
Why Heloisa (Brazil)

Anonyme, Jeudi, Juillet 27, 2006 - 14:17

Jacob Dend

Our existence, as sovereign Nation and organized society, is in danger. Since 1981, the national income for inhabitant stopped to progress. An entire generation never saw Brazilian development. About 65% of our young people, between 14 and 24 years, they do not study nor work.

Why Heloisa

Our existence, as sovereign Nation and organized society, is in danger. Since 1981, the national income for inhabitant stopped to progress. An entire generation never saw Brazilian development. About 65% of our young people, between 14 and 24 years, they do not study nor work. The organized crime advances. We cannot lose time no more.

PSDB governed Brazil during eight years and aggravated the Brazilian crisis.

PT did not have courage to make changes.

Between January 2002 and June 2006 the government Lula destined R$ 530 billion to remunerate financial speculators, discretly, while it used R$ 30 billion in the Program Family Bag, so divulged.

The great majority of the politicians, in the exercise of mandates, was abetter of this.

Senator Heloísa Helena was an exception.

The trajectory of Heloísa provokes commotion. Its campaign reanimates us. It allows that we meet again values that had disappeared of the Brazilian politics, as simplicity, honesty and truth.

For defending the commitments that had assumed in campaign, she was banished unjustly from PT. But she knew to react. In few months, covering Brazil, without suspected financings, remunerated canvasser, support of the great medias, she helped to collect in the streets 500 a thousand signatures of citizens and citizens, necessary to legalize the Party of Socialism and Liberty (P-SOL).

Heloísa Helena does not lie, does not steal and does not betray.

She has support of idealist militants, honest intellectuals, conscientious citizens.

Do not vote against Brazil nor annul your vote. Do help this great Brazilian Woman - mother, nurse, university teacher, senator - to fulfill its mission, that also is ours. The mission to rescue our pride of being Brazilians and to construct the country of our dreams.

Come to our campaign as you can! Congregate your friends! Talk to everyone, at home, at work, at the streets!

Help us to help Brazil, that's what we ask you. Each new vote conquered does approache us to the victory.

Heloísa Helena, 50
The President of Brasil.

- Carlos Lessa, economist.
- Carlos Nelson Coutinho, politics scientist.
- Chico de Oliveira, sociologist.
- Dom Tomás Balduíno, catholic bishop.
- Leandro Konder, philosopher.
- Guillermo Arantes, musician.
- Leda Paulani, economist.
- Paulo Arantes, philosopher.
- Reinaldo Gonçalves, economist.
- Ricardo Antunes, sociologist.
- Vital Farias, musician.
- Ziraldo, cartoonist.

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