PM Steven Harper 'Oficially Endorses' murder of innocent people!Anonyme, Vendredi, Septembre 1, 2006 - 13:59
How Mr.Harper and members of his Conservative Govt. can justify using their CDN Govt. positions to officially endorse and legally exonerate Israel's murder, genocide and war crimes in Lebanon and Gaza is unknown. Prime Minister Steven Harper has, with no democratic debate, sided with Israel and pronounced that their bombing and murdering of innocent Lebanese and Palestinian people is "justified" because...? ...because Mr.Harper is tied in with Pro-Israel Zionists who are his main backers and financial supporters! How Mr.Harper and members of his Conservative Govt. can justify using their CDN Govt. positions to officially endorse and legally exonerate Israel's murder, genocide and war crimes in Lebanon and Gaza is unknown. What is known is that no other members of the Canadian Govt. (NDP, Bloc Quebecois, Liberal Party) have come out to question Harper's values or condemn his "prostituting" of his official Canadian Govt. position to war monger and to aid & abet his zionist and Pro-Israel friends and cronies!! |
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