
Operation Apocalypse

Anonyme, Mardi, Août 1, 2006 - 04:54

Captain May

A former US Army intelligence and public affairs officer offers a shocking analysis of End Times Christians: They are pre-programmed suicide volunteers for the World War Three they have been taught to pray for.

Writer's note: Rather than insert references into the text, I've provided a short list of them all at the end of the essay. CPTMAY OPERATION APOCALYPSE (End-Timers & End-Game Strategy) Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing In the last week of July, just when the Israeli offensive was stalling against a tough Hezbollah resistance in Lebanon, Operation Apocalypse went into high gear in the United States. All at once the corporate media mouthpieces began to urge the American People to jump right into the quicksand war of Lebanon — and Syria and Iran, of course. Monday, July 24, CNN began to run a story from Paul Zahn about End Times Christians who were predicting billions of dead in a war that had begun with Israel's offensive in the Holy Land -- and how this was what they were praying for. Within a day the same CNN crew crowed that the End Times "Rapture meter" was at its highest level since 9/11 -- and pretended to have nothing to do with it. Tuesday morning the Houston Chronicle carried an essay by Zev Chafets, All quiet at Armageddon, but will it stay that way?, that praised the willingness of End Times Christians to see things in a one-sided, pro-Israel way, no questions asked -- to Kingdom Come, if need be. A bit later at breakfast, my dad handed me a brochure -- professional PR stuff -- passed out by thousands, paid for by pro-war money -- promising nuclear war before fall. The author, Yisrayl (Israel) Hawkins promised four billion dead and a sorting out of the elect from the remaining two billion. The idea of Armageddon is gaining traction in every part of our global war media, which now treats World War Three as a foregone conclusion. Hannity and Colmes had a guest, Cham Dallas, who prophesied (five times in five minutes) that Al Qaeda and Hezbollah were going to nuke America to bring on the great, final contest of civilizations. The nation prepares for the genocide and suicide of world war, and the media cheer-leads to doom like a Jonestown Cult. Operation Apocalypse has begun all right -- and there's no doubt in my military mind about it. False Miracles Last week's Lone Star Iconoclast presented an editorial showing that in the last decade -- particularly since 9/11 -- there has been a multifold increase in world seismic activity. It suggested that, as one possibility, the government's ultra-secret HAARP program, based in Alaska, may have been disturbing the earth's crust and climate. My own induction into this irregular research of HAARP came last summer. One of the thousands who put in with Camp Casey in August, I was returning to my hometown of Houston from Crawford the Sunday night after Katrina plowed into New Orleans -- and the locals swore that there had been operatives dynamiting the levees to drown the poor folks. Watching the huge black clouds still menacing in the east as we drove home, I told my wife that Katrina had removed Cindy Sheehan from the news for Bush. For the first time a suspicion formed and I added, “Was it meant to?�? Back home, I began to examine the most irregular meteorological data behind Katrina, and in a few days had seen enough research to conclude that it was a HAARP-induced event. Rita came next, and like Katrina followed a very distinct hot water trail across the Gulf of Mexico, as if someone had been pouring the energy it fed on into the Gulf waters ahead of it to lure it onward. It, too, served the political convenience of the Bush administration, since Cindy Sheehan was then blasting away against the war in a Washington, D.C. rally -- on the very Saturday when Rita slammed into the Texas/Louisiana coast. Like Katrina before her and Wilma after her, Rita was a category 5, and those three of them, in one season, meant that there were more super-hurricanes in 2005 than in all the previous 100 seasons combined. The three weird sister storms struck the Gulf Coast hard, resulting in record profits for the oil allies of the Bush administration. Catastrophes of convenience. Four Terror Scenarios Operation Apocalypse looks to this officer like an End Times extravaganza to launch us into the truly "global" part of our global war, rigged to explode now that Israel, our "special friend," has gone into action to clear out their ungodly Arab enemies. In order to keep the spirit of war booming along, there must be more national terrors in the near future, more proofs of End Time Armageddon for the faithful followers. My cyber-associates and I have analyzed four types of created terror. Each has its direction, and its element: Western Earth: Many believe that the Jakarta tsunami of Christmas 2004 was induced by HAARP tectonic warfare. I didn't believe it when it occurred, but do now. Further, the Pakistan quake of 2005 occurred in the middle of the three weird sister hurricanes. What are the odds? For the last half year we've been following FEMA and Homeland Security exercises along the West Coast, all of them simulating once-a-century earthquakes and tsunamis. One media outlet after another has been selling us on catastrophe programming. Disaster-industry companies are increasing their personnel in anticipation of a mega-quake that someone in the government is telling them will come soon. Does it seem like they know something we don't? Northern Wind: The Windy City of Chicago has long been in the cross hairs for a "terror" attack, as was supposedly planned as part of 9/11. When King George and Mayor Daley met in late June it made many of us think that the set-up is still on. It is interesting that two days after the Bush/Daley party, Central Illinois media and officials issued a bird flu alert, urging the public to prepare for an outbreak in September or October. State officials I contacted couldn’t explain why there was this sudden and sure warning of a pending bio-terror. They couldn't say why there would be an outbreak in Central Illinois, of all the areas in North America. They couldn't say who it was who sent out the alert -- though, alarmingly, they said that they'd been rehearsing the bio-terror scenario for over a year. Eastern Water: The Internet research community chats about the man-made hurricanes as HAARPicanes. Before the three weird sisters of 2005, there was the "Florida Four" of 2004, all of which defied all odds to hit Brother Jeb's state -- including Ivan the Terrible, which hit the state, did a circle in the Atlantic, then hit it again. The weather warriors who run the HAARP program can put the HAARPicanes where they want them, and the Florida Four show that they tested them in 2004 before getting down to business with the three weird sisters in 2005. This is bad news for New York City, where federal and local officials have been preparing for a once-a-century New York hurricane in 2006. Some officials are so sure of the pending event that we who follow weather war believe they know it's coming. If it happened, the storm surge could wash away as many impediments to urban development (i.e., poor people) as Katrina's did. People who knew it was coming would clean up on the redevelopment, of course. Southern Fire: Worldwide petrochemical powers have profited from King George’s reign, beyond all reckoning, and control the Houston area. With failed-war political pressures building toward a November election eruption against Republicans, the powers that be could turn things around immediately with a staged terror attack in a Texas petroleum town, afterwards paying off well the parties that sponsored the deed, while blaming it all on Al Qaeda or Hezbollah -- to lead the country to world war. In recent weeks the Iconoclast has published my analysis of a two-year string of petrochemical explosions in Southeast Texas, from Beaumont through Texas City and into Houston. I urge it on anyone concerned that there may be more. 8/8 and 8/28 In previous columns, I have explained the code analysis of terror event dates, and how disasters seem to frequently occur on dates with embedded numeric codes. With that in mind, the next dates to be watched are 8/8 and 8/28, for all areas, all scenarios. It's a tough road to salvation in these twilight zone days of the American Republic, in the face of Operation Apocalypse, the diabolical plot to pull together all the dark forces of our greed, fear and hatred to start a world war and call it God's Will. Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+ Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action On July 11, 2005, Captain May received emergency baptism from Fr. James Marshal and Fr. Raphael Garcia (Jesuits) in the Sagrado Corazon church of El Paso, Texas. The priests waived normal protocols because they thought it likely that May’s mission of conscience against the Bush administration would end in his assassination.
References : • Editorial, The Lone Star Iconoclast, 7/24/06: Earthquakes: Global Warming or HAARP • Capt. May, 7/17/06: 9/11, 3/11, 7/11 Terror Dates - Coincidence or Code? • Capt. May, 6/26/06: Iconoclast: 911 Truth and Texas Terror • Capt. May, 1/7/06: Earthquake/Tsunami Alert to U.S. West Coast • Capt. May, 1/12/06: Did the Bush Crime Cartel Set the First in TX & OK

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