress tell everyone that her real name was Rodenhurst not Rodham and is half-Jewish? PPS - Is this how the Mossad works the Presidential circuit? Note: Given what happened to JFK Jr. at the hands of Hillary, Caroline Kennedy certainly will be voting for duly elected President Albert Gore in the 2008 Presidential Primaries - - - "Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to Thomas Heneghan, heroic American Patriot - - - *** if these links below do not work this explosive intel can be viewed at: http://cloakanddagger.de/ POLITICAL STOOGE WHORE ALERT FOLLOWUP POLITICAL STOOGE WHORE ALERT ANTHRAX CASE NOW SOLVED THE BOJINKA PHILIPPINES TREASON BOX INSANE TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NIGHTLY SHOCK NEWS THE WAR ON TERROR IS OVER BIN LADEN IS DEAD! POLITICAL REALITY CHECK - - - |
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