Gaza & Lebanon: EU supports Israel shooting fish in a barrel (includes UN reports)forpressfound, Mercredi, Août 2, 2006 - 06:29
Unicef + Henk Ruyssenaars
UNICEF Executive Director reports on Lebanon:
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Amsterdam - August 2, 2006 - For all those not seeing the reality of the US/Israeli wars of terror on their TV sets, because 99% of the 'information' has gone through a 'propaganda filter': what the Israeli mercenaries and the malignant supporters of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) are doing again, and have been doing for decades, is 'like shooting fish in a barrel'. And Israeli war machine's Crime Minister Ehud Olmert, said today that Israel‘s three weeks of shooting fish in a barrel during their genocide in Lebanon, will stop only once a so called 'international peacekeeping force' is in place in southern Lebanon. ''When we have the loot'' - Olmert means to say.
Those 'UN', NATO, EU 'peace' or 'restoration' troops - or whatever 'lying logo' they carry - they do the dirty work for the US and Israel, and must here again - like in many other invaded and raped countries - give armed assistance (paid by our taxes) to keep the stolen Lebanese land and water from the Litani river in Israeli blood besmirched hands. They run the deadly risks in a proxy war for Israel. And we pay for war crimes - shooting human fish in a barrel - with the from us extorted taxes.
For those not familiar with the expression: think of Gaza or Lebanon as a barrel the IDF's 'masters' want to empty and have - http://tinyurl.com/jdz4n - and in which a lot of fish swim, which can't flee anywhere. Than use for instance an UZI machine gun - http://tinyurl.com/nt8tk - spraying the inside of the barrel with bullets to finish them all off. As daily is tried and shown by the war criminal IDF and its backers and also mentally sick supporters. It is absolutely inhuman what they are doing. But for killing psychopaths it's easy apparently.
What the IDF does in their 'Killing Fields', the by them occupied and/or invaded territories like Palestine and Lebanon, is by human observers called 'ethnic cleansing'. Like the Nazis are said to have done to the jews: the extermination/killing of as many as is possible. Now those creatures who say they are the offspring of the victims of the Nazis, are doing the same as they blame the Nazis for: they are holocausting day and night other human beings and don't care. One shouldn't generalize however, even if many jewish people are involved. There are also the very important Khazars* and a few 'front men'. The 'Master Machiavellians' are the 'London War Lords' and that was chillingly confirmed by 'Madame de Rothschild' as she called herself: "If my sons did not want wars, there would be no wars."
Killing small children always seems to have been a forte of those war criminals, and half a million or one-and-a-half million killed babies doesn't matter to them, if the price is right.*
LEBANON: CHILDREN PAYING THE PRICE OF WAR "We strongly condemn the continued targeting of civilians, particularly children," said UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman in a statement released on the day of the attack. Ms. Veneman said the fact that so many women and children were in the building that was struck was a great concern for the agency. "The untold story of what is going on in this war is that 30 per cent of those who have died are children and 45 per cent of those who are displaced are children so this is really a war that has a very, very immediate and real impact on children." - Source: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 31 Jul 2006 At the 'emergency meeting' of the European Union's foreign 'ministers' in Brussels yesterday, it was obvious that the influence of the Israeli warmongers and their ilk was forceful enough to stop an immediate 'cease fire' - as wished in an EU resolution by 99% of humanity. The normal people want the US/Israeli wars of terror to stop immediately. But the greedy 'war for profit' psychopaths of the global economy managers, want more blood turned into gold, and the costs to us - the human beings - do not matter. They never mattered apparently, nor do the lives of some million small children. The group doing this is NOT HUMAN. Doing the inhuman bidding and arms twisting for the Israeli killers and their profit making banking cartel in the EU the London cartel runs, are the (tax paid) EU 'ministers' for foreign affairs of the worst Quisling governments within the EU: England, The Netherlands and Germany. With some sly support by Tjechoslovakian collaborators and some traitors in Poland. They - those so called 'ministers' - which are just by us paid civil servants who are supposed to work fór us, NOT against us - those overdressed aberrations of humanity do even know and are well informed about all war crimes going on in the US/Israeli grab for also Palestinian and Lebanese land and the water of the Litani river. And still they shut up and obey, like dehumanized slaves. THEY SUPPORT THE US/ISRAELI ATROCITIES AND MAKE THEM POSSIBLE. THEREBY ACCORDING TO THE LAW MAKING THEMSELVES WAR CRIMINALS, FOR WHICH THEY WILL BE JUDGED. AND ALL WAR PROPAGANDISTS OF WHATEVER NATIONALITY - including the 'Chomskys' of this US/Israeli façade which is burning down - those liars falsely calling themselves 'journalists' or 'correspondents': they should immediately be thrown out by the people they with their propaganda are helping to be killed, kicked out of the countries they are helping to wreck, because without them those genocides would absolutely never have been possible. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/qdo2c GAZA CRISIS MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN AS SPOTLIGHT MOVES TO LEBANON - United Nations - August 1, 2006 The humanitarian crisis engulfing Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip is on the verge of being forgotten because of the fighting taking place in Lebanon and northern Israel, and children are suffering more than most, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) warned today. Gaza's children - estimated at more than 830,000 - "are living in an environment of extraordinary violence, fear and anxiety," UNICEF Special Representative in the occupied Palestinian territory, Dan Rohrmann, said today in a statement released in Jerusalem after he visited Gaza. UNICEF announced it is stepping up its assistance in health, education, water and sanitation programmes, as well as counseling and activities for adolescents and younger children, across the Gaza Strip. GAZA: 912 CHILDREN HAVE BEEN KILLED Mr. Rohrmann said 35 Palestinian children have been killed in Gaza over the past month, with almost a quarter of them under 10 years of age. He added that since the second intifada began in September 2000, some 912 children have been killed, including 119 Israeli children. The Office of the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) reported today that 38 Palestinians have been killed, including 7 children, and more than 130 others injured, by Israeli Defence Force (IDF) strikes since last Wednesday. Fierce fighting has continued on both sides over the past week: the IDF has fired more than 1,050 artillery shots into Gaza and Palestinian militants have launched about 70 home-made rockets into Israel. Gaza's border crossings are partially or entirely closed, while the electricity supply to the region remains erratic since the IDF destroyed a power station on 28 June. UNSCO added that its compound in Gaza was substantially damaged on Sunday night during a demonstration by an estimated 5,000 people following the IDF's shelling at the weekend of a residential building in Qana, southern Lebanon, in which more than 50 civilians were killed. Numerous UN officials, led by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, condemned that attack, which the Security Council also deplored. Most recently, today, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy, issued a statement expressing "profound shock and sadness" at the Qana attack, strongly condemning the "callous disregard for children." Ms. Coomaraswamy's office, along with UNICEF and other UN partners, has monitors on the ground in Lebanon and Israel to report on possible breaches of international obligations - including killing, maiming, denial of humanitarian access and attacks on schools and hospitals - and plans to report to the Council's Working Group on children and armed conflict at the earliest opportunity, the statement said. HR: The 'United Nations' is in coma and dying; it's organisations and troops nowadays forced to serve the US/Israeli war machine. Again: and still they shut up and obey, like dehumanized slaves? What have 'they' done to them? It can't be only the global brainwash... **************************************************************** * WHO ARE THE KHAZARS? - Url.: http://www.sullivan-county.com/identity/khazars.htm * THE 'CHOMSKYS' OF THIS WORLD - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/06/1492.php * Former Us/Israeli Secr. of State Madeleine Albright-Korbel said already ten years ago, in her comment on at least HALF A MILLION dead children through US/Israeli violence in Iraq [anno 2006 it is one million more dead children]: "WE THINK THE PRICE IS WORTH IT" - On CBS '60 Minutes' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2vmc8 FPF - RELATED: THE US/ISRAELI COLLABORATORS IN 'THE NETHERLANDS' - AS ALL OTHER MEMBERS OF THE 'COALITION OF THE KILLING' - SUPPORT THE US/ISRAELI GENOCIDES AND INHUMANITIES. THEY KEEP SILENT, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE GUILTY OF WAR CRIMES. THEY SILENCE EVERYBODY, WHILE DOING NOTHING TO STOP THE SLAUGHTER. THEY HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS. AFTER THE NUREMBERG WAR CRIMES TRIBUNALS, NAZI CRIMINALS LIKE THESE WERE HANGED BY THE AMERICANS. * Mike Whitney quote: "This is the war on terror promised to us by western, white elites who aim to control the world’s last dwindling resources and reshape the Middle East into a modern-day Israeli Kingdom." - 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - The new Israel/Pentagon Papers - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zksqh * US/ISRAELI GENOCIDE NEWS: ''MORE TIME TO BOMB'' - ESSENTIAL 6 MINUTE VIDEO - We defy anyone to watch this 6 minute video, entitled MORE TIME TO BOMB, and not be so enraged at the scale of Israel's atrocities in Lebanon and Gaza, that they commit themselves to persuade everyone they know to join the Emergency National Demonstration on SATURDAY 5 AUGUST. - 6 minute video - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/k8mm5 * RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fhln9 * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION ( contacts below ) -0- EDIT (CMAQ) : Added direct links to UNICEF & UN reports and added indentation and lines to help distinguish what are quotes from these reports and what are Henk's analysis.
Foreign Press Foundation, Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars (The Netherlands)
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